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He's gone down in my estimation.


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Guest elbee909


resigned by force .... * is not sacked?


It depends on the circumstances and none of us know what they are.


i am just a bit concern right now by many fans blaming keegan for his exit? and yet they blame also for recent result on us? are they idiots or what?

keegan just simply a small part of this club.. he just a former manager of NUFC... surely if the cockney c*** know how to run the football club he'll be looking for new manager ASAP after keegan exit.

yet some Ashley cock sucker here defend all his action and looking for escape goat.

yet until now i still not convinced at all we'll get new manager ASAp with this cockney mafia setup at this club. who would want to work in our club as manager after keegan exit? all cancer inside our club has been known by all managers. really gutted right now... how can NUFC going to be like this?


intensive purposes


You might want to look into this idiom a bit.

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resigned by force .... * is not sacked?


It depends on the circumstances and none of us know what they are.


i am just a bit concern right now by many fans blaming keegan for his exit? and yet they blame also for recent result on us? are they idiots or what?

keegan just simply a small part of this club.. he just a former manager of NUFC... surely if the cockney c*** know how to run the football club he'll be looking for new manager ASAP after keegan exit.

yet some Ashley cock sucker here defend all his action and looking for escape goat.

yet until now i still not convinced at all we'll get new manager ASAp with this cockney mafia setup at this club. who would want to work in our club as manager after keegan exit? all cancer inside our club has been known by all managers. really gutted right now... how can NUFC going to be like this?


intensive purposes


You might want to look into this idiom a bit.


You do realise that was a joke, right? It was another comment on here.

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escape goat




come on aren't u mods... may and will and can.... to change & filtering the correct vocabulary :lol:


I can't believe people have the audacity to criticise a foreigner's misuse of English when they can barely master it themselves.


Would love to see them trying to communicate using your native language, juniatmoko.

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I can't believe people have the audacity to criticise a foreigner's misuse of English when they can barely master it themselves.


Would love to see them trying to communicate using your native language, juniatmoko.


GM, he's from Shields.

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I can't believe people have the audacity to criticise a foreigner's misuse of English when they can barely master it themselves.


Would love to see them trying to communicate using your native language, juniatmoko.


GM, he's from Shields.


:lol: Haddaway & shite, man! Always thought he was from Sri Lanka. Don't ask why. :blush:

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I can't believe people have the audacity to criticise a foreigner's misuse of English when they can barely master it themselves.


Would love to see them trying to communicate using your native language, juniatmoko.


GM, he's from Shields.


:lol: Haddaway & shite, man! Always thought he was from Sri Lanka. Don't ask why. :blush:


He's Indonesian according to his blog.



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In 1995, we had to wait 6 months to see Andy Cole's replacement, and that was with Keegan in charge of transfers. Who's to say that wouldn't have happened this January?


Good spot. I remember that, I can also remember the rest of the season nose-dived with the players morale plummeting without a leading striker up front.


Yep, the wait effectively cost us a spot in Europe that season, we lost a realistic chance of getting to the FA Cup Final (made it to the Quarter Finals that season, and with Andy Cole or his replacement, who knows what we could have done against an poor Everton away, and an average Spurs in the Semi Final), and we'd have been one of the favourites for the UEFA Cup in the 95-6 season without a shadow of a doubt.



a conveient way to re-write history, in order to back up your stance.


Okay then, so I'll ask you this.


With a better striker than Paul Kitson, do you think we'd have finished above 6th position?




With the squad Keegan had built for the 95-6 season, the one that could have won the league, do you think we could have won the UEFA Cup?



I take it you wernt around home and away during keegans time here as a player, and a manager like i was.


Keegan felt that season, we couldnt better the 3rd, the season before with Andy cole, so he sold him, when he had the chance, he felt getting the money and gillespie would take us to a higher level....and it did.


NOBODY, was complaining about keegans ENTERTAINERS  at the time, the club entertains for a whole diffrent bunch of reasons these days.



Most the people posting negative stuff about KK, now, havent got a clue what they are talking about tbf


What a c*ntish reply. :lol:


F*ck off.


Seriously that's p*ssed me off. Who the f*ck are you to talk down to me? A*sehole.




