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Nigerian bid fraudulent?


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Thought this article deserved its own thread as there has been so much discussion on the Nigerians reputation .



NVM set to buy club from Ashley


NVM set to buy club from Ashley


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'Newcastle takeover fraudulent'


The CEO of Pamodzi Marketing, Mike Itemuagbor, fears the Nigerian consortium behind the proposed Newcastle takeover could be a massive scam.


Pamodzi have a vested interest in the much-publicised bid as they are the marketers for the Nigerian Football Federation. Itemuagbor is therefore concerned that a failed bid by NVA management could have an adverse effect on Nigeria's global image.


NVA is backed by a number of as yet unnamed Nigerian businessman and reportedly has links to investors in China and America with the group hoping to complete their takeover of the English Premier League outfit by the weekend.


A spokesman for the group, leading English-based agent Chris Nathaniel, confirmed that they hoped they could soon make an announcement about a possible deal.


"All I can say is that we have made contact with Newcastle," Nathaniel told Sky Sports News.


Yet Itemuagbor is highly suspicious of the NVA's imminent acquisition of the Tyneside club.


He told The Vanguard: "Who are these oil barons that they are talking about? Who is the man fronting for them? Is there truth in the stories they are feeding us with? Why are they reluctant to name the so called oil barons?"


With Nigeria's reputation for corruption, Pamodzi face a difficult challenge in marketing football in the country. Itemuagbor is sceptical of NVA's motives and believes that the so-called takeover has all the hallmarks of 'advanced fraud'.


"The business of marketing sports is an uphill task in Africa especially in Nigeria where sponsorship is not in our culture," he explained.


It will be more difficult if they begin to cast credibility posers on our shores. I say this because everything about this bid by Nigerians to buy Newcastle has fraudulent tendencies. They said that they have raised 350m pounds and now looking for 50m to 100m pounds to meet Mike Ashley's price. We know how fraud happens here.


"They will now contact people to contribute and be part owners. They will push out flowery things that can deceive many minds and before you know it, they would have made so much money and would still not buy Newcastle because I doubt if they have raised the 350m that they are boasting to have gathered. We know how these people operate.


"I fear it is a clear case of 419 (Advance Fee Fraud). If it is not, let them name those involved and let us know their antecedents. We have credibility problem here because it will affect our drive in seeking sponsorship for our events. That's why I'm interested. It is for our national interest that we are asking questions about these Nigerians. I fear that fraud is in the air and people should be warned."


Newcastle have lurched from crisis to crisis in recent seasons and have struggled in the Premier League this term. Current owner Mike Ashley faces an untenable situation as the notoriously fickle Toon fans turned against him after he sacked club icon Kevin Keegan as manager.


The Nigerian consortium have curried favour with the Newcastle faithful and promised to re-appoint Keegan should their takeover be successful, but it is probably in the Toon's best interest to heed Itemuagbor's warning.  :undecided:

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Perhaps there should be a question mark after the title?


Nigerian tycoons ready bid for Newcastle


Four Nigerian tycoons are finalising a bid to buy Premier League club Newcastle United and could ask fans' hero Kevin Keegan to return as manager if they succeed, the businessman leading the bid told Reuters.


Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley put the team up for sale two weeks ago, having fallen foul of the fans after Keegan resigned saying he did not have full control over the buying and selling of players.


Chris Nathaniel, a London-based businessman who runs football and entertainment consultancy NVA Management, said four Nigerian entrepreneurs were ready to put up the cash to buy the club and that their bid was being finalised.


"We're at the stage now where our end are doing the relevant security checks on the individuals who have the money," Nathaniel, who is coordinating the bid, told Reuters.


"We have a lawyer here who is doing those checks before finally submitting a bid to Newcastle," he said by telephone.




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Dear me !

Don't say that - it's racist !

The pose-strikers on this messageboard would be throwing the tantrums they were yesterday


You can anyone else's of course....

(Its called mirror image racism actually, but the tantrum throwers are too busy striking a Mussolini-type pose to realize.....)

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i still don't get it why it racist?

No one's said it's racist :lol:  Phil K has over-thought peoples objections to his objection:

"Well I'm skeptical of the Nigerian bid, but people are questioning my skepticism, and since Nigerians are black they must think I'm only skeptical because I'm racist.  WELL I'M NOT." 


When the only objection to his objection is that there's too little information to really decide one way or the other as of yet.

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What's wrong with you, Phil K?

You miss the snide attacks on me yesterday, chum ?

I dared to say I'd prefer guaranteed arab cash and had VERY large doubts about the "Nigerian consortium" and we'd set ourselves up to be laughed at even more than at present - the flood of "Racist" ranting touched a nerve - and as a result there was a LOT of bad feeling and I'd say it'll be lasting too.

So I'm just renewing old aquintances - if you want to start down the same tedious route, feel free.


Dave - it was others (including yourself) throwing the racist charges, and not just at me.


i still don't get it why it racist?

