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The Kevin Keegan thread

The Prophet

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KK, the young boy, you?

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Forgive my ignorance but, can anyone here tell me what KK's current personal worth is supposed to be?


If it's not 'rather a lot', then how come?  :-X

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Forgive my ignorance but, can anyone here tell me what KK's current personal worth is supposed to be?


If it's not 'rather a lot', then how come?   :-X


Lord knows, but a while back newspaper reports about Soccer Circus suggested that he was relatively hard up having sunk the greater part of his personal wealth (a couple of million) into the business.


EDIT: Actually, that's a bit misleading. I know he lent the business a couple of million to keep it going but that would be on top of whatever he put into it in the first place. Dunno how much that was. He'll be "worth" whatever he might get back from that business, plus whatever else he owns (bound to be a bit of real estate here and there, maybe some investments in other businesses -- he's always fancied himself as an "entrepreneur") plus, of course, whatever he walks away with after this tribunal. My guess is that ten million would be quite the payday for him.

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Its good news though that it all appears to be coming to an end at last. Hopefully one of the last things that need to be cleared up before any potential sale goes through.


Dream on. This has nowt to do with the sale of the club. While not settled any potential owner would insist the liability of this claim was Ashley's responsibility.


Also, ready yourself for the fact that once a decision is made by the arbitration panel it will almost certainly be contested by the losing party unless it's a relatively small amount agreeable to both sides.

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Its good news though that it all appears to be coming to an end at last. Hopefully one of the last things that need to be cleared up before any potential sale goes through.

Dream on. This has nowt to do with the sale of the club. While not settled any potential owner would insist the liability of this claim was Ashley's responsibility.

Also, ready yourself for the fact that once a decision is made by the arbitration panel it will almost certainly be contested by the losing party unless it's a relatively small amount agreeable to both sides.

Bugger. Aye. :(

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It has everything to do with the sale of the club..............let's be honest if Ashley had sold before now,this case wouldn't have anything to do with us except the circumstances...I believe Kevin was right to try without slandering himself publicly about Ashley and his cronies intentions,to walkWake up and smell the Nescafe people.Kevin Keegan loves our club,Ashley has an agenda to destroy it.

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Its good news though that it all appears to be coming to an end at last. Hopefully one of the last things that need to be cleared up before any potential sale goes through.


Dream on. This has nowt to do with the sale of the club. While not settled any potential owner would insist the liability of this claim was Ashley's responsibility.


Also, ready yourself for the fact that once a decision is made by the arbitration panel it will almost certainly be contested by the losing party unless it's a relatively small amount agreeable to both sides.

no sale will go through while this thing is ongoing is the one clear factor

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It has everything to do with the sale of the club..............let's be honest if Ashley had sold before now,this case wouldn't have anything to do with us except the circumstances...I believe Kevin was right to try without slandering himself publicly about Ashley and his cronies intentions,to walkWake up and smell the Nescafe people.Kevin Keegan loves our club,Ashley has an agenda to destroy it.


Exactly - Keegan is honest and has integrity, Ashley and Llambias are devious, lying bastards - how anyone can favour the cockney twats over Keegan is beyond me.


Im just gobsmacked at how many people are blaming Keegan and having a go at him - I bet if Ashley fried some shit and packaged it as Newcastle United Chocolate Bar they would buy it

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Its good news though that it all appears to be coming to an end at last. Hopefully one of the last things that need to be cleared up before any potential sale goes through.


Dream on. This has nowt to do with the sale of the club. While not settled any potential owner would insist the liability of this claim was Ashley's responsibility.


