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The Newcastle United Transfer Thread: D-Day [Spoiler: Not Much Happens]


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Guest The Libertine

i asked because the only people ive heard officially talking about "extravagant spending spree's" were the fans and keegan, who admits he was shot down about "breaking world records". i dont remember any quote in which ashley or mort say anything like that.

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Guest The Libertine

The interview he gave them after he arrived. I can't remember how he described his plans for the club.


i know the one you mean and i cant find it online anywhere. was it confirmed by anyone that it was him saying all that? i remember some form of denial from somewhere about that interview.

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I don't know why anyone is arguing about what may or may not have been in the so-called 'Fine print'....

The facts are that Ashley made a profit in the last transfer window - end of...

He has NOT backed KK and the current manager is just a temp because no-one else would take the job.

Its time to accept that the owner has messed up BIG time, and the club will be an also-ran for the foreseeable future.

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I will run this club my way

Mike Ashley breaks Toon silence

Exclusive by Rob Beasley


Mike Ashley dramatically broke his silence over the turmoil on the Toon and defiantly declared: "I had to act and now I'll do it MY way!"


Newcastle's' billionaire owner insists he is ready to step out of the background to run the club the way HE wants to from now on.


On Tuesday he will jet back from a Far East business trip to join forces with chairman Chris Mort as they strive to bring success to St James's Park.


And there will be times when he swaps his trademark Newcastle shirt and returns to civvies as he plots the way ahead in the wake of the departure of boss Sam Allardyce.


Today, in an exclusive News of the World interview, Ashley outlines his New Year vision for Newcastle including the qualities he's looking for in the club's next manager.


He said: "I want a team that will go all out to try to give Chelsea a walloping, that'll try to stuff Tottenham and that will be brave and bold enough to attack Man Utd.


"To date I have invested £250m to try and make it happen.


"And I'm not the only one who could see it wasn't working with things as they were.


"So when my chairman told me it was time for a change I knew it had to happen.


"I just knew it was time for me to become involved.


"After all I bought this club to make it a success and the harsh truth is there wasn't much prospect of that.


"I bought this club to have some fun and I wasn't having much fun at all. So I did what I should have done in the first place and decided it was time to run the club the way I wanted.


"I must admit that when I bought this club my gut instinct was to bring in my own team to run it straight away, including a new manager.


"That's no reflection on Sam, that's just the way I have always done things.


"But for once in my life I ignored my intuition and, looking back, that was a mistake.


"My instinct had never let me down in the past, in fact it's been one of my biggest strengths, one of the major reasons behind my success.


"Yet I went against that better judgement after buying Newcastle.


"Now is the time to put away my Newcastle shirt. I'm not saying I will never go back on the terraces but now I have to be in the boardroom — I have to be hands on."


Ashley was left desperately disappointed with the return on his massive investment.


A procession of poor performances, ropey results and off-field problems was a shocking reward for his massive outlay.


It was not Ashley's vision for the sleeping giants of English football.




He added: "I want a team that is going to be admired up and down the country because of our brilliant, attacking football.


"Like they did when Kevin Keegan was in charge here.


"In those days everyone in the land loved to watch Newcastle in action. I certainly did.


"And I am determined it will be like that again."


That sort of stylish, buccaneering football has only been rarely glimpsed at St James's Park this season and Ashley makes no apologies for demanding Newcastle play the way the loyal Toon Army desire.


He added:"People might mock me for that and reckon that's all pie in the sky.


"But this is a football club, remember — it's about passion, about dreams, about glory. If it's not, then why bother?


"Make no mistake I bother, I care and so I will try my hardest to make this club successful.


"And I know I don't stand alone — I stand at the head of the Toon Army.


"Remember this is a club with a real passion running through it — not least from all those Geordie fans.


"And I share that passion."


Yet Ashley has still taken a battering over events last week with Allardyce elbowed after just eight months in charge of the Magpies.


But those pundits who would have you believe Ashley's a mug punter who does not know what he is doing should beware.


After all this is a guy who built his Sports Direct business empire up from nothing.


A man who at just 41 years of age boasts a fortune of £1.6billion — put it another way that's one thousand six hundred million pounds.


Some mug, then!


Yet Ashley is big and brave enough to accept some of the blame, even though he sees positives in his controversial decision to take a back seat so far.


He explained: "My thinking was to come into Newcastle United and examine the club from every angle and from every aspect. I wanted to see how it ran, how it worked, what the staff could offer and what the supporters were all about.


"I wanted to understand what made this club tick, I wanted to find its soul.


"I have done that now and taken a lot of flak along the way.


"People have complained I have been in the background too much, not done enough. Are you sure?


"Let's get this straight. I paid £140million to buy this club.


"I've also paid off £100million worth of debt so today this club doesn't owe a buck to anyone.


"And I also gave Sam funds for new players.


"Yet I've been hammered by certain people and for what?


"Yes, wearing my Newcastle shirt and sitting with the fans.


"The critics were suggesting in some way that this was just a cheap trick that would boost sales of shirts in my own stores.


