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Sunderland appoint Steve 'I bleed black and white' Bruce as new manager


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Mackems on SMB talking of signing Hleb   ;D




You think thats bad? You probably won't beleive me but there was a thread on RtG where some mong said they should make an enquiry about Rooney to partner Kenwyne Jones. Almost s*** my pants laughing.


It was Bastian Schweinsteiger the other day for their right wing.......;)


And us last summer if you believe the rumours.

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Merlin, get a grip. Wow they have a manager, the city is still an utter s*** tip, do people proclaim sunderland to be a centre for culture, no because their isn't any.


No, YOU get a grip - we are talking FOOTBALL CLUBS here, not cities ; nobody disputes that Sunderland is an inferior CITY to Newcastle, but what difference does THAT make in the football world ? Liverpool is ALSO an inferior city to Newcastle in some ways, but they still have a team world's apart from NUFC...they also won the 'City of Culture' thing, mainly because Blair's wife comes from there, so don't quote THAT as a guideline ; no, they are going to be the No 1 team in the NE for at least 1 year and probably more, so as I said - DIG YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND ; NUFC has lived in cloud cuckoo land for far too long and its about time our fans started facing the realities of life now that we have been relegated.


Thank your lucky stars that one Brian Clough(who used to play for them), never became their manager or our record over the past 40 years would look distinctly ragged against what they would have achieved under him.......


They continue to bask in the glory of a 36 point season - 2 more than us and about twice their usual PL total - and seeing us go down. Let them enjoy the moment but whatever they proclaim that will continue to be the height of their ambition.

Bruce is not a great manager - if he was he'd be at a big club by now - and whatever they're saying right now his Geordie credentials will weigh heavily against him once it starts going wrong - another Lawrie Macmenemie perhaps ?

He has a big, overpaid underperforming squad to sort out (sounds familiar  ?) and despite newspaper talk of "big signings" Sunderland will remain a particularly unattractive option for any decent player in a finacially competitive market.


Right now the their target/ambition is exactly the same as ours, i.e to be playing in the PL the season after next.

If we're no longer competing for a top of the table place and Europe and if our status has sunk to being a club who merely want to be in the PL next year we may as well take a step back and rebuild.

Granted they'll get a bit more TV cash in the meantime but despite the "new order" we'll still have higher attendances and a lot more media coverage. That's the way it will alway's be, they know it and so does Steve Bruce and everyone else in football.


Unless NUFC is sold quickly, and to a determined and clever owner, I am willing to bet that, by the end of next season, our attendances will be worse than theirs - i think you are underestimating the degree of anger and disillusion among our fans. If we struggle in the first few months of the season and have not been sold, OR the new owners do not invest quickly, the gates will start to drop rapidly.


Nobody knows exactly how well Bruce will so, OR what sort of signings he might make - all of that will determine how well they do and what sort of crowds they will get...you are judging things from how the clubs have performed over the past 20 years ; all of that is now in the melting pot..

Nothing stays the same, and we are not talking about a club like, say, Leeds who were never going to attract really big crowds because Rugby is a more popular game in W.Yorks - Sunderland DO have the capacity to draw large crowds on a regular basis IF , for example, they managed to get into the UEFA Cup for a couple of seasons.


At present, they are in a far better situation and with more chance of Prem respectability than NUFC, and until Newcastle is back in the Prem(OR Bruce fails spectacularly, which not many on here would put money on), you can forget all the historical stuff...and as for 'more media coverage', just see how much more money they will get by being on Sky next season....it also seems to me that 'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..!


Your reply is crammed with supposition all assuming a best case scenario for them and a worst case for us. It's highly unlikely.

No decent player with options will go there and Bruce is not a top manager, their ambition will merely be survival.

Let's face it in a hovvel like Sunderland, where I believe no member of their playing or management staff will lower themselves to reside, it's always going to be an uphill battle to attract decent people.


UEFA cup - now you are getting carried away and I'm not sure what your point about "'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..! " has to do with this particular discussion.


