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City ponder £135m Ronaldo bid


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Aye bollocks to this sport, its shite now


I've just got back from seeing Scunthorpe score twice in injury time to come from behind against Notts County in some competition I don't even know the name of. Football's amazing mate, just not at this level.

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This crew are not in it for the money it is the sport of winning they have a thirst for, seen it in horse racing. Now lets hope there neighbor in Dubai fancy a dabble & we are the club of choice so they can go head-to-head like they do in the racing where they tend to talk about what horses they own & races they win, rather than the prize money because they already have the money.

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Bet Dunne's thinking twice about that new contract he's signed....


Even Wright-Phillips.


If Man City are going where they say they are then Wright Phillips is going to be on the bench again or probably even sold for not being good enough.



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Agree with pedro entirely.


I don't know exactly what the solution is, but something must be done in order to create a semblence of parity. Whether you care for american football or not, the structure of the NFL makes a mockery of what football over here has become.


Honestly enjoy the NFL season more than the Premiership at this point.

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Guest jimmy84

Is there not some sort of rule where a club can only spend a certain percentage of it's annual turnover on the wage bill?


that's just a recomended business model - to only spend 50% of turnover on wages.


These guys can obviously overlook budgets - doubt man city is really going to ran as a going concern now!

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Excess wealth began the ruination of football long ago. The takeover of Chelsea by Abramovich was the first of the more serious nails in the coffin that is the English Premier League. This latest buyout sounds the death knell for the sport as we know it.


More money discrepancy between the elite and also-rans = Less competition within a league = more boredom = tomorrow kids will get their 'kicks' elswhere.


As the teams of the EPL import more and more foreign players, (and it's not just about the wages or transfer pries, they're technically better as often as not), the national team suffers also.


In the future, relatively poorer countries could well dominant world football. Give it 24 years we could see some real changes. We already see a change in the dominant countries of old, England and Germany for example. They are no where near same strength in depth they once were. When did you ever see Germany making sure they tied up Polish born players to their National team. France have been doing similar with a lot of African born players. Its because if they had to pick 100% French players they'd be a much weaker, average team.


Put a cap on the amount of debt allowed, limit clubs to 5 or 6 foreign players on the pitch at any one time, put a cap on wages. Would any, or a combination, of these help save the game? Will there be moves to stop it? Maybe if the likes of England or Germany don't qualify for a significant amount of competitions. How long before their FA put pressure on FIFA to bring back a foreign player or similar rule or cap TV money or some other radical measure. They have to make moves to fix it now or it could well be the end of football as we know it.

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I wonder if everyone would still have this negative opinion if the arabs chose the Toon to takeover instead of Man City????


Originally probably not because everyone would be just loving the fact that we were signing world class stars and in the running again for every competition but I reckon after a while some people may get bored with having a 'perfect team'. The whole point of football is the ups and downs, it adds to the enjoyment, well for me it does. Plus we wouldn't have anyone to moan about, ala smith.

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I wonder if everyone would still have this negative opinion if the arabs chose the Toon to takeover instead of Man City????


Originally probably not because everyone would be just loving the fact that we were signing world class stars and in the running again for every competition but I reckon after a while some people may get bored with having a 'perfect team'. The whole point of football is the ups and downs, it adds to the enjoyment, well for me it does. Plus we wouldn't have anyone to moan about, ala smith.


Well I know for a fact that i for one would love it if they had have chosen us instead. Imagine if we'd just had the takeover with a record signing today instead of all the bother thats went on.

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Whats with over-dramatics people, chillax, football has been a business for a long time now.


I dunno Yorkie spilling his guts

Kev jumping off the Tyne Bridge (although that may not be a negative)

GM and Brummie writing off people


I suggest you sit down, crack open a beer, and allow the stick to slide from between your clenched cheeks.



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I wonder if everyone would still have this negative opinion if the arabs chose the Toon to takeover instead of Man City????

