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Emre Belözoğlu (now managing İstanbul Başakşehir)

Guest geordienorway

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Guest Alex20

i say wait til the euros finish. he might play a blinder and we can make some serious £££


heh doubt it. Even if he plays great, nobody wants to pay a lot for a player who is injured for 90% of the time.

If he didn't have that chronicle injury, he would've been very valuable (at least 15 M) but right now 5 M is the max.


Tbh Turkish newspapers are the worst, it's all gossip and lies.


I'd say sell the f0cker, he's injured 90% of the time anyway, might as well save on his fat salary.

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Replacement? He hardly plays, man. He doesn't need replacing.


true, but otherwise that  leaves us witha midfield of milner, nzogbia, smith, geremi, butt and jailboy. nice to get someone in before he goes although not essential, as long as they do eventually come in.


bar zog on his day, lack of quality as well as serious lack of pace. anyone remember when we used to have dyer and bellamy having the ball in the opposition net 10 seconds after they had a corner. we need pace and quality desperately in midfield. we have never replaced dyer or solano or robert (world class 35% of the time). we need 3 midfielders for me this summer if emre goes.


exactly my point. nzog and milner are good enough in my opinion, the others are all a bit meh. which is why ideally id like a replacement for emre sooner rather than later. turan would be great.

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i say wait til the euros finish. he might play a blinder and we can make some serious £££


heh doubt it. Even if he plays great, nobody wants to pay a lot for a player who is injured for 90% of the time.

If he didn't have that chronicle injury, he would've been very valuable (at least 15 M) but right now 5 M is the max.


Tbh Turkish newspapers are the worst, it's all gossip and lies.


I'd say sell the f0cker, he's injured 90% of the time anyway, might as well save on his fat salary.


hmm. if he plays well in the euros and then gets injured then hed be a perfect target for west ham!! we could even let them have carr as well. :celb:

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Emre's time loop NUFC career in five easy steps:


1. Comes off bench for much anticipated return, looks bright, plays well, fans call for first team reintroduction, believing him to be the answers to our woes.


2. Gets a start, and looks off the pace. Substituted.


3. Gets injured out for weeks.


4. Returns for international game, plays well, fans anticipate return to first team.


5. Return to 1.



More often than not, he's been a drain rather than a help, while Turkey's Belozoglu Emre is worse than England's Michael Owen.


I'd be happy to see him gone.

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huge wages of the wage bill aswell

but if we signed someone like deco hed be on higher wages. cant see anyone decent who wed get on the cheap really.


It is possible though teams such as Everton and i hate to mention them Spurs all have quality players and have them in a wage structure.

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Emre's time loop NUFC career in five easy steps:


1. Comes off bench for much anticipated return, looks bright, plays well, fans call for first team reintroduction, believing him to be the answers to our woes.


2. Gets a start, and looks off the pace. Substituted.


3. Gets injured out for weeks.


4. Returns for international game, plays well, fans anticipate return to first team.


5. Return to 1.



More often than not, he's been a drain rather than a help, while Turkey's Belozoglu Emre is worse than England's Michael Owen.


I'd be happy to see him gone.


That sums up his career at Newcastle well.  I wouldn't sell him for the sake of it, but he obviously isn't worth whatever he's getting paid if you consider his horrendous injury record.  If Fener are offering decent money I'd sell.

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Guest nufc_geordie

If 5 million euros is right then we have got our money back on a player who has flattered to deceive and has barely kicked a ball for us. Good result as far as i'm concerned. Although I like him as a player he has offerred us nothing in his time here. Maybe he will be a success elsewhere, maybe not. No big loss!

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Guest Alex20

He was class last night against Finland. Captaining Turkey and completely running the show :undecided:


I caught the recap, he played well but after 20 minutes he went down for a long time lol,

you would've thought he got hit by a car, there was not much going on. I was laughing my a off,

typical Emre innit. I'll give him 2 more games before he goes down for another 3 months.