P.S. Which rugby league team ever had a higher attendance than Leeds United - even when they are in the 3rd division ?



No, my reply is NOT crammed with supposition - my reply laid out a scenario that is certainly possible in the current circumstances ; however much you hate to admit it, the fact of the matter is that S'Land will CERTAINLY finish higher than NUFC next season - even if we get promoted, which looks as likely as winning the FA Cup right now..

They WILL get more money from TV than we will, they have a new owner who looks as if he will invest in the team(then again, to be fair, so did Ashley...), and they have a manager who has achieved a reasonable degree of success at clubs who have far less going for them than EITHER NUFC or the Mackems..only a fool would rule out the chance that he might just have more success at a club with a bigger fan base and not having to sell to balance the books ; you have no more reason to believe he will fail than I have to say he will be a success, but the facts certainly do NOT lean to any view that he WILL fail..

As for the UEFA Cup, they are unlikely to achieve that in the next season, but, if they make progress under Bruce. I wouldn't rule them out as possible Top 7 material the following year if he is allowed to make further signings - NOBODY can rule that out, after all, there were plenty on here scoffing at MON being appointed to the Villa job, but he has achieved exactly that, and S/Land could draw just as big(or larger)crowds than Villa.


Do you believe that any of the top Prem clubs would have expected NUFC to be in the Top 3 the season after Promotion ? As you should remember, that is what happened - its unlikely ever to happen again, but it shows that a properly-managed club with ambitious management and Directors CAN go places..the fact that Sunderland is not as nice as Newcastle has nothing to do with it...


Sheff Weds & Wolves used to be giants of the game - as did Notts Forest and Derby under Clough ; before Clough arrived at Derby, they were a Second Div backwater, well below the likes of Sheff Weds and Wolves in the pecking order, but they left them standing and although they are in the Fizzy now, they have been better than Sheff Weds ever since, so do not think that clubs with big histories and nice cities are always the most successful - they aren't.


My point about 'everyone else in football' was in answer to the point YOU made assuming that everyone else in the game shared your opinion about NUFC always going to be a bigger club than Sunderland - Personally, I don't think the majority of fans give a toss about that and think that BOTH NE clubs are rubbish(which, frankly, they ARE right now), but there were certainly PLENTY of fans of other teams who were DELIGHTED to see us go down, and Richard Scudamore, CE of the Prem, said they wouldn't miss us - interpret THAT as you will....


The point about Leeds was that, even if people don't go to games, they still have a greater interest in RL than Football - the only other deduction to be made is that they don;t care EITHER way, and that still proves my point about the Mackems having more potential than Leeds - even Don Revie thought that.


I have always wanted NUFC to be a club deserving of its supporters - that is, one of the Top 5 in England,but I have never been so blind as to see that if we ever lost the plot, the Mackems always had the support potential to be a successful club, even in the days when we were competing with Man U for the title - complacency is a dangerous and stupid mindset in every walk of life, and especially in football.


We will see what happens over the next 2 years.....



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Posted 05/06/09 11:05




Steve Bruce has insisted landing the Newcastle manager's job was never his dream.


The 48-year-old, who took over at Sunderland earlier this week, has twice been in the frame for the position at St James' Park, firstly after Sir Bobby Robson's departure in 2004 and then when his successor, Graeme Souness, made way 18 months later.


However, Geordie Bruce is adamant that he never coveted the chance to step into the hot-seat on Tyneside.


He told the Sunderland Echo: "Managing Newcastle has never been my dream as a boss.


"I'm in football management now and I look for the right job more than anything else.


"And this opportunity at Sunderland has got everything I want - the infrastructure, the fan-base, an ambitious chairman and an ambitious new owner.


"I don't need anything else - I've got everything here. Everything you look for as an ambitious manager is here at Sunderland.


"It's a big club with a big history, a long tradition, and the potential to really go places.


"All the off-field components are there, and we need to build a team now to really take things forward."