"But anyone who knows anything about Newcastle knows all the fans already have their shirts so it's all nonsense, just unbelievable.


"And do you know something? I don't regret those days with our supporters at all.


"I might own the club but they are the heartbeat and I had a lovely time with them.


"And I guarantee that you haven't seen the last of me out there with the lads and lasses.


"I will do it again from time to time. That's because among the fans he felt at home but when he sat in his own directors' box he was condemned as unconventional.


He explained: "I can't stand this self-imposed etiquette in the boardroom and directors' box.


"You're supposed to wear a suit, a shirt and tie and behave like a headmaster.


"Why? It's like one of those , snobby, snooty golf clubs where they have rules for this and that. It's nonsense and I won't go along with it.


"I want to go to football and enjoy it.


"I want to celebrate when my team scores, when my team wins.


"It's a game of drama and emotion — of highs and lows, of highlights and heartbreaks. And I want to live it.


"So from now on it's all down to me.




"I am here because I want to be here and because I want to win trophies.


"That's it — period — to get trophies in the cabinet and have a ball doing it. I can't see anything wrong with that at all.


"Buying a football club is something I've always wanted to do so it's living a dream.


"I always said I bought this club to become part of its passion.


"I'd like to think I've done that. Now I want to channel that passion into bringing success and I just can't wait until it happens"

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I don't know why anyone is arguing about what may or may not have been in the so-called 'Fine print'....

The facts are that Ashley made a profit in the last transfer window - end of...

He has NOT backed KK and the current manager is just a temp because no-one else would take the job.

Its time to accept that the owner has messed up BIG time, and the club will be an also-ran for the foreseeable future.


He didn't make a profit in the last transfer window. The club brought in more cash for players than went out that is all, the club is still running a HUGE loss each season due to the stupid wages.

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Guest The Libertine

"The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenko's, Robinho's or the Berbatov's. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals. My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth."

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"The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenko's, Robinho's or the Berbatov's. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals. My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth."

What possessed him to go after the recognised European Footballer Modric ?

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Guest The Libertine

"The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenko's, Robinho's or the Berbatov's. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals. My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth."

What possessed him to go after the recognised European Footballer Modric ?


keegan wanted him? the deal was right? he's a young, talented player?


it hardly the same type of deal as spending £30 million on shevchenko or robinho is it?

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"The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenko's, Robinho's or the Berbatov's. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals. My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth."

And look at the date:14/09/2008. That's after he'd shown his true colours.


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Guest The Libertine
I was talking to my mate today as well, who is Michael Johnson's agent, and as far as he is aware there was no bid for him so sounds like more bullshit from the club.


A spokeswoman said: "Since Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoon Al Mubarak took over the ownership and running of the club at the end of September it has often been stated that the policy is to mix proven internationals with home grown talent, that hasn't changed.


"Newcastle did make an offer but we want to hold on to our best young players and that is why we turned them down."



bullshit from which club exactly?

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Guest The Libertine

"The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenko's, Robinho's or the Berbatov's. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals. My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth."

And look at the date:14/09/2008. That's after he'd shown his true colours.



that quote epitomises "the transfer system" that keegan apparently agreed with to come back a year ago.


im still waiting for you or somebody else to show where he's said we'll spend our way up the league btw.

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I don't think I can see any quotes from Ashley there that are are that heinous or even particularly unreasonable in context.


Things change, Kinnear drops a bollock or two, but lies and propaganda?  :lol:


Meh, I think you are crediting the club with a little too much intelligence and showing very little yourself trying to whip up outrage with some cherry picked (and at best tenuously connected) lines there Mr Happy Face.

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"The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenko's, Robinho's or the Berbatov's. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals. My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth."

And look at the date:14/09/2008. That's after he'd shown his true colours.



that quote epitomises "the transfer system" that keegan apparently agreed with to come back a year ago.


im still waiting for you or somebody else to show where he's said we'll spend our way up the league btw.


No, that would have been this (contradicting one)..


"The caliber of player we want to bring in is someone with a lot of Premiership experience or Champions League experience and they are in short supply. We are at a stage where we don't want to just bring players in to add to the squad, we want players who are going to be in the first team."

Chris Mort 02/08/2007


The one you refer to is from after Keegan left.

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I don't think I can see any quotes from Ashley there that are are that heinous or even particularly unreasonable in context.


Things change, Kinnear drops a bollock or two, but lies and propaganda?  :lol:


Meh, I think you are crediting the club with a little too much intelligence and showing very little yourself trying to whip up outrage with some cherry picked (and at best tenuously connected) lines there Mr Happy Face.


That's exactly the point; they keep changing the context, hence contradictions, half truths and propaganda.. That's putting it nicely as well. Some might say the supporters have been deliberately lied to in order to sell season tickets for three years in advance.

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Guest The Libertine

True, but that was never said before Keegan left, was it? No, it wasn't.


not in as many words, but it was obvious enough. we knew that we were going to be buying young, promising players instead of old, experienced ones wanting big contracts like the ones we're stuck with now. we all knew about this all summer.

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