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Sunderland appoint Steve 'I bleed black and white' Bruce as new manager


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The question is, since when Steve Bruce was a good manager?

A majority of people on here would have had him including myself tbh not so long ago.


Aye but at the time we did have Joe Kinnear.

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The question is, since when Steve Bruce was a good manager?

A majority of people on here would have had him including myself tbh not so long ago.


Yes but that was before we had it confirmed he was a toadying lickspittle prepared to lower himself to any level to get a job. I wouldn't take him ahead of Chris Hughton now.

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Merlin, get a grip. Wow they have a manager, the city is still an utter s*** tip, do people proclaim sunderland to be a centre for culture, no because their isn't any.


No, YOU get a grip - we are talking FOOTBALL CLUBS here, not cities ; nobody disputes that Sunderland is an inferior CITY to Newcastle, but what difference does THAT make in the football world ? Liverpool is ALSO an inferior city to Newcastle in some ways, but they still have a team world's apart from NUFC...they also won the 'City of Culture' thing, mainly because Blair's wife comes from there, so don't quote THAT as a guideline ; no, they are going to be the No 1 team in the NE for at least 1 year and probably more, so as I said - DIG YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND ; NUFC has lived in cloud cuckoo land for far too long and its about time our fans started facing the realities of life now that we have been relegated.


Thank your lucky stars that one Brian Clough(who used to play for them), never became their manager or our record over the past 40 years would look distinctly ragged against what they would have achieved under him.......

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Merlin, get a grip. Wow they have a manager, the city is still an utter s*** tip, do people proclaim sunderland to be a centre for culture, no because their isn't any.


No, YOU get a grip - we are talking FOOTBALL CLUBS here, not cities ; nobody disputes that Sunderland is an inferior CITY to Newcastle, but what difference does THAT make in the football world ? Liverpool is ALSO an inferior city to Newcastle in some ways, but they still have a team world's apart from NUFC...they also won the 'City of Culture' thing, mainly because Blair's wife comes from there, so don't quote THAT as a guideline ; no, they are going to be the No 1 team in the NE for at least 1 year and probably more, so as I said - DIG YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND ; NUFC has lived in cloud cuckoo land for far too long and its about time our fans started facing the realities of life now that we have been relegated.


Thank your lucky stars that one Brian Clough(who used to play for them), never became their manager or our record over the past 40 years would look distinctly ragged against what they would have achieved under him.......


They continue to bask in the glory of a 36 point season - 2 more than us and about twice their usual PL total - and seeing us go down. Let them enjoy the moment but whatever they proclaim that will continue to be the height of their ambition.

Bruce is not a great manager - if he was he'd be at a big club by now - and whatever they're saying right now his Geordie credentials will weigh heavily against him once it starts going wrong - another Lawrie Macmenemie perhaps ?

He has a big, overpaid underperforming squad to sort out (sounds familiar  ?) and despite newspaper talk of "big signings" Sunderland will remain a particularly unattractive option for any decent player in a finacially competitive market.


Right now the their target/ambition is exactly the same as ours, i.e to be playing in the PL the season after next.

If we're no longer competing for a top of the table place and Europe and if our status has sunk to being a club who merely want to be in the PL next year we may as well take a step back and rebuild.

Granted they'll get a bit more TV cash in the meantime but despite the "new order" we'll still have higher attendances and a lot more media coverage. That's the way it will alway's be, they know it and so does Steve Bruce and everyone else in football.

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Merlin, get a grip. Wow they have a manager, the city is still an utter s*** tip, do people proclaim sunderland to be a centre for culture, no because their isn't any.


No, YOU get a grip - we are talking FOOTBALL CLUBS here, not cities ; nobody disputes that Sunderland is an inferior CITY to Newcastle, but what difference does THAT make in the football world ? Liverpool is ALSO an inferior city to Newcastle in some ways, but they still have a team world's apart from NUFC...they also won the 'City of Culture' thing, mainly because Blair's wife comes from there, so don't quote THAT as a guideline ; no, they are going to be the No 1 team in the NE for at least 1 year and probably more, so as I said - DIG YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND ; NUFC has lived in cloud cuckoo land for far too long and its about time our fans started facing the realities of life now that we have been relegated.


