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Newcastle United 2 - 2 Stoke City - 06/12/08 - Post match reaction from page 16


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Whikst Kinnear has to take a large share of the blame, the players also have to be held accountable. There seems to be a worrying lack of bottle and leadership throughout the side. As soon as things don't go our way - we fold like a pack of cards.


I hope we'll be OK come the end of the season, but it's going to be tight - very tight.

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Well I hope YG is right obviously.  I really hope there are some self respecting, competent professionals at the club being so mismanaged that they can't beat Stoke at home.  Because that would suggest we are one good manager away from a good team and climbing up the table.


Unfortunately, I don't think it is the case.  I just don't think they are up for it.  The players have the manager they deserve.

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worrying feeling.... actually i felt i can accept being relegated now! :kasper:


We've been here before. We're going nowhere.


Yep, short memories. We'll be fine.


Really wish you'd f*** off with this condescending bullshit Diablo. Short memories of what? I remember last season perfectly.


Dalglish and Gullit left within a few weeks of the respective new seasons. We were close-ish to relegation under Souness, but we were five points away from the drop-zone with a few months to go. Roeder, we were never really in danger - i never really understood this big sigh of relief when we won at Sheffield United. We were miles away from going down. Last season we were potentially going down - that's the closest we've been until now, but we had Kevin Keegan and pulled ourselves away.


This season, we're a few points off bottom of the table at Christmas times, with a shitty run of fixtures in the New Year. With Joe Kinnear.


We're perilously close to relegation, man.


We just finished above relagation mate the seasn Roeder was sacked.


As far as i recall, we lost our last four games or something. We were never going down like, even with that run of games at the end. We'd done enough.


(Not standing up for Roeder here btw, he's a twat - we were never going down though.)

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worrying feeling.... actually i felt i can accept being relegated now! :kasper:


We've been here before. We're going nowhere.


Yep, short memories. We'll be fine.


Really wish you'd f*** off with this condescending bullshit Diablo. Short memories of what? I remember last season perfectly.


Dalglish and Gullit left within a few weeks of the respective new seasons. We were close-ish to relegation under Souness, but we were five points away from the drop-zone with a few months to go. Roeder, we were never really in danger - i never really understood this big sigh of relief when we won at Sheffield United. We were miles away from going down. Last season we were potentially going down - that's the closest we've been until now, but we had Kevin Keegan and pulled ourselves away.


This season, we're a few points off bottom of the table at Christmas times, with a shitty run of fixtures in the New Year. With Joe Kinnear.


We're perilously close to relegation, man.


We just finished above relagation mate the seasn Roeder was sacked.


We finished 13th but 5 points clear.

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All boiled down to that substitution after half time. Guthrie off, Taylor on, aye he got that one right, spot on. But it was where he placed Taylor and Beye that fucked everything that was good about the first half up. Coloccini has played defensive midfielder before, got a lot for Deportivo IIRC, whereas Habib Beye has rarely, if ever played on the wing.


Disgusting decision.


yep Beye is the kind of RB who can double up as a centre-half, not as a winger.

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Ok, it was a bad game. I've calmed down now and I still don't think we'll get relegated. We've got 12 points from our last 10 games - that's not relegation form. We're also still unbeaten at home under Kinnear and I think our home form will keep us up.


The second half was poor and Kinnear deserves the blame for it but still, some of our players need to be better. We were under no pressure and then Colo gets burnt by Fuller. It was out of nowhere but Colo's got to be better at shielding him away from the goal. Then Bassong puts his hand up for no reason and there's always a chance that the ref will call that. It was a dumb thing to do and we got punished. That kind of foul is similar to strikers fouling their defenders in the corner flag (Shola fucking Ameobi comes to mind). I know that coaches are supposed to get rid of some of these bad habits but the players themselves have got to be aware. It was a needless thing to do because their player was near the line and Enrique was around.


Saying all that, I think we'll be fine. It's disappointing but there's no need to panic.

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Well I hope YG is right obviously.  I really hope there are some self respecting, competent professionals at the club being so mismanaged that they can't beat Stoke at home.  Because that would suggest we are one good manager away from a good team and climbing up the table.