Would really hate to be a Man City fan myself.  Not only because they're a shit team, but because I would hate to be owned by such scummy fucks no matter the amount of dough they are willing to throw around.  It's not good for football and I would hate to be the poster children.

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Nothing good for football can come out of something like this, except to those that stand to directly profit. Football success has now become solely defined by the deepness of owner's pockets. Once other teams get bought up by other rich folk, it's simply an arms race on who can spend the most money to get the best players, best stadium, best management system. Does anyone else find this "Money rules all and is the only thing that matters", extremely crass and vulgar? It's one thing buying the best yachts and mansions for yourself, but football is much more than that to communities everywhere.


I would love it, love it, if Ronaldo, Villa, Torres et all told Man City to fuck of with their billions. Though that probably won't happen. The only solution I see is for the FA (or whoever is in charge of these meetings) to impose certain limits to spending. A weighted salary cap with bigger clubs being allowed to spend more.



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Guest sittingontheball

I reckon the people most bothered by this Citeh thing are the current elite, the (no its not permanent) "top four". It makes very little difference to the other also rans in the league. If City or anyone else can smash their way in the Premier elite in double quick time, I think its only good for football. If it means Liverpool or Arsenal or someone drop out of the CL and do a Leeds, it will be no more of a shame than when Leeds did a Leeds. The general response from the top clubs then was ridicule, not sympathy.


You can argue that it pushes up player prices and wages even further at a time when they are already too high, but the top four have done a pretty good job of that already.  Lampard on 140,000 a week etc. Manure have spent over 25 million on a single player four times. If there is moral high ground, the current and previous champions are certainly not on it.


I reckon the problem at the moment is that to win the title, you can't lose five games. That is way harder than the 1970s when Derby, Villa etc. came up and won it.  To achieve that level of consistency, you need a massive squad of quality players. If the top four becomes a top six, they will beat each other more often. If anything that opens the door more to other teams with a strong first 11 but limited strength in depth. For all their money and the galacticos, Real Madrid don't dominate La Liga. I doubt Citeh will in the Prem either. They're welcome to a CL place though, just to make it interesting.


Fwiw, I hope they don't buy Ronaldo for that money though. Simply because I'd rather not have Manure receive it.

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Guest sittingontheball

If they are going to limit players to improve parity, the obvious place to do it would be the domestic cup competitions. The FA choose the rules so they wouldn't have to let the Premier League or UEFA or anyone boss them around. As examples, they could limit


1. No. of foreign players

2. Total cost of team

3. Total salary of team


For starters, they could try the League Cup and see how it goes. The real aim though should be the FA Cup which, last year aside, has really died a death with the top clubs continually winning it but looking down on it compared to finishing fourth.  It's something the authorities could do without affecting the Leagues or top teams' chances in European competitions.

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Honestly, American style salary caps and maybe a transfer cap of 35 million should come into English football with immediate effect from the start of next season for the sake of the game.


I dont care if this affects English teams chances in Europe or not.  Domestic football is really all that matters and every team should be given equal resources.


Teams like Wigan and Bolton should have just as much chance of winning the Premier League as Man U or Chelsea and now apparently Man City.


It has got to happen at some point.



I hate to harp on about the NFL but since every team no matter how big or how small has to adhere to the salary cap it means the gap between the best teams and the worst teams is MUCH, MUCH smaller than it is in our Premier League.


What this means is that good management/coaching, player trades and recruitment etc (transfers) play a bigger part in the game.


It also means that the power balance shifts around the league on a fairly regular basis, and the absolute worst team in the league at any one time knows that given the right selection of head coach plus consistent team building and desire can see the worst team become a serious challenger in a matter of years.


I am just advocating their system as a sort of template with the appropriate tweaks made to suit the world of our football.




Think the salary cap would be excellent IF it were legal. It would have to come from fifa though and be a worldwide cap. If it just happened in this country everyone would just go to another european league and we may regret it.


Limiting the number of foreign players would definately be a superb decision. Gives the England team half a chance in future.

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