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Merlin, get a grip. Wow they have a manager, the city is still an utter s*** tip, do people proclaim sunderland to be a centre for culture, no because their isn't any.


No, YOU get a grip - we are talking FOOTBALL CLUBS here, not cities ; nobody disputes that Sunderland is an inferior CITY to Newcastle, but what difference does THAT make in the football world ? Liverpool is ALSO an inferior city to Newcastle in some ways, but they still have a team world's apart from NUFC...they also won the 'City of Culture' thing, mainly because Blair's wife comes from there, so don't quote THAT as a guideline ; no, they are going to be the No 1 team in the NE for at least 1 year and probably more, so as I said - DIG YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND ; NUFC has lived in cloud cuckoo land for far too long and its about time our fans started facing the realities of life now that we have been relegated.


Thank your lucky stars that one Brian Clough(who used to play for them), never became their manager or our record over the past 40 years would look distinctly ragged against what they would have achieved under him.......


They continue to bask in the glory of a 36 point season - 2 more than us and about twice their usual PL total - and seeing us go down. Let them enjoy the moment but whatever they proclaim that will continue to be the height of their ambition.

Bruce is not a great manager - if he was he'd be at a big club by now - and whatever they're saying right now his Geordie credentials will weigh heavily against him once it starts going wrong - another Lawrie Macmenemie perhaps ?

He has a big, overpaid underperforming squad to sort out (sounds familiar  ?) and despite newspaper talk of "big signings" Sunderland will remain a particularly unattractive option for any decent player in a finacially competitive market.


Right now the their target/ambition is exactly the same as ours, i.e to be playing in the PL the season after next.

If we're no longer competing for a top of the table place and Europe and if our status has sunk to being a club who merely want to be in the PL next year we may as well take a step back and rebuild.

Granted they'll get a bit more TV cash in the meantime but despite the "new order" we'll still have higher attendances and a lot more media coverage. That's the way it will alway's be, they know it and so does Steve Bruce and everyone else in football.


Unless NUFC is sold quickly, and to a determined and clever owner, I am willing to bet that, by the end of next season, our attendances will be worse than theirs - i think you are underestimating the degree of anger and disillusion among our fans. If we struggle in the first few months of the season and have not been sold, OR the new owners do not invest quickly, the gates will start to drop rapidly.


Nobody knows exactly how well Bruce will so, OR what sort of signings he might make - all of that will determine how well they do and what sort of crowds they will get...you are judging things from how the clubs have performed over the past 20 years ; all of that is now in the melting pot..

Nothing stays the same, and we are not talking about a club like, say, Leeds who were never going to attract really big crowds because Rugby is a more popular game in W.Yorks - Sunderland DO have the capacity to draw large crowds on a regular basis IF , for example, they managed to get into the UEFA Cup for a couple of seasons.


At present, they are in a far better situation and with more chance of Prem respectability than NUFC, and until Newcastle is back in the Prem(OR Bruce fails spectacularly, which not many on here would put money on), you can forget all the historical stuff...and as for 'more media coverage', just see how much more money they will get by being on Sky next season....it also seems to me that 'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..!


Your reply is crammed with supposition all assuming a best case scenario for them and a worst case for us. It's highly unlikely.

No decent player with options will go there and Bruce is not a top manager, their ambition will merely be survival.

Let's face it in a hovvel like Sunderland, where I believe no member of their playing or management staff will lower themselves to reside, it's always going to be an uphill battle to attract decent people.


UEFA cup - now you are getting carried away and I'm not sure what your point about "'everyone else in football' was secretly quite pleased to see NUFC go down..! " has to do with this particular discussion.


P.S. Which rugby league team ever had a higher attendance than Leeds United - even when they are in the 3rd division ?



No, my reply is NOT crammed with supposition - my reply laid out a scenario that is certainly possible in the current circumstances ; however much you hate to admit it, the fact of the matter is that S'Land will CERTAINLY finish higher than NUFC next season - even if we get promoted, which looks as likely as winning the FA Cup right now..