Unfortunately, I don't think it is the case.  I just don't think they are up for it.  The players have the manager they deserve.


I genuinely feel like that mate. I've blue-in-the-face-styleee argued, since Day One, that we've got fucking boatloads of quality in our squad. I truly feel we'd be a good 12 points of so better off if Keegan had remained boss. At the very least. I mean look at Gutierrez man. He's fucking mint.

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the team basically picked itself, but ill give kinnear credit for making it work, particularly the emphasis on pace and width, with us doubling up on their full back at every opportunity, and martins dragging defenders out of position. it looked like a system that guaranteed us to be on top and, when guthrie went off, kinnear shouldve done everything he could to maintain this system.


but he changed it around and stripped us of what made us so dangerous, taking players out of their positions and putting them in untested places or slots they are not suited to. then he made it worse by taking martins off, and again by taking off geremi, our last remaining central midfielder. as a collection, those 3 subs are the worst i can remember as a newcastle fan.


That's the first sensible post I've read in the last few pages, aside from the last sentance, as I'll reserve judgement on the substitutions until I've heard Kinnear's explanations. I don't know how many of you were there, but we were as good in the first half as we were bad in the second. Bottom line, imo, is that we wouldn't have lost that match if Guthrie hadn't been injured. ps Beye and Jonas were just sublime in the fist half.

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Well I hope YG is right obviously.  I really hope there are some self respecting, competent professionals at the club being so mismanaged that they can't beat Stoke at home.  Because that would suggest we are one good manager away from a good team and climbing up the table.


Unfortunately, I don't think it is the case.  I just don't think they are up for it.  The players have the manager they deserve.


They'd do it for Keegan.

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worrying feeling.... actually i felt i can accept being relegated now! :kasper:


We've been here before. We're going nowhere.


Yep, short memories. We'll be fine.


Really wish you'd fuck off with this condescending bullshit Diablo. Short memories of what? I remember last season perfectly.


Dalglish and Gullit left within a few weeks of the respective new seasons. We were close-ish to relegation under Souness, but we were five points away from the drop-zone with a few months to go. Roeder, we were never really in danger - i never really understood this big sigh of relief when we won at Sheffield United. We were miles away from going down. Last season we were potentially going down - that's the closest we've been until now, but we had Kevin Keegan and pulled ourselves away.


This season, we're a few points off bottom of the table at Christmas times, with a shitty run of fixtures in the New Year. With Joe Kinnear.


We're perilously close to relegation, man.


Why should I? Like I said if we hang on which was looking more and more likely and the time ran out would there be the same inquest into Kinnear's subs, his tactics? Course not. We concede a goal from A SET PIECE, and suddenly he's the fucking anti-christ. It gets to me more than anything I've ever read on here, kneekjerk doesn't do it anywhere near justice.


We were in a worse position under Allardyce and say what you like, we could have easily gone down under KK imo. But we're not even at Christmas yet, picking up points (that should have been three points today, yes), scoring goals and looking reasonable tight at the back. What with the premiership table as it is now too it's pretty fucking obvious to me that we've been much deeper shit not even 8 months ago. Yet i'm reading this 'omg, we r so going down' which gets an airing every time a result doesn't go out way. We'll put in a Villa like performance soon and everything will be rosy again.


Perilously close to relegation, good cunting grief.

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Perilously close to relegation, good cunting grief.


This is relegation form. I don't know how you can deny that. You don't throw away 2 goal leads at home to teams like Stoke and expect to get away with it.

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Guest Howaythetoon

We are going down folks with this muppet in charge, those heartless bastards in our shirt and the shitbags running the club from above.

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Why should I? Like I said if we hang on which was looking more and more likely and the time ran out would there be the same inquest into Kinnear's subs, his tactics? Course not. We concede a goal from A SET PIECE, and suddenly he's the fucking anti-christ. It gets to me more than anything I've ever read on here, kneekjerk doesn't do it anywhere near justice.