;D ;D



i obviously hit the right note to get such a heartfelt response

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Where KK got it wrong is that he knew what was going on behind the scenes, he knew that the transfer window was going to be a mess some way out & he should have acted sooner.Yes, Milner was sold with a couple of days to go and the last day "all for sale" rumour was, well, last day. But, KK knew he wasn't getting the players he wanted/ positions he wanted, he knew that Owen's contract wasn't sorted & he knew that come Midnight on Sept 1 he wouldn't be happy.


If he'd flipped his lid early in August we may have avoided this turmoil, at worst/ best he'd be gone & we may have got a new owner/ manager in before the window shut at best/ worst he'd have resolved his differences with Ashley.


What he did with the timing of his leaving was to leave the team and the fans right in the shite & a mess that Ashley would have to clear up. I believe that by not acting sooner on his feelings that he had a bit of a duty to stay until at least January. For that he has disappointed me.


We had no reason to expect anything from Ashley or for Wise to fall on his sword but we did deserve better from KK.

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Where KK got it wrong is that he knew what was going on behind the scenes, he knew that the transfer window was going to be a mess some way out & he should have acted sooner.Yes, Milner was sold with a couple of days to go and the last day "all for sale" rumour was, well, last day. But, KK knew he wasn't getting the players he wanted/ positions he wanted, he knew that Owen's contract wasn't sorted & he knew that come Midnight on Sept 1 he wouldn't be happy.


If he'd flipped his lid early in August we may have avoided this turmoil, at worst/ best he'd be gone & we may have got a new owner/ manager in before the window shut at best/ worst he'd have resolved his differences with Ashley.


What he did with the timing of his leaving was to leave the team and the fans right in the shite & a mess that Ashley would have to clear up. I believe that by not acting sooner on his feelings that he had a bit of a duty to stay until at least January. For that he has disappointed me.


We had no reason to expect anything from Ashley or for Wise to fall on his sword but we did deserve better from KK.


Despite my arguing that's just about how I feel as well.


However as a percentage of us being in the shit I think the above is a small contributory factor compared to the "other side" - probably 10% at the most.



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Where KK got it wrong is that he knew what was going on behind the scenes, he knew that the transfer window was going to be a mess some way out & he should have acted sooner.Yes, Milner was sold with a couple of days to go and the last day "all for sale" rumour was, well, last day. But, KK knew he wasn't getting the players he wanted/ positions he wanted, he knew that Owen's contract wasn't sorted & he knew that come Midnight on Sept 1 he wouldn't be happy.


If he'd flipped his lid early in August we may have avoided this turmoil, at worst/ best he'd be gone & we may have got a new owner/ manager in before the window shut at best/ worst he'd have resolved his differences with Ashley.


What he did with the timing of his leaving was to leave the team and the fans right in the shite & a mess that Ashley would have to clear up. I believe that by not acting sooner on his feelings that he had a bit of a duty to stay until at least January. For that he has disappointed me.


We had no reason to expect anything from Ashley or for Wise to fall on his sword but we did deserve better from KK.


didn't he manufacture a confrontation on these matters after the Chelsea match? it seems when he sold milner he had a general idea that he might get what he wanted for the club, or at least, with the window still open, had a chance to push for what he wanted from within. not only did that not happen but it seems the problems ballooned from there, so for me the timing makes sense.


do people think keegan's done nowt for months and then out of the blue goes 'right then i'm off'?

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Where KK got it wrong is that he knew what was going on behind the scenes, he knew that the transfer window was going to be a mess some way out & he should have acted sooner.Yes, Milner was sold with a couple of days to go and the last day "all for sale" rumour was, well, last day. But, KK knew he wasn't getting the players he wanted/ positions he wanted, he knew that Owen's contract wasn't sorted & he knew that come Midnight on Sept 1 he wouldn't be happy.


If he'd flipped his lid early in August we may have avoided this turmoil, at worst/ best he'd be gone & we may have got a new owner/ manager in before the window shut at best/ worst he'd have resolved his differences with Ashley.


What he did with the timing of his leaving was to leave the team and the fans right in the s**** & a mess that Ashley would have to clear up. I believe that by not acting sooner on his feelings that he had a bit of a duty to stay until at least January. For that he has disappointed me.


We had no reason to expect anything from Ashley or for Wise to fall on his sword but we did deserve better from KK.


If Keegan had come clean in early August we would probably now have owners who live in the UAE.