They WILL get more money from TV than we will, they have a new owner who looks as if he will invest in the team(then again, to be fair, so did Ashley...), and they have a manager who has achieved a reasonable degree of success at clubs who have far less going for them than EITHER NUFC or the Mackems..only a fool would rule out the chance that he might just have more success at a club with a bigger fan base and not having to sell to balance the books ; you have no more reason to believe he will fail than I have to say he will be a success, but the facts certainly do NOT lean to any view that he WILL fail..

As for the UEFA Cup, they are unlikely to achieve that in the next season, but, if they make progress under Bruce. I wouldn't rule them out as possible Top 7 material the following year if he is allowed to make further signings - NOBODY can rule that out, after all, there were plenty on here scoffing at MON being appointed to the Villa job, but he has achieved exactly that, and S/Land could draw just as big(or larger)crowds than Villa.


Do you believe that any of the top Prem clubs would have expected NUFC to be in the Top 3 the season after Promotion ? As you should remember, that is what happened - its unlikely ever to happen again, but it shows that a properly-managed club with ambitious management and Directors CAN go places..the fact that Sunderland is not as nice as Newcastle has nothing to do with it...


Sheff Weds & Wolves used to be giants of the game - as did Notts Forest and Derby under Clough ; before Clough arrived at Derby, they were a Second Div backwater, well below the likes of Sheff Weds and Wolves in the pecking order, but they left them standing and although they are in the Fizzy now, they have been better than Sheff Weds ever since, so do not think that clubs with big histories and nice cities are always the most successful - they aren't.


My point about 'everyone else in football' was in answer to the point YOU made assuming that everyone else in the game shared your opinion about NUFC always going to be a bigger club than Sunderland - Personally, I don't think the majority of fans give a toss about that and think that BOTH NE clubs are rubbish(which, frankly, they ARE right now), but there were certainly PLENTY of fans of other teams who were DELIGHTED to see us go down, and Richard Scudamore, CE of the Prem, said they wouldn't miss us - interpret THAT as you will....


The point about Leeds was that, even if people don't go to games, they still have a greater interest in RL than Football - the only other deduction to be made is that they don;t care EITHER way, and that still proves my point about the Mackems having more potential than Leeds - even Don Revie thought that.


I have always wanted NUFC to be a club deserving of its supporters - that is, one of the Top 5 in England,but I have never been so blind as to see that if we ever lost the plot, the Mackems always had the support potential to be a successful club, even in the days when we were competing with Man U for the title - complacency is a dangerous and stupid mindset in every walk of life, and especially in football.


We will see what happens over the next 2 years.....




You, sorry they, were probably just as excited when they last hired "a manager who has achieved a reasonable degree of success at clubs who have far less going for them than EITHER NUFC or the Mackems" as you put it.

Lawrie MacMenemy was a total failure and Bruce has done little to suggest he is better qualified than him and he has a top heavy, overpaid, underperforming squad to sort out first.


My point about Sunderland being a remote hovvel which no one would choose to live in does not totally preclude the chance of them making decent signings, they can after all reside in Newcastle or Durham - as most of Sunderland's playing staff already do, it just means that decent players with options will most likely go elsewhere or demand extra money to put up with life on Wearside.


As you say we will indeed see what happens over the next 2 years, I have no great optimism for Newcastle right now, but also fail to see how you or a mackem can predict such a rosy future for an oversized, overpaid squad which managed 36 points, on the back of the appointment of an average journeyman manager.

Sounds like Saint Niall's magic carpet blarney/bullsh@t is working again.

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Nothing major, but this brought a smile to my face...


L'Equipe article on the Newcastle up for sale story. 12 replies from the French public.



L'Equipe article on the Sunderland takeover. 6 replies from the French public.



L'Equipe article on Beye wanting to stay at Newcastle. 18 replies from the French public.