I can only speak for myself here but if we'd have held on to the win I'd have still had plenty of negative points to share concerning Kinnear, the players and our second half as a whole. As I've said, I shouldn't be feeling nervous for nigh on 45 minutes against Stoke City, at home, when we were 2 goals up and the better side. Guthrie being taken out of the game should not have been so instrumental.

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worrying feeling.... actually i felt i can accept being relegated now! :kasper:


We've been here before. We're going nowhere.


Yep, short memories. We'll be fine.


Really wish you'd fuck off with this condescending bullshit Diablo. Short memories of what? I remember last season perfectly.


Dalglish and Gullit left within a few weeks of the respective new seasons. We were close-ish to relegation under Souness, but we were five points away from the drop-zone with a few months to go. Roeder, we were never really in danger - i never really understood this big sigh of relief when we won at Sheffield United. We were miles away from going down. Last season we were potentially going down - that's the closest we've been until now, but we had Kevin Keegan and pulled ourselves away.


This season, we're a few points off bottom of the table at Christmas times, with a shitty run of fixtures in the New Year. With Joe Kinnear.


We're perilously close to relegation, man.


Why should I? Like I said if we hang on which was looking more and more likely and the time ran out would there be the same inquest into Kinnear's subs, his tactics? Course not. We concede a goal from A SET PIECE, and suddenly he's the fucking anti-christ. It gets to me more than anything I've ever read on here, kneekjerk doesn't do it anywhere near justice.


We were in a worse position under Allardyce and say what you like, we could have easily gone down under KK imo. But we're not even at Christmas yet, picking up points (that should have been three points today, yes), scoring goals and looking reasonable tight at the back. What with the premiership table as it is now too it's pretty fucking obvious to me that we've been much deeper shit not even 8 months ago. Yet i'm reading this 'omg, we r so going down' which gets an airing every time a result doesn't go out way. We'll put in a Villa like performance soon and everything will be rosy again.


Perilously close to relegation, good cunting grief.


there was loads of grief about kinnear's subs before they got the equaliser. there was even before they got their first cos we were shit from the first min of the 2nd half. people would be relieved had they not scored their 2nd but to counter that you can also say it wouldve been worse had they put away their other chances and won the game.

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Perilously close to relegation, good cunting grief.


This is relegation form. I don't know how you can deny that. You don't throw away 2 goal leads at home to teams like Stoke and expect to get away with it.


Before the last 3 games I would have expected us to take 3 or 4 points in total from them. We have 3, not in the way we thought but to go away to Boro and Chelsea and get points doesn't indicate relegation form to me.

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We are going down folks with this muppet in charge, those heartless bastards in our shirt and the shitbags running the club from above.


Look, even if the players aren't doing it, we need to hold back until the end of season post mortem before having a go. We need to give them more support than ever right now, as realistically they are pretty much our last hope.

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Relegation prospects will be determined by whether the likes of Owen, Martins, Jonas, Barton and Viduka can stay fit.


With players like that to pick from, I don't think even someone as incompetent as Kinnear could quite fuck it up. We'll be shite all year, but we'll just do enough to get through it and stay up.


But lose more than 1 or 2 of that lot and all bets are off, and we really could be going down.


The man is useless, truly useless, and has no business in any level of professional football management, nevermind managing an established Premier League club.


I'd give an awful lot for us to be taken over by someone, anyone, and a real boss brought in.


Fuck all those cunts for what happened on the first few days of September. Power hungry cunts who've ruined the great direction we were going in. :(

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Perilously close to relegation, good c***ing grief.


This is relegation form. I don't know how you can deny that. You don't throw away 2 goal leads at home to teams like Stoke and expect to get away with it.


Aye, but relegation candidates don't go to Stamford Bridge and keep Chelsea out for ninety minutes. I'm not sure what concerns me more, the match I've just witnessed or the reaction of the fans.

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worrying feeling.... actually i felt i can accept being relegated now! :kasper:


We've been here before. We're going nowhere.


Yep, short memories. We'll be fine.


Really wish you'd fuck off with this condescending bullshit Diablo. Short memories of what? I remember last season perfectly.