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Where KK got it wrong is that he knew what was going on behind the scenes, he knew that the transfer window was going to be a mess some way out & he should have acted sooner.Yes, Milner was sold with a couple of days to go and the last day "all for sale" rumour was, well, last day. But, KK knew he wasn't getting the players he wanted/ positions he wanted, he knew that Owen's contract wasn't sorted & he knew that come Midnight on Sept 1 he wouldn't be happy.


If he'd flipped his lid early in August we may have avoided this turmoil, at worst/ best he'd be gone & we may have got a new owner/ manager in before the window shut at best/ worst he'd have resolved his differences with Ashley.


What he did with the timing of his leaving was to leave the team and the fans right in the s**** & a mess that Ashley would have to clear up. I believe that by not acting sooner on his feelings that he had a bit of a duty to stay until at least January. For that he has disappointed me.


We had no reason to expect anything from Ashley or for Wise to fall on his sword but we did deserve better from KK.


Despite my arguing that's just about how I feel as well.


However as a percentage of us being in the s*** I think the above is a small contributory factor compared to the "other side" - probably 10% at the most.




There's no doubt KK was getting shafted, in fact we all were, but unlike us KK could have been in a position to affect things. By his actions he simply removed himself from the equation. He's a bit like an important chess piece that's been taken out unnecesarily and is waiting by the side of the board hoping that he can be brought back into play. Personally whilst I want Ashley to get out and the quicker the better, I wouldn't want KK back - that merrygoround simply has to stop.

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The OP is the height of stupidity.


Perhaps none of the anti Kev brigade noticed or cared who our opponent was on the weekend?


Let me spell this out for you.


West Ham. Manager left. Same reasons. Same day. Gave us a pantsing.


One club has a board which gives a fuck about having a successful football club. It appointed a new manager and got on with setting up what it thinks is a successful system. It is now back in business, winning games.


The other club has a board concerned only with fetching many high dollar, i give you love, very nice time, love your oil dollar long time. Since it can't do it on the transfer market as planned (due to fans calling their bluff), it is now taking route 1 and has gone straight to Dubai. It could not give a fuck how many games we lose in the mean-time. This board is happy to issue inflammatory statements and leave the team to die out on the pitch.


Now someone explain to me why it is Keegans fault that we have a board concerned only with top top dollar, very nice, you have club I take money, yes yes? I know a most of you Keegan haters are bone-stupid, but like to put yourselves about as highly intellectual. So use your 'powers' of rhetoric to explain this one to me. If our wundersetup is so superfantastisch and überkontinental, why the fuck weren't we able to get on with the job like West Ham?


I'll spell it out for you. Its because either


a) The board do not give a fuck and only care about finding hello friend, i give you nice club, very good, you pay yes thankyou, bring rich friend yes.


b) The setup is so godawful and fucking embarrassing (Dennis Wise as a footballing mastermind? FMD) that no manager wants to touch it.


As for saying Kev has thrown the toys out of the pram because it got a bit tough, could one of you intellectual giants please explain to me what exactly Ashley is doing? He's not only spat the dummy but he's made the club an international embarrassment, whoring it out to foreigners like some $2 hooker in the backstreets of a third world country. At least Kev left the club with dignity, and didn't see the need to issue a couple of disgracefully embarrassing statements in the process.


There's only one thing preventing the club from getting on with it like West Ham, you turkeys. We have a board who have no desire to put in the hard yards and get back to winning matches. They only care about the size of their wallets when they sneak away at the end of this debacle.


Ashley has done nothing to deserve your trust. He is STLL DOING NOTHING TO EARN YOUR TRUST. He is letting the club flounder about while he whores it out. And yet Kev is somehow the one who goes down in your estimation. Nice one.

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The OP is the height of stupidity.


Perhaps none of the anti Kev brigade noticed or cared who our opponent was on the weekend?


Let me spell this out for you.


West Ham. Manager left. Same reasons. Same day. Gave us a pantsing.


One club has a board which gives a fuck about having a successful football club. It appointed a new manager and got on with setting up what it thinks is a successful system. It is now back in business, winning games.


The other club has a board concerned only with fetching many high dollar, i give you love, very nice time, love your oil dollar long time. Since it can't do it on the transfer market as planned (due to fans calling their bluff), it is now taking route 1 and has gone straight to Dubai. It could not give a fuck how many games we lose in the mean-time. This board is happy to issue inflammatory statements and leave the team to die out on the pitch.


