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Park Ji-Sung

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Guest firetotheworks

He's like the Mario character in Mario Kart, not special at anything but decent all round.

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He's nowt like Jonas! :lol:


I agree with the op, he's a nothing player, a good engine is about all he has.


Works his arse off and is neat and tidy, but rarely assists and scores even less often. Pretty similar iyam.

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He's alright, almost a poor mans Jonas.


Like Jonas but without the ability to beat a player?


I just think they are pretty similar players but Jonas has a bit more quality about him (apart from his delivery at the moment...)

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He's nowt like Jonas! :lol:


I agree with the op, he's a nothing player, a good engine is about all he has.


Works his arse off and is neat and tidy, but rarely assists and scores even less often. Pretty similar iyam.


You can see why Fergie starts him in a lot of away games - he's excellent at closing down a wing, he works his socks off and he's very reliable and tidy.

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Guest quklaani

Would be a nailed on starter for every team in the Prem except for the one he's at right now.


He's a nailed on starter for the team he's at tbh.  Anyone who thinks he's rubbish despite the fact he plays every week is a bit funny in the head.  Not a world beater no, but he's in the side on merit, and not just because everyone thinks Nani is shit.  Never seen him dive before tonight mind, that was very odd.


After watching them both tonight I'd say the Jonas comparisons are spot on, except Gutierrez has better technique and less energy. Well, tbh you could say the same for 99% of players in the world but yeah they've quite a bit in common.

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Guest firetotheworks

I dont think he's like Jonas mind. He doesnt take people on like Jonas does. More like a rich mans Jenas iyam.

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Would be a nailed on starter for every team in the Prem except for the one he's at right now.

Chelsea - no

Liverpool - no better than Kuyt

Arsenal - no



Liverpool would have him in a shot. Have you seen what they're forced to play out wide these days?


Arsenal would certainly rather have him on the wing than Eboue, but he's not a Wenger style player so perhaps not.


As for Chelsea, do you know who their manager is? :lol:

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He's nowt like Jonas! :lol:


I agree with the op, he's a nothing player, a good engine is about all he has.




Works his arse off and is neat and tidy and can beat players quit, but rarely assists and even more rarely scores. Pretty similar iyam.


Yeah if you completely ignore one of Jonas's best attributes you can make him sound the same as Park, again they aren't similar players though.

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Would be a nailed on starter for every team in the Prem except for the one he's at right now.

Chelsea - no

Liverpool - no better than Kuyt

Arsenal - no



Liverpool would have him in a shot. Have you seen what they're forced to play out wide these days? :lol:


Arsenal would certainly rather have him on the wing than Eboue, but he's not a Wenger style player so perhaps not.


As for Chelsea, do you know who their manager is?

Chelsea and Liverpool both have enough hard workers as it is and Arsenal are ravaged by injuries on the wing. He fits in great at Man U because the defence nevers focuses on him and he can assist in defending against threatening teams. He fills a certain niche, but its not a niche that every team plays with.

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Would be a nailed on starter for every team in the Prem except for the one he's at right now.

Chelsea - no

Liverpool - no better than Kuyt

Arsenal - no



Liverpool would have him in a shot. Have you seen what they're forced to play out wide these days?


Arsenal would certainly rather have him on the wing than Eboue, but he's not a Wenger style player so perhaps not.


As for Chelsea, do you know who their manager is? :lol:


Fit first team i stand by original comment. 


Kuyt is more productive - goals

Chelsea don't play 4-4-2 and wide in 4-5-1 he offers little going forward other than running around a lot

Arsenal - better than Nasri/Arshavin/Walcott - nay

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Would be a nailed on starter for every team in the Prem except for the one he's at right now.

Chelsea - no

Liverpool - no better than Kuyt

Arsenal - no



Liverpool would have him in a shot. Have you seen what they're forced to play out wide these days?


Arsenal would certainly rather have him on the wing than Eboue, but he's not a Wenger style player so perhaps not.


As for Chelsea, do you know who their manager is? :lol:


Fit first team i stand by original comment. 


Kuyt is more productive - goals

Chelsea don't play 4-4-2 and wide in 4-5-1 he offers little going forward other than running around a lot

Arsenal - better than Nasri/Arshavin/Walcott - nay


Ironic you mention that since he got his start at PSV as a winger in a 4-3-3, plays as a winger for Man U in a system that resembles a 4-5-1 more than a 4-2-2, and plays as a winger in a 4-5-1 for his national team.


He's arguably never played as a 4-2-2 winger at any point in his career.

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