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The other games today - 2008/09


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Wigan 1-1 Liverpool




So predictable that Liverpool would again start bottling it once the pressure got the better of Benitez and he had that rant.


Liverpool have been bottling it for weeks (Home draws against West Ham etc.)



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F***ing hell that was annoying. So close to putting Arsenal under real pressure, i.e. 2 points behind, but instead they're a comfortable 5 ahead, and we have to rely on them to bugger up substantially.


Pleased by the progress though that a draw against Arsenal at home is no longer seen as a particularly good result. Also testament to Arsenal's stuttering campaigns of late, it must be said.


But in the end, it's just another game that proves you don't get what you deserve in football. We'll play worse and win this year.

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Hamburg V Bayern tonight should be a decent one to flick onto on Setanta tonight.

Is that an actual Bundesliga match? I've been pretty interested in the league this season, but it seems like their winter break is incredibly long, and they come back with a bunch of friendlies and the cup.

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Germany - Bundesliga I.

20:14 January 30

20:30 Hamburger SV ? - ? Bayern Munich

Alright so it is then, I might try a take a peek at that before I go to my class. Really want Hoffenheim to take this to the wire, even after losing Ibisevic for the season (Heard they were signing Jo to replace him). Guess I want Hamburg to win then.....no actually a draw would be best.

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Where are all those now who said they didn't rate MON as a manager OR his style of football AND they didn't want him as manager at NUFC...??


Whilst Milner never had great pace, I always thought that O'Neill(and John Robertson, who also lacked great pace as a winger)would get more out of him than we ever saw at SJP - even KK didn't really want him to go, so he must have seen something in him.


His crosses needed improvement certainly, but we can only go on what Brummie say because he sees him week in week out, and if he thinks Milner has been superb over recent games, it would suggest that Villa's management/coaching are getting more out of him than NUFC did - and that wouldn't surprise me one bit..

I also think that the player probably feels more settled(and wanted)at a club which is clearly on the up and ambitious ; whatever the merits of Ashley & Lerner, the American is clearly coming out on top as a club owner right now, and Villa are the only club with a realistic chance of breaking the Top 4 monopoly for the foreseeable future.

If Pennant has an attitude problem, Milner will turn out to be the bigger success over the years - he has time on his side too...


Give over man.


You could probably count the number of folk who at the time then wouldn't want MON on one hand and still have some left.


Milner is doing no more than he did here, the only difference is he's in a better team. You've said it yourself, his crosses still need improvement.


What next, Zat Knight - the new Maldini?




I don't know how long you've been watching this site, but there was a LOT more than 5 people who DIDN'T want O'Neill when he went to Villa..NOT that you are going to get many who admit it, although one has had the grace to do so..!


And maybe it YOU who should 'Give over[...because looking at Brummie's comments, he has clearly seen an improvement over the past few weeks..is that so surprising, just because the 'Theatre of Excellence' that is NUFC can't manage to do the same with players....!?


Are you counting those who'll have said they didn't want him (anyway) AFTER he'd gone to Villa which I would put down to a good old fit of pique? (Mr 75 excepted of course)


Right, back to the main point. Milner.


He's always had a 100% work rate, he's always had a great attitude. You say, and I don't think you'll find anyone disagree, he needs to improve on his crossing, so unless MON has injected some pace into him, exactly what has he improved on since he left us?




You'll have to ask Brummie - as I said, we can only take HIS word for the improvement because he sees him far more than we do now - MON also said after the game that he thought Milner had been terrific, so he will know...we can only guess, but I would say that his anticipation may have improved because Robertson will have been working on both this AND his crossing skills.

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I'm going to Macclesfield V Brentford today in the away end as one of my mates here is a Brentford fan and it's only a tenner to get in, should ba a laugh.


On that random note, I see your Macc v Brentford and raise you the Doncaster v Norwich match in the Norwich end on Friday night that I'm off to.


1-1 Terrible game. Both teams very shocking. Carl Cort arguably the best player on the pitch in the 2nd half. Pattison came on after the break n all, he was gash as per usual. Decent noise/backing from the Norwich fans = must've been bout 2,000 travelled up  - not bad for a Friday night.

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Guest firetotheworks

Anyone watching the Stoke v Man City match? It looks like someones went down seriously injured for Stoke, cant quite make out what happened though.

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