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Emre's time loop NUFC career in five easy steps:


1. Comes off bench for much anticipated return, looks bright, plays well, fans call for first team reintroduction, believing him to be the answers to our woes.


2. Gets a start, and looks off the pace. Substituted.


3. Gets injured out for weeks.


4. Returns for international game, plays well, fans anticipate return to first team.


5. Return to 1.



More often than not, he's been a drain rather than a help, while Turkey's Belozoglu Emre is worse than England's Michael Owen.


I'd be happy to see him gone.


Pretty much spot on, that. I'd be sad in a way because we've seen glimpses of what he can do, but it'd probably time to move on.

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Guest Guinness

Although he's injured a hell of a lot he's one of the few players who offers a bit of creativity in our midfield, albeit on an inconsistent basis. I'd be disappointed if we let him leave without having someone to replace him lined up seeing as we're sorely lacking in that department.

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Although he's injured a hell of a lot he's one of the few players who offers a bit of creativity in our midfield, albeit on an inconsistent basis. I'd be disappointed if we let him leave without having someone to replace him lined up seeing as we're sorely lacking in that department.


As mentioned earlier though, he doesn't play much at all, so he doesn't need a replacement as such.


We're probably actively seeking players in his supposed role anyway.

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have to say i wont miss him, or his ankle holding antics after every tackle


Aye, the St. James' sniper will have to go into full-time retirement.


Nah! Your boy will still be here!

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Guest Guinness

Although he's injured a hell of a lot he's one of the few players who offers a bit of creativity in our midfield, albeit on an inconsistent basis. I'd be disappointed if we let him leave without having someone to replace him lined up seeing as we're sorely lacking in that department.


As mentioned earlier though, he doesn't play much at all, so he doesn't need a replacement as such.


We're probably actively seeking players in his supposed role anyway.


I see what you're saying, I'm just thinking with Barton's jail time he'd probably be the player to step in and replace him. The Modric bid certainly suggests we're looking for players in this area which is good to see, hopefully the transfer fee and the money freed up from wages from this move will assist with that.

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£2.75m we got (if it's true). Interestingly, it happened yesterday.


If we transfer listed him for 5 million Euro's and sold him for only 3.5 million Euro's I'd be quite disapointed.  Of course getting rid of him even for free already saves nearly £3 million a year in wages which we're currently paying out to him for nothing.  So overall I'd be ok with it, I just don't see why we should have sold him for so much less then our valuation.

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Im quite sad that he leaves, cause he is a joy to watch when he is fit.. and it sucks to loose the only player with some ability to create something from the midfield.


Would be class if he could play week in and week out, however that wont happen here atleast. Hope we got that Arda Turan kid in return :D


Good luck to him

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Guest sondre

huge wages of the wage bill aswell

but if we signed someone like deco hed be on higher wages. cant see anyone decent who wed get on the cheap really.

Deco on high wages>>>>>>>Emre on high wages.

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Guest optimistic nit

Replacement? He hardly plays, man. He doesn't need replacing.


we thought the same about dyer and it nearly got us relegated though. if we sell emre we need to sign 2 good quality creative midfielders this summer, and i'd want a top draw def mid as well tbh.


at least that's one of the mega rich on more money than their worth out of the way now though. now we only need to shift smith, viduka (somehow) and duff and we'll be in much better financial shape.

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Emre's time loop NUFC career in five easy steps:


1. Comes off bench for much anticipated return, looks bright, plays well, fans call for first team reintroduction, believing him to be the answers to our woes.


2. Gets a start, and looks off the pace. Substituted.


3. Gets injured out for weeks.


4. Returns for international game, plays well, fans anticipate return to first team.


5. Return to 1.



More often than not, he's been a drain rather than a help, while Turkey's Belozoglu Emre is worse than England's Michael Owen.


I'd be happy to see him gone.


Best summary of his career with us.


Could have been a good player for us had he stayed fit consistently, but hes been a waste of space because of injuries.

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