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Liverpool 3 - 0 Newcastle United - 03/05/09 - post match reaction from page 17


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Guest LucaAltieri

Harper, Beye, Bassong, Enrique and Jonas are players you could build a decent first team with.


Martins I'd rather we just got rid of. He'll always be an enigma, you're just hoping he'll produce one of his moments of quality to make up for his panicked efforts in general play. We'd miss his pace I suppose, but we could offset that problem by buying someone else with pace.


Everyone else can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


So long as you have quality in key positions and a game plan that plays to your strengths you can fill the rest of the team with grafters/kids/cheap buys and still be comfortable. See any mid-table team (or a SBR squad) for details.

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Harper, Beye, Bassong, Enrique and Jonas are players you could build a decent first team with.


Martins I'd rather we just got rid of. He'll always be an enigma, you're just hoping he'll produce one of his moments of quality to make up for his panicked efforts in general play. We'd miss his pace I suppose, but we could offset that problem by buying someone else with pace.


Everyone else can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


Shak mate, with our clear lack of pace, I still can't believe we got shot of Charlie, especially considering his replacement(s). :jesuswept:

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The only positive you can take is that it should be far worse for us than it currently is.


Portsmouth hitting the post, how many off the lines v tottenham, 3 off the bar today against pool, stoke missing sitters.....


We're getting the luck we need to stay up, we're just not doing our part yet/atall.

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Harper, Beye, Bassong, Enrique and Jonas are players you could build a decent first team with.


Martins I'd rather we just got rid of. He'll always be an enigma, you're just hoping he'll produce one of his moments of quality to make up for his panicked efforts in general play. We'd miss his pace I suppose, but we could offset that problem by buying someone else with pace.


Everyone else can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


Shak mate, with our clear lack of pace, I still can't believe we got shot of Charlie, especially considering his replacement(s). :jesuswept:


he's looking like a different player at Wigan too, put in a bunch of good crosses yesterday and his movement is like a real wingers instead of someone who hasnt got a clue what he is doing.  :doh:

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Relegation can never be a positive though as people have said so many times, regardless of whether we put together a new team.


Yes.... relegation can never be a good thing.  But we don't have the luxury of thinking we can have good outcomes at the moment.  The best we can do is try and engineer the least-bad outcome which I am starting to think relegation may not be (the least-bad that is).


I believe that if we do stay up this season, little will be achieved during the transfer window (as history would suggest), which means we'll be fighting relegation again next season.  So what has been achieved.  I think the choices we face are perpetual relegation fight until we fall anyway, or we go down now and get on with the inevitable.

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Harper, Beye, Bassong, Enrique and Jonas are players you could build a decent first team with.


Martins I'd rather we just got rid of. He'll always be an enigma, you're just hoping he'll produce one of his moments of quality to make up for his panicked efforts in general play. We'd miss his pace I suppose, but we could offset that problem by buying someone else with pace.


Everyone else can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


Shak mate, with our clear lack of pace, I still can't believe we got shot of Charlie, especially considering his replacement(s). :jesuswept:


I can well believe it myself, we've just done absolutely everything wrong that we possibly could this year.


We deserve to go down, we really do. :(

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Realistically we just need a new midfield.


We have butt, Smith & geremi representing us there.

Guthrie still has loads to learn & is currently learning off these clowns.

And Barton the only lad with some ability would probably be a better kickboxer.


Bar Guthrie, we replace them the team improves. Its simple. We've been saying it for years...new midfielder. We now have 7 strikers instead, with duff playing up there to & ranger coming through. It couldnt be more moronic.


Didnt see the game today yet, but i still wouldnt blame Martins for missing even after his crap season. When you're under pressure as we are & your strikers dont get many chances, theyre going to miss when they do. Its no suprises really.


Christ, we need a lot more than that! IF we are to stay up which I would say is 20-80 at the moment then I would hope that everyone at the club is willing to make HUGE changes. I'm talking about trying to offload most of the first team and taking a chance bringing in new young blood.


Owen, Viduka, Loven,  Barton, Butt, Smith, Geremi, Nolan, Taylor, Ameobi, Duff and then the likes of Martins and Colo if we were to get decent money for them should go.

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Harper, Beye, Bassong, Enrique and Jonas are players you could build a decent first team with.


Martins I'd rather we just got rid of. He'll always be an enigma, you're just hoping he'll produce one of his moments of quality to make up for his panicked efforts in general play. We'd miss his pace I suppose, but we could offset that problem by buying someone else with pace.


Everyone else can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


Shak mate, with our clear lack of pace, I still can't believe we got shot of Charlie, especially considering his replacement(s). :jesuswept:


he's looking like a different player at Wigan too, put in a bunch of good crosses yesterday and his movement is like a real wingers instead of someone who hasnt got a clue what he is doing.  :doh:


He's a total class act, always has been.


He's a cunt though. As opposed to the rest of them who are all totally committed to the cause. :rolleyes:

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Play maker in CM


High energy midfield breaker.  DM




LB and RB.


OH and strikers to replace OWen and Martins..............................and Viduka.




So that's...  1 (CM).... 2(DM).... 3(RW).... 4 & 5(LB & RB).... 6, 7, & 8 (Strikers too replace Owen, Martins, and Viduka).


