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Whoring the club around

Guest Howaythetoon

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I say protest until he sells, we need to force his hand or he will still be here come the end of the season..


He's said he's got the message, we just need to get on with supporting the team now.


And you believe him?

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I say protest until he sells, we need to force his hand or he will still be here come the end of the season..


He's said he's got the message, we just need to get on with supporting the team now.


And you believe him?


Let's all stay on Ashley's back, not support the team, get relegated, then the bastard will lose loads of money.


Everybody wins! Oh no, wait a minute...............

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Who said anything about not supporting the team?

Any protest should be after games only, nothing at all before or during a match but I think it we leave it he will just let time pass and hope we start to forget.


Not supporting the team will be a biproduct of the fact that the bit in bold will never happen how you want it to.


Every week there'll be another bunch of idiots with another flag desperate to get themselves on Sky & in the papers.

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Who said anything about not supporting the team?

Any protest should be after games only, nothing at all before or during a match but I think it we leave it he will just let time pass and hope we start to forget.


Anyone who still thinks creating an ugly atmosphere won't affect the team wasn't watching the performance against Hull.

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Who said anything about not supporting the team?

Any protest should be after games only, nothing at all before or during a match but I think it we leave it he will just let time pass and hope we start to forget.


Wasn't that the idea of what would happen on Saturday too?  I'm sure I remember 10 minutes at the start of the 2nd half being devoted to cockney mafia bollocks ignoring the team on the pitch.


If you're not going to support the team on the pitch during the game then just stay the fuck away, the team will be better off without you.

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Guest Darth Toon

I think we'll find out in the weeks ahead how serious or otherwise Ashley is about selling up - there seems to be enough names in the frame who would be interested at a reasonable price, but if he has set the bar at 480 million and refuses to budge (big if I know, but it has been reported by several different sources now) then you do have to wonder at his motives.


I think there probably is still part of him that thinks if he can keep his head down and the team starts winning again he'll be able to carry on as before - he must have been stung by the masses of criticism that have come his way so there may well be an element of stubborn pride that would love to prove everyone wrong.


I can't agree with any suggestion that he's looking to deliberately run us into the ground out of some kind of spite - stalling for time maybe, but it suits no-one to put the team in deep relegation trouble.

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He'll find a buyer ffs, quit fucking panicing already.


Didn't you know, he's been set a three day deadline to do it then its "Everyone after the bastard" again.


Fucking idiotic IYAM


I love it when you talk dirty.

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I hope he doesn't sell, I would like him to choose a world class Manager, steady the ship through this stormy patch. Up until now he has done a first class job with the club and long may he continue with his policies.

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I hope he doesn't sell, I would like him to choose a world class Manager, steady the ship through this stormy patch. Up until now he has done a first class job with the club and long may he continue with his policies.


No chance. He's a cockney and you know about them cockneys, scum tbh. Can't have them near this club.

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I hope he doesn't sell, I would like him to choose a world class Manager, steady the ship through this stormy patch. Up until now he has done a first class job with the club and long may he continue with his policies.


No chance. He's a cockney and you know about them cockneys, scum tbh. Can't have them near this club.


Finally he sees it.

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Guest black n white

I hope he doesn't sell, I would like him to choose a world class Manager, steady the ship through this stormy patch. Up until now he has done a first class job with the club and long may he continue with his policies.


No chance. He's a cockney and you know about them cockneys, scum tbh. Can't have them near this club.



:pow:shoot them all i say

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Guest black n white

Who said anything about not supporting the team?

Any protest should be after games only, nothing at all before or during a match but I think it we leave it he will just let time pass and hope we start to forget.


Anyone who still thinks creating an ugly atmosphere won't affect the team wasn't watching the performance against Hull.


and that was nothing to do with the previous 2-3 weeks now was it

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I don't get the point of this thread TBH. We protested for Ashley to sell, and we got our way - now we're complaining he's 'whoring the club around', do we want him to sell or what?


On one hand we want him to get out now after never giving him a decent chance, but yet we want him to treat the club like a precious diamond that he can't bear to part with. Make your minds up FFS.

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I don't get the point of this thread TBH. We protested for Ashley to sell, and we got our way - now we're complaining he's 'whoring the club around', do we want him to sell or what?


On one hand we want him to get out now after never giving him a decent chance, but yet we want him to treat the club like a precious diamond that he can't bear to part with. Make your minds up FFS.


HTT is just upset that he won't be able to buy a share of the club if Ashley et al go off and try to sell it.

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