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Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out...


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f*** him. Let's get whatever we can for him.


We need to get rid of him and Duff and replace them with an up and coming player and another class left-midfielder.


He is an up and coming player though, rather we sort this out with him.


Ths isn't the first time he's done something like this is it. I think it's quite clear he doesn't want to be at our club.

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I'd love for us to just call his bluff and transfer list him. :lol:


Seriously though, it'd kill me to see him fulfilling his potential elsewhere.


I wouldn't care less as long as it's not in this league, and we get a decent fee for him.

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I wont lose any sleep if he leaves, and I'm sure McKay will be trying to engineer a move, but I think people are getting worked up over nothing really. He was probably asked direct questions like "You were not chosen for the team towards the end of last season, are you happy with your current situation at Newcastle?" and "What do you think of the teams you have been linked with in the English press such as Arsenal and Spurs?", then they edit it so it looks like he came out with the quotes spontaneously.

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I'd love for us to just call his bluff and transfer list him. :lol:


Seriously though, it'd kill me to see him fulfilling his potential elsewhere.


I wouldn't care less as long as it's not in this league, and we get a decent fee for him.


That's what I meant, ie at Spurs or Arsenal. :nods:

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I wont lose any sleep if he leaves, and I'm sure McKay will be trying to engineer a move, but I think people are getting worked up over nothing really. He was probably asked direct questions like "You were not chosen for the team towards the end of last season, are you happy with your current situation at Newcastle?" and "What do you think of the teams you have been linked with in the English press such as Arsenal and Spurs?", then they edit it so it looks like he came out with the quotes spontaneously.


Touché. Most were quick to dismiss the similar comments from Martins the other day after all.


Still, it'd not be the first time he's shown himself to be a little keen to move.

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I wont lose any sleep if he leaves, and I'm sure McKay will be trying to engineer a move, but I think people are getting worked up over nothing really. He was probably asked direct questions like "You were not chosen for the team towards the end of last season, are you happy with your current situation at Newcastle?" and "What do you think of the teams you have been linked with in the English press such as Arsenal and Spurs?", then they edit it so it looks like he came out with the quotes spontaneously.


Touché. Most were quick to dismiss the similar comments from Martins the other day after all.


Still, it'd not be the first time he's shown himself to be a little keen to move.


Oba wasn't begging for a move. He said he "probably" would go to Arsenal if we accepted a bid, but that if we didn't accept a bid he would be fine with it. Zogs comments are far worse in my eyes.

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I wont lose any sleep if he leaves, and I'm sure McKay will be trying to engineer a move, but I think people are getting worked up over nothing really. He was probably asked direct questions like "You were not chosen for the team towards the end of last season, are you happy with your current situation at Newcastle?" and "What do you think of the teams you have been linked with in the English press such as Arsenal and Spurs?", then they edit it so it looks like he came out with the quotes spontaneously.


Touché. Most were quick to dismiss the similar comments from Martins the other day after all.


Still, it'd not be the first time he's shown himself to be a little keen to move.


Oba wasn't begging for a move. He said he "probably" would go to Arsenal if we accepted a bid, but that if we didn't accept a bid he would be fine with it. Zogs comments are far worse in my eyes.


My point was most have found it pretty easy to ignore The Sun's probable spin on his comments, whereas everyone is taking Zoggy's as concise and gospel.

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Guest Stephen927

Hes got great potential but a terrible attitude, thinks hes far better than he is. He's got good ability on the ball and the drive to really make things happen by running at defenders, but it can be so frustrating to see him run down dead ends and get himself stuck.

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I think Zog gets more of a reaction as it's generally accepted that he has far more skill than Martins. There are quite a few players with the pace and thundering (undirected) shot of Martins, but not many who can dribble at speed as well as the Zog.


It's frustrating when there is a player with that much obvious natural talent, but attitude problems stop them from ever making it. That's for mine why Bramble was so reviled, he had a lot of talent but just utterly squandered it. Wherever he ends up, if he doesn't pull his head in very soon Zog will wake up one day playing in MLS in his late twenties and it will all have passed him by.

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Guest elbee909

I think Zog gets more of a reaction as it's generally accepted that he has far more skill than Martins. There are quite a few players with the pace and thundering (undirected) shot of Martins, but not many who can dribble at speed as well as the Zog.


It's frustrating when there is a player with that much obvious natural talent, but attitude problems stop them from ever making it. That's for mine why Bramble was so reviled, he had a lot of talent but just utterly squandered it. Wherever he ends up, if he doesn't pull his head in very soon Zog will wake up one day playing in MLS in his late twenties and it will all have passed him by.


Bramble was reviled because he never improved and had the mental discipline of a bowl of Angel Delight.

