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Liverpool 3 - 0 Newcastle United - 03/05/09 - post match reaction from page 17


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Shearer's made some glaring errors again tbh, he's shown potential but tbh he is way out of his depth.



Where do i start, he's shown potential in having a decent starting line up and making a correct substitution.




He should have known that Duff would be left stranded a lot and therefore should have started Gutierrez.


He seems to be oblivious to the fact that the reason we lose games is through Smith and Butt playing together. They are awful they offer nothing forward and are equally as bad defensively, they are supposed to be anchors but all they do is run round tire themselves out and leave gaping holes in front of our defence. The reason Gerrard had so much room is because, particularly in the first half hey ran out trying to protect our wingers and left the whole middle open. Granted this goes hand in hand with my first point that there wasn't going to be enough cover initially and Gutierrez is a very good tracker.


Thirdly is his handling of the team after half time, the change of formation was questionble as i think he should have brought Gutierrez on for a straight Loven swap and keep the current formation working at least for a few minutes. Instead 4-4-2 and Barton our only cretive midfielder, who actually created things in the first half is shifted to RW? wtf? if he wanted some more defensive cover on that flank play Smith there don't waste our attacking talent. Consequently Barton has got frustrated and hit out, and harshly imo was sent off. Hopefully on review he only gets one game ban as he got the ball first, so it's not deemed as too 'dangerous', but again his reputation may preceed him.


Granted for the next game he will start with Smith and Butt, and we'll again not win.


Stopped reading after you contradicted yourselves within 3 sentences.

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Cant believe Barton got sent off, what a twat. He could have been very important for us aswell, endless individual errors


When you get to see the replays, you get to see it was not worthy of a red card. It was the ref that was a twat. Sure, Barton shouldn't have done a tackle like that. But it was not a red card.


I want some of what you're smoking.


And I don't take drugs.


You don't need drugs, you just need slow-mo replays.


Just seen about ten.


As have I; Foot hits ball, second foot comes after, as you can't leave a foot behind. Alonso gets caught, and falls. Yellow card, nothing more.

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the bloke has NO football brain, he cant read the game going on around him, how many touches did he have in 2nd half 3?


Bit harsh on Shearer; he wasn't even on the pitch.

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I know I am going to get flamed to death for this, but I am starting to think that being relegated may not be the worst thing (in the grand scheme of things) to happen to this club.


We have a squad of total s**** that are way to old and don't give a flying-f*** about our club.  We need an opportunity to completely clear out the ranks and bring in a new squad of up-and-comers.  Releasing our high priced current squad will mean we can get in new players that are cheaper, which means we can have more squad depth, and we can bring in players that are willing to bust a gut to play in the PL.


We need a complete top-to-bottom clean-out of the club and that just can't happen in the PL.


We need a clearout regardless... it will be much easier to attract good players if we're still in the Premiership and have the finances that come with it.


This "drop down a division to get the s*** out" argument is nonsense because we'll only be able to attract s*** to replace them!


Sure.... it would be much easier to achieve a full team clear-out if we stayed in the PL... but this relies on one thing... having the financial clout to buy the players (ala Chelsea).  Now... in light of the fact that we don't have that clout there is no way we can buy our way out of this problem, which means the best we could hope for is the standard 3 players out, 2 players in we have done for the last few transfer windows.  Since this hasn't been working all that well so far I was thinking maybe it was time to try something else.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.....  This is Insane!




Why do yo assume that we wwould need Chelsea style spending to build a new team/clear out.


SBR done it over a few seasons for us.




SBR was starting with a much better squad than Shearer has right now.  SBR had to replace a handful of players, not the whole god-damned squad (minus 2 or 3).

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Cant believe Barton got sent off, what a t***. He could have been very important for us aswell, endless individual errors


When you get to see the replays, you get to see it was not worthy of a red card. It was the ref that was a t***. Sure, Barton shouldn't have done a tackle like that. But it was not a red card.


I want some of what you're smoking.


And I don't take drugs.


You don't need drugs, you just need slow-mo replays.


Just seen about ten.


Then get your eyes checked.

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Guest ovesbar

Cant believe people actually think we'll stay up. We'll get 2 more points at the most, which probaby will be 0-0 draws against boro and fulham.

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Really didn't think I would feel any more dispondent than I did already after a 3-0 loss at Anfield but somehow I do.  Maybe it was the first 5 minutes where we looked a bit like a Premiership side or maybe it's just that every 90 minutes I see us play ingrains deeper just how grim our situation is.

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Shearer's made some glaring errors again tbh, he's shown potential but tbh he is way out of his depth.



Where do i start, he's shown potential in having a decent starting line up and making a correct substitution.




He should have known that Duff would be left stranded a lot and therefore should have started Gutierrez.


