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Nile Ranger


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He'll improve, of that I have no doubt. But right now he's nowhere near PL standard, and this won't change he gets games in a lower league and returns when he's able to play with a bit of nous. He obviously has no clue how to use those terrific physical attributes in addition to his terrible technique.



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"Very poor footballer" is a very poor description of him imo.  His all-round play when brought on with 20-30 minutes left is often pretty good.  You can't argue that he didn't help change the match in the home games versus Liverpool and Arsenal this season.


It's his finishing that worries me.  He clearly needs to improve so that he can affect the game for 90 minutes but I've a feeling he'll never score enough goals.  And the signs are that his attitude might prohibit him from building a career on being a physical nuisance as an alternative (as a few strikers seem to these days).


He's a bit of an enigma and needs to play week-in, week-out at a lower level.  He's been a decent option as a substitute for us on a few occasions this year though.


Each to their own, but from what i've seen the lad can't strike, nor head, no control a ball with any real proficiency.


Right now his reasons for being in the squad on a consistant basis amount to our own hideous lack of depth, his potential, and his athleticism. One with last a few years, the other two probably won't.

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Guest Heneage


Yes, because he's crap. He has potential, fair enough. But right now - at 20, btw - he's a very poor footballer.


I forgot that he was 20 now.  Still, he's not a very poor footballer.  He's an inexperienced player whose form is a bit erratic.  Even with his inexperience he’s capable of changing Premiership games and we don’t have enough players who can do that.  He's nowhere near the complete article and has a lot to learn, that can come if he works at his game.


People get frustrated. It's envy really, they see a kid with a fantastic chance pissing it up the wall and they get annoyed. Turning down training with Nolan, off the field antics and mediocre performances for the first team.


He's molly coddled by some on here who say "But he only be a child give him time." That's juxtaposed with others who say "He's shit, he either bucks his ideas up or he's off."


In truth he is the middle ground, he's poor-average right now with the potential to be 3 and a half to four stars in a few years time. 

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Guest BooBoo

Kid's clearly a muppet, I've not seen a great deal thus far in his career to suggest he's worth persevering with.


And he needs to knock off the boring gangster bullshit too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Antec



United chiefs believe he needs a new start to reinvigorate his fledgling career and believe only a PERMANENT move away from the North East will give him that.


He was informed a loan – on the table last summer – is out of the question, and the club have already knocked back one proposal that involved a six-month temporary switch with the option of a permanent deal at the end of it.


That bit speaks volumes

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Daft decision if true. Give him time, loan him out and let him develop. His goalscoring hasn't been there but the sort of impact he's had on a couple of games has been terrific.


I'd be very disappointed to see him go permanentley at the age of 20.

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Guest Stephen927

I think the club may be acting a little hastily here. Both the club and the player have time on their side.

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I think we'll easily get the £1m for him. He could well do a good job for a lower tier team and there's potential for his value to rocket if he starts hitting goals.

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Seems a bit premature, but then my immediate thought was that it could be a final attempt to get him to change his attitude. 'Threaten with transfer list'. I reckon he'll still be here next season like.

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Seems a bit premature, but then my immediate thought was that it could be a final attempt to get him to change his attitude. 'Threaten with transfer list'. I reckon he'll still be here next season like.



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Guest neesy111

Good decision.  His attitude absolutely stinks off the field and he obviously thinks he's already good enough as he refuses extra training and is always the 1st player off after training.



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I think this could be a brilliant move, tbh. I think he's got talent that could be useful in this division, and if (as we suspect), his poor attitude is what's holding him back - this could be the catalyst to sort him out. Considering his raw ability and physical attributes, you've got to wonder why he hasn't made more of an impact now.


If it's cos he sees himself as a professional playboy, rather than a professional footballer, the threat of it being taken away from him could really see him buck his ideas up. He'll never get a contract again like what he's currently got, unless he improves.

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What would binning him say to the other kids?


Act the cunt and you go. A warning to all of them.


My thoughts. We want to develop good players, but we want to maximise their potential by encouraging high levels of professionalism. Turning a blind eye when he is never going to be amazing spreads a bad message.

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Always been wanting the lad to do well.

Was at Coventry when he scored his first goal. Had the world at his feet then, really.

There's been enough released through the media about his attitude, for him to know he needed to get his finger out.

If they really are intending to let him go, I'd say there must be doubts about his technical ability at the highest level as well.

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Guest toonlass

What would binning him say to the other kids?


From what I've been told he has been a right cunt to the other kids. Acting like a premier league superstar around them, like he is so much better than them. I'm sure quite a few would be happy to see the back of him.

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