So, if we take your 8 players and add the 2 or 3 I said we keep and guess what... you get a whole team (8+3=11).


But... you haven't said anything about improving the depth, so add some decent squad players (as opposed to the complete dross we have now) and you get a whole squad, less 2 or 3 players, that needs replacing.


Glad you agree with the need to replace the squad... now how do we afford to do this in the PL given if we're in a relegation fight no-one of PL quality will come to us?


The same way other teams manage to stay in the division, with sensible player purchasing.



Bolton do it every season, Wigan do it every season. Stoke have done it this season, Pompey put a half decent side out against us the otehr week.


It can be done.


I just dont know if Ashley and his crew have the stones to do it.

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First question: Will we have any funds from Ashley?


Second question: Can we trust Kinnear to get the right players?




After this farce of a few months, I doubt Kinnear will be back.


If anything, the fans would be right on the management's back and we know how he responds to that...http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1392670,00.html

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Realistically we just need a new midfield.


We have butt, Smith & geremi representing us there.

Guthrie still has loads to learn & is currently learning off these clowns.

And Barton the only lad with some ability would probably be a better kickboxer.


Bar Guthrie, we replace them the team improves. Its simple. We've been saying it for years...new midfielder. We now have 7 strikers instead, with duff playing up there to & ranger coming through. It couldnt be more moronic.


Didnt see the game today yet, but i still wouldnt blame Martins for missing even after his crap season. When you're under pressure as we are & your strikers dont get many chances, theyre going to miss when they do. Its no suprises really.


Christ, we need a lot more than that! IF we are to stay up which I would say is 20-80 at the moment then I would hope that everyone at the club is willing to make HUGE changes. I'm talking about trying to offload most of the first team and taking a chance bringing in new young blood.


Owen, Viduka, Loven,  Barton, Butt, Smith, Geremi, Nolan, Taylor, Ameobi, Duff and then the likes of Martins and Colo if we were to get decent money for them should go.


If you're looking at our performances, it is our midfield letting us down every game. You dont need to look much further, we still have ability in other areas of the pitch. The players you dont think aren't very good isnt really of much concern. We wont replace the entire team.


Owen, Loven, Nolan, Duff, Martins, Colo should stay. The rest we can lose sure.

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We need a miracle, starting with Everton and Villa doing us favours today and tomorrow.




Don't think we deserve a miracle to be brutally honest though.

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We need a miracle, starting with Everton and Villa doing us favours today and tomorrow.




Don't think we deserve a miracle to be brutally honest though.


I don't think we will get one either. Hull are poor but they will fight harder than we will to stay up.

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Why do we never play football on the floor anymore?


Because there is no movement off the ball. The player in possession looks up for a pass, can't find anyone within 30 yards so he attempts keep hold of the ball until someone makes space for him. No-one is forthcoming so the player in possession has to boot it long up the pitch.

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Why do we never play football on the floor anymore?


Because there is no movement off the ball. The player in possession looks up for a pass, can't find anyone within 30 yards so he attempts keep hold of the ball until someone makes space for him. No-one is forthcoming so the player in possession has to boot it long up the pitch.


Our ball retention must be the worst in the league. It's absolutely pitiful.

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Why do we never play football on the floor anymore?


Because there is no movement off the ball. The player in possession looks up for a pass, can't find anyone within 30 yards so he attempts keep hold of the ball until someone makes space for him. No-one is forthcoming so the player in possession has to boot it long up the pitch.


Our ball retention must be the worst in the league. It's absolutely pitiful.


Too true, and it is the biggest truism in football that you can't create anything if you don't keep hold of the ball. Our players need to think to themselves 'if I play this ball what are the chances my team mate will receive it?'. If the answer is 'unlikely', then don't fucking try it!


Too many speculative balls over the top totally wasted.

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i dont know where to start. I guess i would be just repeating what you lot are saying, so i'll just save my efforts.


But i will say one thing about Obafemi Martins, though.  I officially hate him now..... because what I saw out there today was, not him having a poor game, but him hiding. :dave:


just fook of you overrated piece of shit!! :dave: Now I'm convinced that you bottled it against Stoke. Just fook off to somewhere like Fenebace or Espanyol!!! :angry: fook off! :dave:

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Guest Dev

Can I just point out that I was slated by some of the usual morons for pointing out a few weeks back that Martins is not the kind of player we should be selecting for a relegation struggle... anyone going to come in and apologise now?


He is awful. We looked alright in a few 5 minute patches in the first half, but much of that was down to no Nolan, and having Barton instead. I think there is hope if we can find a replacement for Barton (where though?), but Martins should never again play for the club.

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Can I just point out that I was slated by some of the usual morons for pointing out a few weeks back that Martins is not the kind of player we should be selecting for a relegation struggle... anyone going to come in and apologise now?


He is awful. We looked alright in a few 5 minute patches in the first half, but much of that was down to no Nolan, and having Barton instead. I think there is hope if we can find a replacement for Barton (where though?), but Martins should never again play for the club.


Isnt he playing injured until the end of the season ffs, no wonder lacks pace atm. 

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