Now someone explain to me why it is Keegans fault that we have a board concerned only with top top dollar, very nice, you have club I take money, yes yes? I know a most of you Keegan haters are bone-stupid, but like to put yourselves about as highly intellectual. So use your 'powers' of rhetoric to explain this one to me. If our wundersetup is so superfantastisch and überkontinental, why the fuck weren't we able to get on with the job like West Ham?


I'll spell it out for you. Its because either


a) The board do not give a fuck and only care about finding hello friend, i give you nice club, very good, you pay yes thankyou, bring rich friend yes.


b) The setup is so godawful and fucking embarrassing (Dennis Wise as a footballing mastermind? FMD) that no manager wants to touch it.


As for saying Kev has thrown the toys out of the pram because it got a bit tough, could one of you intellectual giants please explain to me what exactly Ashley is doing? He's not only spat the dummy but he's made the club an international embarrassment, whoring it out to foreigners like some $2 hooker in the backstreets of a third world country. At least Kev left the club with dignity, and didn't see the need to issue a couple of disgracefully embarrassing statements in the process.


There's only one thing preventing the club from getting on with it like West Ham, you turkeys. We have a board who have no desire to put in the hard yards and get back to winning matches. They only care about the size of their wallets when they sneak away at the end of this debacle.


Ashley has done nothing to deserve your trust. He is STLL DOING NOTHING TO EARN YOUR TRUST. He is letting the club flounder about while he whores it out. And yet Kev is somehow the one who goes down in your estimation. Nice one.


Top rant; I can't disagree with any of that, sadly.

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The OP is the height of stupidity.


Perhaps none of the anti Kev brigade noticed or cared who our opponent was on the weekend?


Let me spell this out for you.


West Ham. Manager left. Same reasons. Same day. Gave us a pantsing.


One club has a board which gives a fuck about having a successful football club. It appointed a new manager and got on with setting up what it thinks is a successful system. It is now back in business, winning games.


The other club has a board concerned only with fetching many high dollar, i give you love, very nice time, love your oil dollar long time. Since it can't do it on the transfer market as planned (due to fans calling their bluff), it is now taking route 1 and has gone straight to Dubai. It could not give a fuck how many games we lose in the mean-time. This board is happy to issue inflammatory statements and leave the team to die out on the pitch.


Now someone explain to me why it is Keegans fault that we have a board concerned only with top top dollar, very nice, you have club I take money, yes yes? I know a most of you Keegan haters are bone-stupid, but like to put yourselves about as highly intellectual. So use your 'powers' of rhetoric to explain this one to me. If our wundersetup is so superfantastisch and überkontinental, why the fuck weren't we able to get on with the job like West Ham?


I'll spell it out for you. Its because either


a) The board do not give a fuck and only care about finding hello friend, i give you nice club, very good, you pay yes thankyou, bring rich friend yes.


b) The setup is so godawful and fucking embarrassing (Dennis Wise as a footballing mastermind? FMD) that no manager wants to touch it.


As for saying Kev has thrown the toys out of the pram because it got a bit tough, could one of you intellectual giants please explain to me what exactly Ashley is doing? He's not only spat the dummy but he's made the club an international embarrassment, whoring it out to foreigners like some $2 hooker in the backstreets of a third world country. At least Kev left the club with dignity, and didn't see the need to issue a couple of disgracefully embarrassing statements in the process.


There's only one thing preventing the club from getting on with it like West Ham, you turkeys. We have a board who have no desire to put in the hard yards and get back to winning matches. They only care about the size of their wallets when they sneak away at the end of this debacle.


Ashley has done nothing to deserve your trust. He is STLL DOING NOTHING TO EARN YOUR TRUST. He is letting the club flounder about while he whores it out. And yet Kev is somehow the one who goes down in your estimation. Nice one.


Top rant; I can't disagree with any of that, sadly.


interesting debating style (took the i love you long time thing a bit too far  :lol: ) but basically i agree with the essential argument behind it.

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The OP is the height of stupidity.


Perhaps none of the anti Kev brigade noticed or cared who our opponent was on the weekend?


Let me spell this out for you.


West Ham. Manager left. Same reasons. Same day. Gave us a pantsing.