Thank your lucky stars that one Brian Clough(who used to play for them), never became their manager or our record over the past 40 years would look distinctly ragged against what they would have achieved under him.......


They continue to bask in the glory of a 36 point season - 2 more than us and about twice their usual PL total - and seeing us go down. Let them enjoy the moment but whatever they proclaim that will continue to be the height of their ambition.

Bruce is not a great manager - if he was he'd be at a big club by now - and whatever they're saying right now his Geordie credentials will weigh heavily against him once it starts going wrong - another Lawrie Macmenemie perhaps ?

He has a big, overpaid underperforming squad to sort out (sounds familiar  ?) and despite newspaper talk of "big signings" Sunderland will remain a particularly unattractive option for any decent player in a finacially competitive market.


Right now the their target/ambition is exactly the same as ours, i.e to be playing in the PL the season after next.

If we're no longer competing for a top of the table place and Europe and if our status has sunk to being a club who merely want to be in the PL next year we may as well take a step back and rebuild.

Granted they'll get a bit more TV cash in the meantime but despite the "new order" we'll still have higher attendances and a lot more media coverage. That's the way it will alway's be, they know it and so does Steve Bruce and everyone else in football.


Unless NUFC is sold quickly, and to a determined and clever owner, I am willing to bet that, by the end of next season, our attendances will be worse than theirs - i think you are underestimating the degree of anger and disillusion among our fans. If we struggle in the first few months of the season and have not been sold, OR the new owners do not invest quickly, the gates will start to drop rapidly.


Nobody knows exactly how well Bruce will so, OR what sort of signings he might make - all of that will determine how well they do and what sort of crowds they will get...you are judging things from how the clubs have performed over the past 20 years ; all of that is now in the melting pot..

Nothing stays the same, and we are not talking about a club like, say, Leeds who were never going to attract really big crowds because Rugby is a more popular game in W.Yorks - Sunderland DO have the capacity to draw large crowds on a regular basis IF , for example, they managed to get into the UEFA Cup for a couple of seasons.


At present, they are in a far better situation and with more chance of Prem respectability than NUFC, and until Newcastle is back in the Prem(OR Bruce fails spectacularly, which not many on here would put money on), you can forget all the historical stuff...and as for 'more media coverage', just see how much more money they will get by being on Sky next season....it also seems to me that 'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..!

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Merlin, get a grip. Wow they have a manager, the city is still an utter s*** tip, do people proclaim sunderland to be a centre for culture, no because their isn't any.


No, YOU get a grip - we are talking FOOTBALL CLUBS here, not cities ; nobody disputes that Sunderland is an inferior CITY to Newcastle, but what difference does THAT make in the football world ? Liverpool is ALSO an inferior city to Newcastle in some ways, but they still have a team world's apart from NUFC...they also won the 'City of Culture' thing, mainly because Blair's wife comes from there, so don't quote THAT as a guideline ; no, they are going to be the No 1 team in the NE for at least 1 year and probably more, so as I said - DIG YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND ; NUFC has lived in cloud cuckoo land for far too long and its about time our fans started facing the realities of life now that we have been relegated.


Thank your lucky stars that one Brian Clough(who used to play for them), never became their manager or our record over the past 40 years would look distinctly ragged against what they would have achieved under him.......


They continue to bask in the glory of a 36 point season - 2 more than us and about twice their usual PL total - and seeing us go down. Let them enjoy the moment but whatever they proclaim that will continue to be the height of their ambition.

Bruce is not a great manager - if he was he'd be at a big club by now - and whatever they're saying right now his Geordie credentials will weigh heavily against him once it starts going wrong - another Lawrie Macmenemie perhaps ?

He has a big, overpaid underperforming squad to sort out (sounds familiar  ?) and despite newspaper talk of "big signings" Sunderland will remain a particularly unattractive option for any decent player in a finacially competitive market.