Also, ready yourself for the fact that once a decision is made by the arbitration panel it will almost certainly be contested by the losing party unless it's a relatively small amount agreeable to both sides.

no sale will go through while this thing is ongoing is the one clear factor


I can't see any sale going through either, not while there is so much doubt as to the amount Keegan is going to get. If Ashley loses the case and Keegan scores for £9m+ then obviously the price of the club will reduce by that amount. Before the Keegan cheerleaders start reminding us how this will come out of Ashleys pocket you might want to consider that he could decide he'd rather not sell at a reduced price and will just get his money back by keeping the club and cutting investment in the squad by the same amount awarded to Keegan.


So yes, keegan will have been proved right, yes Ashley is a bastard and yes Keegan gets to bail out his soccer circus and have a few million to juggle with. And yes our club will be royally fucked as a result.


Hurrah!! King kev wins!!! :celb1: :celb1: :indi: :indi: :banana2: :banana: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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It has everything to do with the sale of the club..............let's be honest if Ashley had sold before now,this case wouldn't have anything to do with us except the circumstances...I believe Kevin was right to try without slandering himself publicly about Ashley and his cronies intentions,to walkWake up and smell the Nescafe people.Kevin Keegan loves our club,Ashley has an agenda to destroy it.


Exactly - Keegan is honest and has integrity, Ashley and Llambias are devious, lying bastards - how anyone can favour the cockney twats over Keegan is beyond me.


Im just gobsmacked at how many people are blaming Keegan and having a go at him - I bet if Ashley fried some s*** and packaged it as Newcastle United Chocolate Bar they would buy it


Jesus Christ you really a sad creature aren't you.

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It has everything to do with the sale of the club..............let's be honest if Ashley had sold before now,this case wouldn't have anything to do with us except the circumstances...I believe Kevin was right to try without slandering himself publicly about Ashley and his cronies intentions,to walkWake up and smell the Nescafe people.Kevin Keegan loves our club,Ashley has an agenda to destroy it.


Exactly - Keegan is honest and has integrity, Ashley and Llambias are devious, lying bastards - how anyone can favour the cockney twats over Keegan is beyond me.


Im just gobsmacked at how many people are blaming Keegan and having a go at him - I bet if Ashley fried some s*** and packaged it as Newcastle United Chocolate Bar they would buy it


Jesus Christ you really a sad creature aren't you.


Thank you

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Its good news though that it all appears to be coming to an end at last. Hopefully one of the last things that need to be cleared up before any potential sale goes through.


Dream on. This has nowt to do with the sale of the club. While not settled any potential owner would insist the liability of this claim was Ashley's responsibility.


Also, ready yourself for the fact that once a decision is made by the arbitration panel it will almost certainly be contested by the losing party unless it's a relatively small amount agreeable to both sides.

no sale will go through while this thing is ongoing is the one clear factor


I can't see any sale going through either, not while there is so much doubt as to the amount Keegan is going to get. If Ashley loses the case and Keegan scores for £9m+ then obviously the price of the club will reduce by that amount. Before the Keegan cheerleaders start reminding us how this will come out of Ashleys pocket you might want to consider that he could decide he'd rather not sell at a reduced price and will just get his money back by keeping the club and cutting investment in the squad by the same amount awarded to Keegan.


So yes, keegan will have been proved right, yes Ashley is a b****** and yes Keegan gets to bail out his soccer circus and have a few million to juggle with. And yes our club will be royally f***ed as a result.


Hurrah!! King kev wins!!! :celb1: :celb1: :indi: :indi: :banana2: :banana: :laugh2: :laugh2:


Our club is already royally fucked thanks to Ashley - why people are making it out as if Keegan is destroying newcastle united is beyond me?


The club was royally fucked when Ashley was making profits in the transfer windows


The club was royally fucked when Ashley backed the poisoned dwarf over Keegan


The club was royally fucked when Ashley/Llambias started their bullshit


The club was royally fucked when Ashley appointed Kinnear


The club was royally fucked when Ashley refused to address our rubbish squad in January


The club was royally fucked when Ashley allowed it to sink under the management of Hughton/Calderwood


The club was royally fucked . . . . . . . etc etc etc etc etc

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