One club has a board which gives a f*** about having a successful football club. It appointed a new manager and got on with setting up what it thinks is a successful system. It is now back in business, winning games.


The other club has a board concerned only with fetching many high dollar, i give you love, very nice time, love your oil dollar long time. Since it can't do it on the transfer market as planned (due to fans calling their bluff), it is now taking route 1 and has gone straight to Dubai. It could not give a f*** how many games we lose in the mean-time. This board is happy to issue inflammatory statements and leave the team to die out on the pitch.


Now someone explain to me why it is Keegans fault that we have a board concerned only with top top dollar, very nice, you have club I take money, yes yes? I know a most of you Keegan haters are bone-stupid, but like to put yourselves about as highly intellectual. So use your 'powers' of rhetoric to explain this one to me. If our wundersetup is so superfantastisch and überkontinental, why the f*** weren't we able to get on with the job like West Ham?


I'll spell it out for you. Its because either


a) The board do not give a f*** and only care about finding hello friend, i give you nice club, very good, you pay yes thankyou, bring rich friend yes.


b) The setup is so godawful and f***ing embarrassing (Dennis Wise as a footballing mastermind? FMD) that no manager wants to touch it.


As for saying Kev has thrown the toys out of the pram because it got a bit tough, could one of you intellectual giants please explain to me what exactly Ashley is doing? He's not only spat the dummy but he's made the club an international embarrassment, whoring it out to foreigners like some $2 hooker in the backstreets of a third world country. At least Kev left the club with dignity, and didn't see the need to issue a couple of disgracefully embarrassing statements in the process.


There's only one thing preventing the club from getting on with it like West Ham, you turkeys. We have a board who have no desire to put in the hard yards and get back to winning matches. They only care about the size of their wallets when they sneak away at the end of this debacle.


Ashley has done nothing to deserve your trust. He is STLL DOING NOTHING TO EARN YOUR TRUST. He is letting the club flounder about while he whores it out. And yet Kev is somehow the one who goes down in your estimation. Nice one.



Superb analysis.  Completely agree.

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The OP is the height of stupidity.


Perhaps none of the anti Kev brigade noticed or cared who our opponent was on the weekend?


Let me spell this out for you.


West Ham. Manager left. Same reasons. Same day. Gave us a pantsing.


One club has a board which gives a f*** about having a successful football club. It appointed a new manager and got on with setting up what it thinks is a successful system. It is now back in business, winning games.


The other club has a board concerned only with fetching many high dollar, i give you love, very nice time, love your oil dollar long time. Since it can't do it on the transfer market as planned (due to fans calling their bluff), it is now taking route 1 and has gone straight to Dubai. It could not give a f*** how many games we lose in the mean-time. This board is happy to issue inflammatory statements and leave the team to die out on the pitch.


Now someone explain to me why it is Keegans fault that we have a board concerned only with top top dollar, very nice, you have club I take money, yes yes? I know a most of you Keegan haters are bone-stupid, but like to put yourselves about as highly intellectual. So use your 'powers' of rhetoric to explain this one to me. If our wundersetup is so superfantastisch and überkontinental, why the f*** weren't we able to get on with the job like West Ham?


I'll spell it out for you. Its because either


a) The board do not give a f*** and only care about finding hello friend, i give you nice club, very good, you pay yes thankyou, bring rich friend yes.


b) The setup is so godawful and f***ing embarrassing (Dennis Wise as a footballing mastermind? FMD) that no manager wants to touch it.


As for saying Kev has thrown the toys out of the pram because it got a bit tough, could one of you intellectual giants please explain to me what exactly Ashley is doing? He's not only spat the dummy but he's made the club an international embarrassment, whoring it out to foreigners like some $2 hooker in the backstreets of a third world country. At least Kev left the club with dignity, and didn't see the need to issue a couple of disgracefully embarrassing statements in the process.


There's only one thing preventing the club from getting on with it like West Ham, you turkeys. We have a board who have no desire to put in the hard yards and get back to winning matches. They only care about the size of their wallets when they sneak away at the end of this debacle.


Ashley has done nothing to deserve your trust. He is STLL DOING NOTHING TO EARN YOUR TRUST. He is letting the club flounder about while he whores it out. And yet Kev is somehow the one who goes down in your estimation. Nice one.


I guess you missed this.



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