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Sébastien Bassong (now retired)

Crumpy Gunt

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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





stop posting your shit then.


why not comment on what you think of Bassong and his future at the club, Omar ?



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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





stop posting your shit then.


why not comment on what you think of Bassong and his future at the club, Omar ?


Yes sir....yes sir!  ;D 


If we want to hang on onto our best players then we must show a bit of ambition, Steve. Simple really.

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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





stop posting your shit then.


why not comment on what you think of Bassong and his future at the club, Omar ?


Yes sir....yes sir!  ;D 


If we want to hang on onto our best players then we must show a bit of ambition, Steve. Simple really.


By God, you're learning.



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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





stop posting your shit then.


why not comment on what you think of Bassong and his future at the club, Omar ?


Yes sir....yes sir!  ;D 


If we want to hang on onto our best players then we must show a bit of ambition, Steve. Simple really.


By God, you're learning.



One day I will replace you as the biggest arrogant twat on NUFC boards everywhere. :smug:

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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





stop posting your shit then.


why not comment on what you think of Bassong and his future at the club, Omar ?


Yes sir....yes sir!  ;D 


If we want to hang on onto our best players then we must show a bit of ambition, Steve. Simple really.


By God, you're learning.



One day I will replace you as the biggest most arrogant twat on NUFC boards everywhere. :smug:


inserted a word to improve your English and help you on your way.



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How on earth has a thread about Bassong become Ashley vs Shepherd


get a fucking life




How do you think? :lol:


2 good posts there .




are they relevant, though? :pow:





stop posting your shit then.


why not comment on what you think of Bassong and his future at the club, Omar ?


Yes sir....yes sir!  ;D 


If we want to hang on onto our best players then we must show a bit of ambition, Steve. Simple really.


By God, you're learning.



One day I will replace you as the biggest most arrogant twat on NUFC boards everywhere. :smug:


inserted a word to improve your English and help you on your way.


I'm not impressed by yours either, tbh. So, I'll pass, thanks.

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taking aside that he bought the club without doing due dilligence.......


which I wouldn't give a toss about if he was the right man for the club, and knew how football works. Especially at a big club like us.


It's difficult to know how to answer, because nobody knows what his original intentions were. Maybe he did have ambition, but didn't realise the cost. Maybe he saw it as something to sell on and make a profit ie was in it for the short term. Maybe he saw it as a vehicle to sit with sports direct.


I think whatever of the above applies , he's been caught out and didn't really realise what he was getting into. Maybe we are the wrong club for him ? Maybe we are just too big and demanding for him [same thing].


All I want from an owner of NUFC is to show ambition for the club in keeping with the size of it. I supported this club for 28 years before someone came in and showed this, and although there was obviously the odd good season and spell of good feeling, overall it was completely frustrating, knowing the club was massively underachieving. Pretty much every day of your life, supporters of the club used to say that we should be a much bigger and better club than one that is a yo-yo club. For younger lads [assuming you are yourself mate] try and look at the mackems fortunes over the last 15 years of Bob Murray and imagine the same here for almost twice the time span.


Its not good enough, and I sensed fairly soon that his attitude was more in this direction than the one we had been seeing.


I don't think it is possible to be successful without speculating, and if that means accumulating a debt, then all the other successful clubs have gone down this route. Give me a club that competes before one that doesn't anyday, whats the point if you don't compete at your level ? It might go wrong, and for most clubs it doesn't work out to the extent they would like, but thats football. Then you have to ease back a bit, regroup, and try again, but you have to try again. You have to be prepared to make some buys that don't work out, and lose some money on them. Thats football.


The reason we have this 52,000 stadium is because they were successful enough to justify expanding it. I can see a situation whereby if it is only 60% full to capacity, what impact would this have on finances and the clubs ability to get back among the elite ? It makes me wonder if Mike Ashley had taken over the club 10-11 years ago, would there have been any need to expand it in the first place, and run up the stadium debt ? All swings and roundabouts. Speculate or die.


