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Nile Ranger


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I don't know why people are getting hung up about percentages in this case. Obviously 80% effort can't be clearly defined.


The point is about a player not giving their all but still expecting to be picked because they don't think they need to give their all to get a place.

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I don't know why people are getting hung up about percentages in this case. Obviously 80% effort can't be clearly defined.


The point is about a player not giving their all but still expecting to be picked because they don't think they need to give their all to get a place.

The player looks like he gives his all during the match where it matters.  Should Alan Smith get a game every week if he's our best trainer but shit during games or is this another double standard?
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I don't know why people are getting hung up about percentages in this case. Obviously 80% effort can't be clearly defined.


The point is about a player not giving their all but still expecting to be picked because they don't think they need to give their all to get a place.

The player looks like he gives his all during the match where it matters.  Should Alan Smith get a game every week if he's our best trainer but shit during games or is this another double standard?


If I’m hearing you right, your point is that it’s performances during the game, not performances during training, that count.


What Pardew seems to be saying is that Ranger’s poor attitude to training is an issue for the rest of the team. He is isolating himself from the senior players in particular. The inevitable inference from that is that it would have an effect on the overall team morale and unity if he was to pick Ranger for a starting place in the current situation.


The other issue here is whether an individual can mess about in training and expect to perform at their peak during a match. Perhaps Ranger himself thinks that he can. I’d agree that Ranger puts in a good effort during his sub appearances and has an impact, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he would have the same effect over 90 minutes. I’d say that a good trainer is more inclined to maintain their concentration and effort over the course of a match, and not get discouraged when things go badly or get over-excited when things are going well. In other words, if you’re disciplined during training, you’re more likely to be disciplined during the match.


On a slightly different point, Pardew talked about Ranger drifting offside against Bolton, with the implication that if he worked harder on his game during training, the right habits would be there and that would be less inclined to happen. I’m not sure that that’s the best or fairest example, but in another context Ranger often snatches at the chances that come his way and you wonder whether that lack of composure is the by-product of poor concentration during preparation and training.


Perhaps people need to re-visit Pardew’s comments and make their own sense of it, and disagree or agree with his approach as they see fit. Incidentally, we could debate how Ranger compares with Best, but it’s not just Best that’s been starting ahead of Ranger.


As for how Ranger would do given a starting place, that’s speculative, but the interesting thing is that we’re not finding out for ourselves because Pardew isn’t giving him the chance, despite his good cameo performances. I think Pardew’s comments are his explanation of why he’s not getting the chance.


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So pub/ground rumour isn't true? My faith in humanity is in tatters.


As a FANzine if it turns out to be a load of bollocks I hope TRUE-faith apologise foe stirring a load of s****, fairly sure they will try and spin it though. It's always nice to know our own media are as bad as the tabloid press for going along with any old s*** against the club if it means more sales :thup:


They mention a topic some people in Newcastle are talking about & clicking on the link it quite clear it is not a NOTW Mazher Mahmood expose, I doubt it is going to be a sale booster :lol:. Jon maybe its for the best if you stuck to reading the matchday Programme.

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I don't think they should be fanning the flames personally, you just need to look at a number of forums to see people questioning the kid and a bit of spite in some of the comments about this "incident".


They need to take responsibility for what they print, if they are passing on rumours that could affect the fans relationship with a young player I hope they are very confident said rumour is true otherwise it's counterproductive and amateur.

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Fanning the flames you say, I think it is fair to say Pardew has matches & petrol in his hands & Pedro is chucking wood on the fire.


They clearly don't say what the rumor is & say "if true" it is up to the individual who reads that line & how they  digest & process that information, some will read it & move on, others will go looking for the rumor, some will copy & paste it onto a messageboard, others will throw a wobbler. Thats the way it should be for people read something & make there own choices.

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Guest michaelfoster

Ranger looks best as an impact sub still, from the games he has started (10) he has never really done much, but as an impact sub he puts himself about more. Someone really needs to do some 1-1 shooting coaching though as he is pretty awful at it atm

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Guest toonlass

Awful lot of talk about his awful attitude. My mate has day to day contact with the players at the training ground and says that Ranger is far and away the biggest dickhead he's ever known. Acts as if he's a superstar, struts about, nasty attitude to the younger/reserve players as if he's far above them. Talks to the staff around the training ground like they are shite. The other players apparently laugh behind his back at him going on like he's some big man. Reckons that despite his timekeeping being better, while other players are there and ready for training he swans in at the last minute. Also reckons that he's heard a couple of the more senior players telling Ranger to get his head together.

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It would be far easier to go along with all this shit if there was ever an actual story in the paper with a bit of proof associated with it. Wor Joey and former wor Andy knew how to tell the world they were dickheads. Nile needs to get on his game.

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Awful lot of talk about his awful attitude. My mate has day to day contact with the players at the training ground and says that Ranger is far and away the biggest dickhead he's ever known. Acts as if he's a superstar, struts about, nasty attitude to the younger/reserve players as if he's far above them. Talks to the staff around the training ground like they are s****. The other players apparently laugh behind his back at him going on like he's some big man. Reckons that despite his timekeeping being better, while other players are there and ready for training he swans in at the last minute. Also reckons that he's heard a couple of the more senior players telling Ranger to get his head together.


:kasper:  didn´t know it was that bad! Sounds like a lot of hard work to sort him out! imagine his attitude if he scored a hattrick for us :undecided:

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Guest BooBoo

All the signs are that the lad is a dick and needs a serious reality check. Fortunately more and more are realising this and that a bit of imposed discipline from the manager is exactly what is required.

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