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If Hughes is seriously paying £12m for Parker, he's lost his fucking marbles. I always liked Parker as a tough tackling midfielder and thought he got a bit of a raw deal here but twelve fucking million?!


I like how he's buying all the players Chelsea did first time round for double the price. Anyone reckon he'll give us £14m for Geremi?


I fancy the £34m for Duff personally.


Duff is shit man :lol: Wouldnt bid higher than £25 million for him if i was Hughes.

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Instead of Parker why not try for Palacios at Wigan? Or petty much any tough DM from France who would all be better than Parker.


Instead of Bellamy surely Podolski would be a more worthwhile purchase.


Mark Hughes is just another manager who talks big about British managers getting big jobs but fails miserably when the opportunity arises. Curbishley just threw away all the West Ham millions on the likes of Dyer, Bellamy and Parker and ironically Hughes is after two of the very same players.






yep, they'll gamble when the job is low profile but when the pressures on they s*** themselves and bottle it by trying to "buy proven" players


see souness, graeme


It's a fantastic point you make. Surprisingly, even Harry Redknapp is at it! He's proven he is brilliant at spotting realy good plpayers abroad for decent prices but here he is playing it a bit too safe and going after the likes of Bellamy, Downing and even defoe for crazy amounts of money.


Like you say seems to be second guessing himself now the pressure is on and going for pretty average prem experienced players at stupid prices.

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Guest kingdawson

Appiahhhhhhh :frantic: :frantic: :celb: :celb: :celb:


Why has he only just started training when he has been free for 3 months?


He's had legal issues with Fenerbache.

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Guest kingdawson

I hope after all this hoohar about him on here for the last 4 months he turns out to be sh*te.


who Appiah??  No chance.

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Has anyone even see Appiah play on a regular basis? Didn't realise the Turkish league was televised.


Saw him mostly when he was playing in Italy and also for Ghana.


He's a good player make no mistake.

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Has anyone even see Appiah play on a regular basis? Didn't realise the Turkish league was televised.


Saw him mostly when he was playing in Italy and also for Ghana.


He's a good player make no mistake.


He's a good player but an injury prone one. Fernabache probably realised his wage per game average was costing them far too much.

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Has anyone even see Appiah play on a regular basis? Didn't realise the Turkish league was televised.


Saw him mostly when he was playing in Italy and also for Ghana.


He's a good player make no mistake.


He's a good player but an injury prone one. Fernabache probably realised his wage per game average was costing them far too much.


I love how KaKa can't stop criticising Owen for his injury record, etc. yet wanks over Appiah who has made only 208 appearances in 11 seasons. :lol:

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Lucas Neill to Milan? F*cking hell!






Spotted in Dubai in the stands watching Milan train.


The article also says that there is big interest in Neill from us and Everton, but Nani has denied Neill will be leaving. I think it also says that there was interest from Milan a few years ago when he wanted to leave Blackburn.

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