He seems to be oblivious to the fact that the reason we lose games is through Smith and Butt playing together. They are awful they offer nothing forward and are equally as bad defensively, they are supposed to be anchors but all they do is run round tire themselves out and leave gaping holes in front of our defence. The reason Gerrard had so much room is because, particularly in the first half hey ran out trying to protect our wingers and left the whole middle open. Granted this goes hand in hand with my first point that there wasn't going to be enough cover initially and Gutierrez is a very good tracker.


Thirdly is his handling of the team after half time, the change of formation was questionble as i think he should have brought Gutierrez on for a straight Loven swap and keep the current formation working at least for a few minutes. Instead 4-4-2 and Barton our only cretive midfielder, who actually created things in the first half is shifted to RW? wtf? if he wanted some more defensive cover on that flank play Smith there don't waste our attacking talent. Consequently Barton has got frustrated and hit out, and harshly imo was sent off. Hopefully on review he only gets one game ban as he got the ball first, so it's not deemed as too 'dangerous', but again his reputation may preceed him.


Granted for the next game he will start with Smith and Butt, and we'll again not win.


Stopped reading after you contradicted yourselves within 3 sentences.

I haven't actually i never said it was a fucking class staring line up have i? I said it was 'decent' which it was, but it could have been better, which it could of.

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Guest LucaAltieri

I know I am going to get flamed to death for this, but I am starting to think that being relegated may not be the worst thing (in the grand scheme of things) to happen to this club.


We have a squad of total s**** that are way to old and don't give a flying-f*** about our club.  We need an opportunity to completely clear out the ranks and bring in a new squad of up-and-comers.  Releasing our high priced current squad will mean we can get in new players that are cheaper, which means we can have more squad depth, and we can bring in players that are willing to bust a gut to play in the PL.


We need a complete top-to-bottom clean-out of the club and that just can't happen in the PL.


We need a clearout regardless... it will be much easier to attract good players if we're still in the Premiership and have the finances that come with it.


This "drop down a division to get the s*** out" argument is nonsense because we'll only be able to attract s*** to replace them!


Sure.... it would be much easier to achieve a full team clear-out if we stayed in the PL... but this relies on one thing... having the financial clout to buy the players (ala Chelsea).  Now... in light of the fact that we don't have that clout there is no way we can buy our way out of this problem, which means the best we could hope for is the standard 3 players out, 2 players in we have done for the last few transfer windows.  Since this hasn't been working all that well so far I was thinking maybe it was time to try something else.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.....  This is Insane!




Why do yo assume that we wwould need Chelsea style spending to build a new team/clear out.


SBR done it over a few seasons for us.




SBR was starting with a much better squad than Shearer has right now.  SBR had to replace a handful of players, not the whole god-damned squad (minus 2 or 3).


Replacing 2 or 3 while enlarging the squad we have now, in addition to giving the team a game plan, and we'll finish mid-table next season.

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Guest getalife

3 more points and we are safe.  Hull and the Smogs will not get any more points, I HOPE


Optimistic. I don't know how we get those 3 points mind.


Because the smoggies don't get any more points, the clue's in the clue......


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martins has been shit all season, how many goals has he scopred?


its the strikers who have let us down all season, and martins is the bigest culprite.  Either from lacko of talent or from being in a huff about owen starting ahead of him.


total waste of space.  typical nigerian egotastic tit.  glad to be shot of this waster asap

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Guest firetotheworks

martins has been s*** all season, how many goals has he scopred?


its the strikers who have let us down all season, and martins is the bigest culprite.  Either from lacko of talent or from being in a huff about owen starting ahead of him.


total waste of space.  typical nigerian egotastic tit.  glad to be shot of this waster asap


Well done for instantly drawing any credibility from everything you say.

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I was expecting defeat today, but what I cant handle is having 1 (ONE) single effort on goal in the WHOLE match. Liverpool had 27 (TWENTY SEVEN!!!!) chances.


Its an utter joke.


We're fucked, I just cant see us beating anyone else this season.

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Well a least one good thing. We wont be dominated and bum-raped like this in the Championship.


Although i know you will say we will though.


The thought of games against Doncaster and Barnsley................ugh.

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Guest LucaAltieri

If we beat Boro, I think we'll stay up.


Only for the fact that Hull and Boro wont pick up anymore points this season.


Daft to think that neither of them will scrape a draw somewhere in the last few games.

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Have to agree with Martins being shit today, he looked like some one going through the motions.


Absolute waste of space against any remotely decent defender. Thought Viduka played well actually, won his fair share and held it up well.

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martins has been s*** all season, how many goals has he scopred?


its the strikers who have let us down all season, and martins is the bigest culprite.  Either from lacko of talent or from being in a huff about owen starting ahead of him.


total waste of space.  typical nigerian egotastic tit.  glad to be shot of this waster asap


I admit they have been shit but its not like they have been wasting the chances they have had, we barely manage to give them anything to work off.

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