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Crumpy Gunt

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Is that why all the mongs take off their shoes then?


"A shoe, he left us a shoe, it is a sign. Everyone take off one shoe and hold it aloft. It will show we follow the Messiah"


(or something like that..)

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Guest Ebolarama

Why don't the f***ing press just f*** off and just stop being so f***ing pathetic.


Who cares?

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Guest Mantis

Its helps the press build him up even further before they start cutting him down to size.  The old english tradition of destroying heros.

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Its helps the press build him up even further before they start cutting him down to size.  The old english tradition of destroying heros.


Doubled with the fact that the Southern press loves its stereotypes of Northerners especially Geordies.

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Its helps the press build him up even further before they start cutting him down to size.  The old english tradition of destroying heros.

And before you know it it won't be the press that's done it, but the geordie faithful that coined the term messiah. 


Just like we demand a top 4 finish every year and thus give managers no time - their sacking being nothing to do with being shit of course- and would rather lose 4-3 than win 1-0 because attacking football is all that matters etc etc ...

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Guest Phil K

Is that why all the mongs take off their shoes then?


"A shoe, he left us a shoe, it is a sign. Everyone take off one shoe and hold it aloft. It will show we follow the Messiah"


(or something like that..)


Meawhile many hold up the gourd (KK ?)

"No ! No ! Follow the gourd !"

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At least he's the last one.


At the worst this means that we'll just have to appoint a good manager next time, there's simply no more novelty appointments out there.


I'm assuming that no-one would be dumb enough to think about Gazza for manager.

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Guest elbee909

The only one who really merited this title was Keegan, as his stint led to the rebirth of Newcastle Utd as a top flight force.  We don't need another Messiah, more like a sodding Moses.

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