L'Equipe article on the Bruce to Sunderland story. 0 replies from the French public.





We'll always be the bigger club in the grander scheme of things!



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Nothing major, but this brought a smile to my face...


L'Equipe article on the Newcastle up for sale story. 12 replies from the French public.



L'Equipe article on the Sunderland takeover. 6 replies from the French public.



L'Equipe article on Beye wanting to stay at Newcastle. 18 replies from the French public.




L'Equipe article on the Bruce to Sunderland story. 0 replies from the French public.





We'll always be the bigger club in the grander scheme of things!




Neither club is anywhere NEAR the 'grander scheme of things' but they are closer to it for the foreseeable future than we are...Nothing stays the same forever and you can never be complacent ; if the responses to articles in a French footy mag are supposed to back the theory of our eternal superiority, then it smacks of straw-grabbing...


We cannot even use trophies as evidence because ;-


1.They have won more League titles than us, and the last one was more recently

2.They were the last NE side to win the FA Cup(1973)

3.Even the dreaded Smogs have boasting rights over being the last NE club to win a meaningful domestic trophy(even if our 'fans' try to deride it).


All we have to boast about during the last 20 years are 2 near-misses in both Prem and FA Cup(although we were never at the races in EITHER Cup Final), and a few goes at the CL - now light years away in terms of our being able to challenge the Top 4 again.


Bragging Rights in the NE is small beer in the eyes of the rest of football.

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He can fuck right off...


SUNDERLAND boss Steve Bruce wants to take Newcastle’s Sebastien Bassong to Wearside.


The Black Cats are also ready to hijack a deal for United’s top summer transfer target, Norway international midfielder Per Ciljan Skjelbred.


Bruce is a big fan of Newcastle’s star defender Bassong, who was the pick of the United defence – and arguably their team – last season.


Bassong is set to leave St James’s Park this summer in the wake of the Magpies’ relegation, and Bruce has joined the queue of Premier League clubs who are tracking the 23-year-old Frenchman.


Bruce had also been linked with a raid on his former club Wigan for ex-Newcastle defender Titus Bramble to bolster the Sunderland defence, but Bassong is his preferred target.


He is also interested in signing Skjelbred from Norwegian side Rosenborg.


Newcastle had lined up a £5m deal to bring the 21-year-old – who grew up supporting the Magpies – to Tyneside, but that move has been thrown into doubt by relegation and the financial squeeze which goes with it.


The Wearsiders could profit from that by putting together their own bid for Skjelbred.


If Newcastle appoint a manager and scrape together the cash, Skjelbred could find himself with a choice between playing in the Championship with his boyhood idols or the Premier League with Sunderland.


Skjelbred was offered the chance to join Liverpool's youth set-up as a teenager but opted for Rosenborg instead, and he has had experience of playing in the Champions League with the Norwegian giants.


Taken from tonights Chronicle.

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Guest palnese

The mackems getting Bassong and Skjelbred. About twenty N-O members would be found hanging.


You can't stand him can you ?:)

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It's funny you should say that Bruce, cuz it's never been a dream of ours to have your quasimodo face running our club either!

Best case scenario, Sunderland stay up by the skin of their teeth, we get promoted as champions and then at the end of the next season Scumderland have to play us, leading to a humiliating thrashing which puts us into a europa cup place and puts them down on the worst points/goals tally ever recorded in premiership history.  :celb: ;D

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Guest Heneage

I don't know him.

Our resident Norwegian film-maker reckons Skejlbred already turned them down.  :shifty:

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Shearer would surely never let that happen


What say does Shearer have in the matter?


I'm sure Shearer would do everything in his power to prevent Bassong going to Sunderland. Besides I can't see Bassong deserting us to join a team that was only 2 points better off than us last season. Two years time the rolls will be reversed again.

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Shearer would surely never let that happen


What say does Shearer have in the matter?


IF he had a say in the matter, and lets hope he will, very soon


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the club sold Bassong before we even have a manager.

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