Dalglish and Gullit left within a few weeks of the respective new seasons. We were close-ish to relegation under Souness, but we were five points away from the drop-zone with a few months to go. Roeder, we were never really in danger - i never really understood this big sigh of relief when we won at Sheffield United. We were miles away from going down. Last season we were potentially going down - that's the closest we've been until now, but we had Kevin Keegan and pulled ourselves away.


This season, we're a few points off bottom of the table at Christmas times, with a shitty run of fixtures in the New Year. With Joe Kinnear.


We're perilously close to relegation, man.


Why should I? Like I said if we hang on which was looking more and more likely and the time ran out would there be the same inquest into Kinnear's subs, his tactics? Course not. We didn't hang on, we lost the game just as we deserved. We concede a goal from A SET PIECE, and suddenly he's the fucking anti-christ. It gets to me more than anything I've ever read on here, kneekjerk doesn't do it anywhere near justice.


We were in a worse position under Allardyce and say what you like, we could have easily gone down under KK imo. We didn't - we stayed up, as we deserved to. But we're not even at Christmas yet, picking up points (that should have been three points today, yes), scoring goals and looking reasonable tight at the back. What with the premiership table as it is now too it's pretty fucking obvious to me that we've been much deeper shit not even 8 months ago. Yet i'm reading this 'omg, we r so going down' which gets an airing every time a result doesn't go out way. That's happening more and more frequently now, isn't it. It's relegation form. We'll put in a Villa like performance soon and everything will be rosy again. Look at the fixtures ahead, man.


Perilously close to relegation, good cunting grief.


Today, and Pompey, was a chance for Kinnear to prove that he isn't a shit bastard. His last chance came post-Villa. We'd picked up a great result, played well, and we had a couple fixtures ahead to prove that we were a good side with a coimpetent boss. He fucked it up by losing at Fulham and drawing with Wigan.


Same again. Good results at Chelsea and Boro. Let's show em what we're made of now. And we're made of soft, fluffy shit. He's fucked it up again.


We'll probs stay up cos we've got stacks of quality in the side. But we are within a serious threat of relegation, no two ways about it.

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Perilously close to relegation, good c***ing grief.


This is relegation form. I don't know how you can deny that. You don't throw away 2 goal leads at home to teams like Stoke and expect to get away with it.


Aye, but relegation candidates don't go to Stamford Bridge and keep Chelsea out for ninety minutes. I'm not sure what concerns me more, the match I've just witnessed or the reaction of the fans.


We played the most defensive football I've possibly ever seen us play and got lucky. On another day they'd have broken us down. The fact we drew against them is now good proof that we're not likely to be amongst those in the bottom half is it?


I was happy enough with a point there (though I'll never personally truly enjoy watching a Newcastle side be so negative in their play) but I'm afraid that doesn't excuse dropped points against the likes of Stoke. We can't rely on games like the Chelsea match to keep us safe and secure.

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Perilously close to relegation, good c***ing grief.


This is relegation form. I don't know how you can deny that. You don't throw away 2 goal leads at home to teams like Stoke and expect to get away with it.


Aye, but relegation candidates don't go to Stamford Bridge and keep Chelsea out for ninety minutes. I'm not sure what concerns me more, the match I've just witnessed or the reaction of the fans.


Reading got a draw with Man United last season and were relegated. Means fuck all if you can't beat the sides around you.

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We'll put in a Villa like performance soon and everything will be rosy again.


What, we'll get a goal from absolutely nowhere after looking shite for 60 minutes and only being in the game due to the opposition missing an absolute sitter and Given making a great save?


I actually agree, that's probably all we can hope for with Kinnear in charge.

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Disco one of the main reasons people are concerned is that we havent won away all season, we have 11 home games left, 4 are against the top 4 and 2 are derbies. Given the fact Stoke got something today, who is to say we will win any of our home games (although im not saying we wont, but you get my point). That is why people think we are screwed. Joe Kinnear is his own worst enemy aswell, 2-0 up and HIS decision making cost us 3 points, this is what we have to expect for the rest of the season, the fixtures are bad enough before considering Joe Kinnear. That is why people think we are going down and its pretty convincing.

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