Don't mean to derail. Its my observation [yes again] for anybody who feels they want to say something for or against.


Back to Bassong. Players know when they are playing for a club going nowhere, especially if they know they should be playing for the clubs putting in the big challenges. But that is where we should always be striving to be. Players like Bassong and the now departed Shay Given and Charles N'Zogbia, and the soon to depart Michael Owen just should not see NUFC as a club to leave, other than to the worldwide giants such as the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona and ManU, which is understandable, even though in the mid 90's even Andy Cole didn't WANT to leave us. THAT is where we ought to be.


I'll leave it there. I've tried to answer.




I'm not trying to have a go here because I actually understand large parts of that, I just think it's out-dated.


I think at this time we can't afford to go throwing money about, we're in a stage that you actually mention yourself, we're having to "ease back a bit, regroup, and try again."  I also agree that we're heading towards having a 60% full ground unless something changes and the club can get the majority of the fans back on-board.

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Guest firetotheworks

What a star Bassong has been. That was one of Dennis Wise’s signings, he was our cheapest signing. You have to be brave to put him into the team but he’s matured.




Excuse me for being cynical but to me this is:


Dennis Wise is hated by the supporters, lets pick our best signing of the season and say it was down to him.


Of course I could be wrong, but I distrust everything that Llambias says after his idiotic claims about Kinnear being qualified and being 'a good man manager'

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I'm pretty sure Bassong was spotted by Wise, he was brought over for a trial and then Keegan declared he was happy to sign him as he had impressed. Guthrie was more a player that Keegan actually initiated IIRC.

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I wonder why he specifically says Bassong was a Wise SIGNING, if Wise was just spotting them.


Semantics, maybe.


Probably. Just seems a stupid thing to say considering it's the entire basis of Keegan's claims against them.

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I wonder why he specifically says Bassong was a Wise SIGNING, if Wise was just spotting them.


Semantics, maybe.


Probably. Just seems a stupid thing to say considering it's the entire basis of Keegan's claims against them.



All this will soon come out in the wash Dave.

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I wonder why he specifically says Bassong was a Wise SIGNING, if Wise was just spotting them.


Semantics, maybe.


Probably. Just seems a stupid thing to say considering it's the entire basis of Keegan's claims against them.


Bassong did a face to face with John Gibson the other week (bought the paper so I haven't got a link) but he said that Keegan new his agent and when he found out he was available for trial Keegan nipped ahead of Everton (I think) and got him to Newcastle.  He then went on to say how much he loved the crowd at Doncaster when played as just a number.


I know it reads as a typical thing a player would say but yet again it's board one thing players\press another.  I'm not against Ashley and crew per se but there is not consistency in any of this.


re Bassong the player he's looked very good and regardless of who spotted him a good signing at a good age and cracking price if you believe this mornings Journal but I liked the post earlier that mentioned "him not playing a full season yet so we should hold off a little"

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I wonder why he specifically says Bassong was a Wise SIGNING, if Wise was just spotting them.


Semantics, maybe.


Probably. Just seems a stupid thing to say considering it's the entire basis of Keegan's claims against them.


Bassong did a face to face with John Gibson the other week (bought the paper so I haven't got a link) but he said that Keegan new his agent and when he found out he was available for trial Keegan nipped ahead of Everton (I think) and got him to Newcastle.  He then went on to say how much he loved the crowd at Doncaster when played as just a number.


I know it reads as a typical thing a player would say but yet again it's board one thing players\press another.  I'm not against Ashley and crew per se but there is not consistency in any of this.


re Bassong the player he's looked very good and regardless of who spotted him a good signing at a good age and cracking price if you believe this mornings Journal but I liked the post earlier that mentioned "him not playing a full season yet so we should hold off a little"


yes Bassong said Keegan contacted his agent and told him that he's been watching bassong for a while and wants to have a closer look.

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