Right now the their target/ambition is exactly the same as ours, i.e to be playing in the PL the season after next.

If we're no longer competing for a top of the table place and Europe and if our status has sunk to being a club who merely want to be in the PL next year we may as well take a step back and rebuild.

Granted they'll get a bit more TV cash in the meantime but despite the "new order" we'll still have higher attendances and a lot more media coverage. That's the way it will alway's be, they know it and so does Steve Bruce and everyone else in football.


Unless NUFC is sold quickly, and to a determined and clever owner, I am willing to bet that, by the end of next season, our attendances will be worse than theirs - i think you are underestimating the degree of anger and disillusion among our fans. If we struggle in the first few months of the season and have not been sold, OR the new owners do not invest quickly, the gates will start to drop rapidly.


Nobody knows exactly how well Bruce will so, OR what sort of signings he might make - all of that will determine how well they do and what sort of crowds they will get...you are judging things from how the clubs have performed over the past 20 years ; all of that is now in the melting pot..

Nothing stays the same, and we are not talking about a club like, say, Leeds who were never going to attract really big crowds because Rugby is a more popular game in W.Yorks - Sunderland DO have the capacity to draw large crowds on a regular basis IF , for example, they managed to get into the UEFA Cup for a couple of seasons.


At present, they are in a far better situation and with more chance of Prem respectability than NUFC, and until Newcastle is back in the Prem(OR Bruce fails spectacularly, which not many on here would put money on), you can forget all the historical stuff...and as for 'more media coverage', just see how much more money they will get by being on Sky next season....it also seems to me that 'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..!


Your reply is crammed with supposition all assuming a best case scenario for them and a worst case for us. It's highly unlikely.

No decent player with options will go there and Bruce is not a top manager, their ambition will merely be survival.

Let's face it in a hovvel like Sunderland, where I believe no member of their playing or management staff will lower themselves to reside, it's always going to be an uphill battle to attract decent people.


UEFA cup - now you are getting carried away and I'm not sure what your point about "'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..! " has to do with this particular discussion.


P.S. Which rugby league team ever had a higher attendance than Leeds United - even when they are in the 3rd division ?



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He can say goodbye to ever managing Newcastle now.


We can but hope.


My guess is that if 5 years ago he had a crystal ball and saw he was going to be Sunderland Manager he would have been touting himself around as a Mackem fan. I just don't accept this Bruce is a Mag palava. He's a Manc through and through, there has never at any time in the last 20 years been any indication that he is anything else than a Manc.


He has high hopes for the Man U job when Ferguson finally retires, no chance of that happening either.


As for his wonderful purchases, didn't Wenger recommend Palacios? He'll probably do a bit better than Sbragia, but the way he is getting bigged up on here is laughable.

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Mackems on SMB talking of signing Hleb   ;D




You think thats bad? You probably won't beleive me but there was a thread on RtG where some mong said they should make an enquiry about Rooney to partner Kenwyne Jones. Almost shit my pants laughing.

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Guest wshmag

Mackems on SMB talking of signing Hleb   ;D






you laugh, but we wish we were in their position.

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Mackems on SMB talking of signing Hleb   ;D






you laugh, but we wish we were in their position.


As far as being in the Premiership this season yes, obviously.  Doesn't mean they aren't mental for thinking they can sign Hleb though.

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I see they've been invited to the Amsterdam Tournament.


Going to be a bit of a come down after years of watching Arsenal pretty much every summer for the Ajax fans to then have to watch Sunderland. :lol:

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Mackems on SMB talking of signing Hleb   ;D




You think thats bad? You probably won't beleive me but there was a thread on RtG where some mong said they should make an enquiry about Rooney to partner Kenwyne Jones. Almost s*** my pants laughing.


It was Bastian Schweinsteiger the other day for their right wing.......;)

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Guest Stephen927

Could just be WUMs on the SMB forum making them look bad..


Nah... can't be that. Deluded mackem wankers.

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