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I think Zog gets more of a reaction as it's generally accepted that he has far more skill than Martins. There are quite a few players with the pace and thundering (undirected) shot of Martins, but not many who can dribble at speed as well as the Zog.


It's frustrating when there is a player with that much obvious natural talent, but attitude problems stop them from ever making it. That's for mine why Bramble was so reviled, he had a lot of talent but just utterly squandered it. Wherever he ends up, if he doesn't pull his head in very soon Zog will wake up one day playing in MLS in his late twenties and it will all have passed him by.


Bramble was reviled because he never improved and had the mental discipline of a bowl of Angel Delight.


heh, that is true. Still, Zog seems to have the maturity of a 2 year old. You can guarantee its toys out of the pram every time he's out of the team for a couple of months. He'd really fit in quite well down at Arse actually....

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I think instantly this is a no go.

He would be behind Rosicky and Nasri on the left. Thats not Mentioning Vela who can play there, also Hleb if he did happen to stay (not going happen)

And i dont think any player that declares his interest in leaving a club would be the kindof player Arsene would be happen, its just not good business is it.

Seems an absolute cunt tbh.

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Think there's more than a bit of press spin on this like UV says, the lad's obviously naive and his English isn't great - two ingredients that make him prime for these kind of quotes.


I rather believe that than he really is a complete tosspot, we'll see what happens.

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Think there's more than a bit of press spin on this like UV says, the lad's obviously naive and his English isn't great - two ingredients that make him prime for these kind of quotes.


I rather believe that than he really is a complete tosspot, we'll see what happens.


Hmm wasn't the interview conducted by France football, doubt very much they would speak to a French player in English !!

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Funny how he bigged up Arsenals interest last time and nearly ended up at fulham.


I would be shocked if either Arsenal or Spurs come in for him tbh.


That said his attitude isnt far off Gallas so maybe he will be on Wengers list after all.

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Part of me can't blame him when Duffs getting in ahead of you.


Part of being a professional footballer though. Last season he started well, but was hardly tattooing his name on the team sheet by the time he was dropped. Was doing alright, with a lot of room for improvement. Kev made a call and was proved right by the results. A mature person would look at that, see that he was dropped and results improved, and try to improve accordingly.


I'm jack of players like Zog talking about leaving whenever it gets a bit hard. If any other 22 year old 'professional' started whining to the press about leaving their job for a competitor every time they had a setback at work they'd be joining the dole queue pretty quick. I'm all for fining them like Villa did.


I know professional footballers aren't the brightest bunch but when it comes to smarts we really do seem to end up with more than our fair share of Sports Direct Budget Line calibre players.

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Don't care really, he's a good player but has too many weaknesses. Can't see him going to Arsenal or Tottenham tbf, Bale is better than him at both full back and left mid, and he's not going to knock Clichy or Nasri out the team.

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I just can't seem to be to be bothered about this. Talented player who could be great, but not sure how far he can get with such a negative attitude.


I'm not sure Zoggy is going to be all that great. Have a feeling he might end up being a Boa Morte at the very most.

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I think instantly this is a no go.

He would be behind Rosicky and Nasri on the left. Thats not Mentioning Vela who can play there, also Hleb if he did happen to stay (not going happen)

And i dont think any player that declares his interest in leaving a club would be the kindof player Arsene would be happen, its just not good business is it.

Seems an absolute c*** tbh.


''When I will talk with the coach it will be clearer. My priority is to play.''


I hope Nasri isn't forced out to the left.



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Would be a shame for him to go but, with his constant sulking he cannot be doing any favours to the general atmosphere around the training ground etc.


And what with London being about an hour, by air, closer to France it will make all the difference for his feelings of homesick!!


I have always said that no matter who the player is, that if they do not want to be at Newcastle United then it is time to let them go and get in players who want to be part of this club.

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f***ing hell man. Just get rid. Incredibly disappointed with how he's turned out. Personality wise, I mean.


same here.


fuck him, he's an arse.


problem is, i can see him being top drawer if he goes and joins wengers boys


howay man lovejoy, surely you can ask yourself "why can't we make a player like this see a future here "


THAT is the way forward, not just saying bollocks and good riddance.



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f***ing hell man. Just get rid. Incredibly disappointed with how he's turned out. Personality wise, I mean.


same here.


fuck him, he's an arse.


problem is, i can see him being top drawer if he goes and joins wengers boys


howay man lovejoy, surely you can ask yourself "why can't we make a player like this see a future here "


THAT is the way forward, not just saying bollocks and good riddance.




Agreed, it's about man management. We have to accept the fact that there are shits in football and work with it.


Often those with the suspect attitudes are the ones with the most talent.

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