No one's said it's racist :lol:  Phil K has over-thought peoples objections to his objection:

"Well I'm skeptical of the Nigerian bid, but people are questioning my skepticism, and since Nigerians are black they must think I'm only skeptical because I'm racist.  WELL I'M NOT." 


When the only objection to his objection is that there's too little information to really decide one way or the other as of yet.


Good post.

With thought behind it - not at all usual on this subject !

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from: Phil K on Yesterday at 11:10:10 AM

Quote from: Teasy on Yesterday at 11:09:06 AM

Yeah I know the only reason I'm keeping an open mind on this is because I'm scared of being called a racist Laughing  Get a grip Phil, did you ever consider that some of us are merely not bigoted?

Don't be a peabrain.


Right - so how about a bunch of white scam artists managing to cobble together enough money to buy the club.


Think first. It isn't about nationality or colour its "Will they improve the club" ?


And why are they automatically 'scam artists'? Of course it's f***ing nationality and colour.

An accusation of racism by any name.

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I just think it is NOT worth following up, and the bad feeling being created amongst fans makes it even worse.

Haven't we had enough of that already ?

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As a Nigerian, I have to take offense to what Mike Itemuagbor is saying here. He claims to want to protect the image of Nigerian football, and then he releases an article to the Western press that will be given headlines of "Nigerian Bid is a Fraud". This man has no more information than anyone. The insuination that this is some how Advance Fee Fraud is insane. I mean there are billions of dollars to be made off of oil in the country, just like in Dubai. And like the folks from Dubai, I bet the money wasn't gathered in the most "legal" ways but to randomly say that the bid is fradulent just stink of colonial mentality to me.


Anyway, I wish Newcastle could some how go the Arsenal route when it comes to ownership. I am not a big fan of these sugar dady owners, who pump money into the club and can disappear in a flash. I can honesty see Man City (Not so much Chelsea), encountering some terrible issues down the line. Short term success is not worth long term destruction.

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What's wrong with you, Phil K?

You miss the snide attacks on me yesterday, chum ?

I dared to say I'd prefer guaranteed arab cash and had VERY large doubts about the "Nigerian consortium" and we'd set ourselves up to be laughed at even more than at present - the flood of "Racist" ranting touched a nerve - and as a result there was a LOT of bad feeling and I'd say it'll be lasting too.

So I'm just renewing old aquintances - if you want to start down the same tedious route, feel free.


Dave - it was others (including yourself) throwing the racist charges, and not just at me.


i still don't get it why it racist?

No one's said it's racist :lol:  Phil K has over-thought peoples objections to his objection:

"Well I'm skeptical of the Nigerian bid, but people are questioning my skepticism, and since Nigerians are black they must think I'm only skeptical because I'm racist.  WELL I'M NOT." 


When the only objection to his objection is that there's too little information to really decide one way or the other as of yet.


Good post.

With thought behind it - not at all usual on this subject !


As you have so amply demonstrated on this and other threads.

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As a Nigerian, I have to take offense to what Mike Itemuagbor is saying here. He claims to want to protect the image of Nigerian football, and then he releases an article to the Western press that will be given headlines of "Nigerian Bid is a Fraud". This man has no more information than anyone. The insuination that this is some how Advance Fee Fraud is insane. I mean there are billions of dollars to be made off of oil in the country, just like in Dubai. And like the folks from Dubai, I bet the money wasn't gathered in the most "legal" ways but to randomly say that the bid is fradulent just stink of colonial mentality to me.


Anyway, I wish Newcastle could some how go the Arsenal route when it comes to ownership. I am not a big fan of these sugar dady owners, who pump money into the club and can disappear in a flash. I can honesty see Man City (Not so much Chelsea), encountering some terrible issues down the line. Short term success is not worth long term destruction.

As fair a comment as you can get.

That said, it doesn't disperse a feeling of "something not quite right here" on this bid.

While I can agree with you on the subject of "sugar daddy owners" the Ukrainian at Chelsea proves it CAN work

Sadly we were lumbered with a plastic British version.


As you have so amply demonstrated on this and other threads.


I'd need to have my brain removed to fall to your level though, chuckles.

I suppose you don't even know who "Ozymandias" was or where it came from, do you ?

(slight pause for him to hurriedly google it) :cheesy:

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If Nigerian businessmen have got millions to piss away on football clubs, why don't they spend it on improving Nigeria instead?


You could donate the money you spend on going to matches to UNICEF. It would probably save a dozen starving children annually.


Why don't you?  :rolleyes:

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Probaly because its their own money and they can spend it however they want. It's their prerogative really. Also, its not their fault that the government is useless, and its not the gov't buying the club. I do agree that there are better ways for our people to spend 400 million pounds, but no one can force them to do so.

If Nigerian businessmen have got millions to piss away on football clubs, why don't they spend it on improving Nigeria instead?

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