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Alan Shearer contract latest: long gone


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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




Don't worry about it, mate. Some don't want to hear criticism of the jokers who got the club into this mess so they're making stuff up, it's nowt but daft spin.  As you say, it's obvious from your posts you're not slagging off the club, the suggestion you are is ridiculous. It's obvious who you're having a pop at and it's more than justified.





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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




Don't worry about it, mate. Some don't want to hear criticism of the jokers who got the club into this mess so they're making stuff up, it's nowt but daft spin.  As you say, it's obvious from your posts you're not slagging off the club, the suggestion you are is ridiculous. It's obvious who you're having a pop at and it's more than justified.




Good to see you back HTL :thup:

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its probs taking so long as thes more to discuss than just the managers job, they said they were sitting down and talking about how to move the club forward etc..


Presumably (and hopefully) Shearer has a hell of a lot to say about the farce that was last season. :thup:


It'll take him three days just to point out all the mistakes, they probably aren't on to next season yet.

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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




Don't worry about it, mate. Some don't want to hear criticism of the jokers who got the club into this mess so they're making stuff up, it's nowt but daft spin.  As you say, it's obvious from your posts you're not slagging off the club, the suggestion you are is ridiculous. It's obvious who you're having a pop at and it's more than justified.




I don't see how I'm making stuff up, all I've said is wait to criticise them over Shearer until they've actually done something to deserve it.


Don't see how many different ways I can say it, I agree that they deserve massive criticism for other things, just not stuff that they haven't done yet.


It's pretty stupid to say that any positive point of view is just 'daft spin' and any negative one is correct, just because somehow it's more a mark of a true fan to sling criticism around all the time. Neither of us know what is happening in the talks.

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It seems the media are getting bored with this now.  Not much coverage at all in the last day or so.  I can't g wait for it to be over, nothing like doing your business in public is there.

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I reckon talks will end today tbh.


Alan: OK, that's the transfer budget sorted, I'll head out to Barcelona tonight...

Derek: Can I come?


Alan: Next request...kiss Dowie.

Ashley: *face wobbles as he shakes his head* Please Alan...

Alan: Do it!

Ashley: Please anything! Another £5m on the transfer budget?

Alan: *laughing* OK then..we'll that wraps things up, see you July 1st guys.

*Alan departs, while a crying Derek and Ashley embrace.*



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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




You're a bit of a boy you are gimp.

Not the brightest but a good laugh none the less  ;D

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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




You're a bit of a boy you are gimp.

Not the brightest but a good laugh none the less  ;D


Not what your old girl was saying last night when i was doing her up the shitter.

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I reckon talks will end today tbh.


Alan: OK, that's the transfer budget sorted, I'll head out to Barcelona tonight...

Derek: Can I come?


Alan: Next request...kiss Dowie.

Ashley: *face wobbles as he shakes his head* Please Alan...

Alan: Do it!

Ashley: Please anything! Another £5m on the transfer budget?

Alan: *laughing* OK then..we'll that wraps things up, see you July 1st guys.

*Alan departs, while a crying Derek and Ashley embrace.*





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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




You're a bit of a boy you are gimp.

Not the brightest but a good laugh none the less  ;D


Not what your old girl was saying last night when i was doing her up the shitter.


Really :kasper:


In many ways that line sums you up. Good on yer mate - whatever next !

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Rememebr the KK talks when he walked out after the transfer window, i'm getting the feeling that Shearer is experiencing the same problems, issues and pig headed stupidness KK came up against.


Try you best but you just cant expline things to some people, especially a pair of Knackers who have shown they know sweet f*** all about running a professional football club.



No offence, but you just made that all up didn't you? We have no idea what is happening, for all we know the club could be just working out the details of Shearer's deal/demands.


This is a big decision, it's only been a couple of days, give them a chance FFS.


No offence, but mind your neb.


I'm saying what I think is happening going off past preformances by the GOONS in charge.


Sorry but they DO have previous.


I just believe in criticising people for things they've actually done, rather than stuff that exists only in my imagination.


Yeah we have last season to go off as an example.


KK pissed around with these c***s for 3 days before conceding he couldn't get through to them what makes you think this is any different?



Well yeah, I'm not saying they didn't do things wrong before, so fair enough criticise them for that. There was claim and counter-claim with KK as well, we still don't know who was really at fault.


All I'm saying is don't slag them off for f***ing things up with Shearer when nothing has happened yet.


Edit - as for your second reply, feel free to slag them off as much as possible for us getting relegated, that would fall into the 'things that have actually happened' category. I just don't see why you have to find extra things to have a go at the club for, when in reality they might just as well announce Shearer as manager in the next few days.


Never had a pot shot at the club, i'm having a go at the owner and his clems.


It reads like you're having a go at the club. What are "clems" - is that a mackem expression ?


I do believe i mentioned Ashley and his goons a couple of times and though it was clear who i was having a pop at.  If you cant tell the difference between ashley and the club then maybe you need to question why your support of NUFC.


As for clems, are you a man?  If so you have two between your legs in a ball sack.   Unless your going through the change, if so you need to change your user name to Benwell Lass.




You're a bit of a boy you are gimp.

Not the brightest but a good laugh none the less  ;D


Not what your old girl was saying last night when i was doing her up the shitter.


Really :kasper:


In many ways that line sums you up. Good on yer mate - whatever next !


Which is?


If your a big man spuot it out.


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I love this rounour about Al holding out for £15 to £20mill transfer kitty, if the fat cunt is not even willing to put theat up he may as well sell us now. I also hope thats including anything made from player sales, fat tewat makes out Al is the only man but is still holding out on him even before he gets him signed up. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

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I reckon talks will end today tbh.


Alan: OK, that's the transfer budget sorted, I'll head out to Barcelona tonight...

Derek: Can I come?


Alan: Next request...kiss Dowie.

Ashley: *face wobbles as he shakes his head* Please Alan...

Alan: Do it!

Ashley: Please anything! Another £5m on the transfer budget?

Alan: *laughing* OK then..we'll that wraps things up, see you July 1st guys.

*Alan departs, while a crying Derek and Ashley embrace.*


What a pile of shite.


















Shearer isn't going to wait till July to get stuck in. :razz:

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I imagine they will also be discussing contracts for an entire new backroom staff which could well be another thing slowing things down.


I agree with Dave there is no way this goes on for this long if Shearer isn't comfortable with the way things are progressing.

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I have no doubt Shearer will be manager. It may take until the weekend but I'm sure it will happen. What choice have they got?


Meanwhile, I hope it's action all stations elsewhere at the club preparing for next season. They better not just be standing around waiting.

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are there any updates on ssn about this?


Yip Jamie, he's been unveiled, made all his transfer moves, started pre-season training. No-one bothered to post any of it on here though....

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I'd like them too take at least a week sorting out the direction they intend to go in. Shearer wants to stay and they want Shearer, if he isn't our manager by the start of next year, then it will take another horrible cockup.

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