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Nile Ranger


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If he's given the blood test, its usually due to the reading being between 35-50ug in breath.


If he'd failed to provide, he would have been charged with that rather than excess alcohol.


Between 35-40 no further action would be taken. 41 - 50 then its a statutory option to give blood.

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"Life aint fare".


His latest tweet.


It soon will be - train fare, bus fare.


:spit: *doffs cap*


he's a knacker like, you'd think after what went on before he came here it'd be a wake up call.

he'd been given 'a golden ticket' to leave the past in the past and knuckle down at a big club.

shearer must have seen something in his ability to get him offered a 5 year contract but ranger's obviously more concerned about the lifestyle than the sport

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The guy is a complete clown and he's paying the price for his past misdemeanours judging by the response on here but setting a precedent of sacking him is an interesting approach.


Would we sack Ben Arfa or one of the other frenchies for the same thing if they have a glass of wine or two at lunch and then drive home?


It's not unthinkable that this could happen and, for me, people are applying the situation differently because it's Ranger. Hopefully the club let him face his punishment and move on.


Also, he's an asset worth in the region of £500k - why would the club want to let that go for the sake of a driving ban? (Barton history excluded of course).

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The guy is a complete clown and he's paying the price for his past misdemeanours judging by the response on here but setting a precedent of sacking him is an interesting approach.


Would we sack Ben Arfa or one of the other frenchies for the same thing if they have a glass of wine or two at lunch and then drive home?


It's not unthinkable that this could happen and, for me, people are applying the situation differently because it's Ranger. Hopefully the club let him face his punishment and move on.


Also, he's an asset worth in the region of £500k - why would the club want to let that go for the sake of a driving ban? (Barton history excluded of course).

If they were also late for training, showed bad attitude, got charged for assault etc etc then yes, I would call for them being sacked. He's had too many chances now, he can get fucked.

Not that I'm saying I think we will sack him, but he's a disgrace and I don't want him at the club any more.

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Taking the pragmatic view, whether or not we would do the same to one of our decent players I think the club should sack him if at all possible.  He may be an 'asset' worth £500k but he's on a 5 year contract which will cost us more than that in the long term.  This is a good opportunity for us to cut our losses and get him off the books as I honestly can't see him progressing in his career at all with his current attitude.

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If you set the precedent of sacking him because of this crime then I would argue you should apply that to others in the squad.


Nobody is disputing the fact that the kid is a knacker but being late for training and having a bad attitude would not be enough justification for me to write off a asset with potential.


Andy Carroll sparked his team mate, smacked his lass and was a complete cunt when out of the town but he returned £35m. Sack him and somebody else would be cashing in now due to NUFC jumping the gun because he wasn't an angel.


This is more about club policy and bigger than just Ranger imho.

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Drink driving is a bit different to assaulting someone. Drink driving conveys a complete disregard and at most contempt for all other human life that you have chosen to be put at risk by your own selfish actions. Knowing someone that had his partner of 7 years killed by a drunk driver as they walked hand in hand on the pavement in a city center hones your view somewhat of what these people are like.

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Drink driving is a bit different to assaulting someone. Drink driving conveys a complete disregard and at most contempt for all other human life that you have chosen to be put at risk by your own selfish actions. Knowing someone that had his partner of 7 years killed by a drunk driver as they walked hand in hand on the pavement in a city center hones your view somewhat of what these people are like.


I'm sure it does and I'm not defending the act but someone who gets assaulted can die too - who are we/the club to define which crimes are acceptable/more serious than others?


I'm talking about applying a precedent of sacking an employee for a criminal act outside of work and whether those who feel so strongly about sacking the guy would say the same if it was Tiote or Ben Arfa.


TBH I'm not particularly interested in the Ranger incident specifically more the setting a precedent for the wrong reasons.

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Guest johnson293

Drink driving is a bit different to assaulting someone. Drink driving conveys a complete disregard and at most contempt for all other human life that you have chosen to be put at risk by your own selfish actions. Knowing someone that had his partner of 7 years killed by a drunk driver as they walked hand in hand on the pavement in a city center hones your view somewhat of what these people are like.


I'm sure it does and I'm not defending the act but someone who gets assaulted can die too - who are we/the club to define which crimes are acceptable/more serious than others?


I'm talking about applying a precedent of sacking an employee for a criminal act outside of work and whether those who feel so strongly about sacking the guy would say the same if it was Tiote or Ben Arfa.


TBH I'm not particularly interested in the Ranger incident specifically more the setting a precedent for the wrong reasons.


Thing with Ranger is, this isn't a one-off incident - he's still on bail for an assault charge, and he gets himself caught drinking/driving. This on top of his previous incidents at Southampton.


the Lad just doesn't seem to learn, and you have to wonder if he ever will?

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Drink driving is a bit different to assaulting someone. Drink driving conveys a complete disregard and at most contempt for all other human life that you have chosen to be put at risk by your own selfish actions. Knowing someone that had his partner of 7 years killed by a drunk driver as they walked hand in hand on the pavement in a city center hones your view somewhat of what these people are like.


I'm sure it does and I'm not defending the act but someone who gets assaulted can die too - who are we/the club to define which crimes are acceptable/more serious than others?


I'm talking about applying a precedent of sacking an employee for a criminal act outside of work and whether those who feel so strongly about sacking the guy would say the same if it was Tiote or Ben Arfa.


TBH I'm not particularly interested in the Ranger incident specifically more the setting a precedent for the wrong reasons.


Thing with Ranger is, this isn't a one-off incident - he's still on bail for an assault charge, and he gets himself caught drinking/driving. This on top of his previous incidents at Southampton.


the Lad just doesn't seem to learn, and you have to wonder if he ever will?


You do. There's no doubt the lads an idiot.



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Sounds like he may be invloved tonight from his tweets:


NilePowerRanger Nile ranger

Can't wait 4 2day.. Carling cup newcastle vs blackburn.. This should be fun ☺


NilePowerRanger Nile ranger

Or should I say 2nite.. Ooops I mean tonight.. For the busy people out there what like to think they know it all.



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