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worried spurs fan just sent me this.....


Here's one out of left field for you

New England Manager should be

David Beckham (maybe with Pearce as No2)


Is English

Knows what it means to play for England

Knows current crop of players

Loved by the fans

Brilliant with the media

Strong work ethic

Knows what it takes to win trophies

Can speak English (fairly well)



I agree with him to some extent, but for world cup DB would be out of his depth.  The FA wont gamble like this???  HE could probably lead team to olympic glory, but so what= intertoto cup win.


That's a joke, isn't it? Never in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 years.

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No one wants the job :lol: It's a crap time to manage England. Horrible unathletic CBs. Technically limited CMs. No standout goalscoring strikers. Some horrible egos in the dressing room, too. Hardly any prep time. Prob a decent buck in it though - surprised Sven isn't re-applying :bluestar:


Agree with Venkman and Neil's earlier posts, too. :thup:



Oxlade-Chamberlain    Sturridge/Johnson

Wilshere  Parker  Cleverley

Cole  Smalling  P Jones  Richards


This is a great time to manage England if you have the balls to play a young, technical team like above.


That'd be a good team to play to give them experience for the next tournament but that'd never happen. There's no long-term strategy with England/the FA. We play individual tournaments. Your will team be stuffed with Lampards, Barrys, Milners, Terrys, Bents, Rios, Downings etc


Even if we did blood that team, they'd be fortunate to make the quarters this time around.

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Guest neesy111

Stuart Pearce to take the team for the Holland game.




What's the problem with that? He's alright, it's only a friendly.


Has 18 months of proper management experience to which he was sacked at the end.


Expect shoddy tactics from him.

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worried spurs fan just sent me this.....


Here's one out of left field for you

New England Manager should be

David Beckham (maybe with Pearce as No2)


Is English

Knows what it means to play for England

Knows current crop of players

Loved by the fans

Brilliant with the media

Strong work ethic

Knows what it takes to win trophies

Can speak English (fairly well)



I agree with him to some extent, but for world cup DB would be out of his depth.  The FA wont gamble like this???  HE could probably lead team to olympic glory, but so what= intertoto cup win.




Haha!!!..... he'd probably select his kids...hell, he'd probably give Posh a game!

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Guest johnson293

If 'Arry is indeed the preferred candidate for the job, it'll be interesting if one of his demands is John Terry reinstated as captain.



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If 'Arry is indeed the preferred candidate for the job, it'll be interesting if one of his demands is John Terry reinstated as captain.




why would he demand that?

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Quite frankly F.A. can pick who ever they want aslong they stay the f*ck away from Pardew, last thing we need is another manager change ffs. Club > Country for me these days would much rather see my club win a trophy than my country.


Oh if he reinstated Terry i would laugh my f*cking ass off, what a bloody farce that would be.

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Guest johnson293

If 'Arry is indeed the preferred candidate for the job, it'll be interesting if one of his demands is John Terry reinstated as captain.




why would he demand that?


Was just something mentioned/questioned on TS this morning on way to work, and got me thinking.


Probably more likely he'd toe the line, and just appoint Parker as new captain.

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There's a friendly against Holland (whatever, Greg) at the end of this month. I bet Pearce will take caretaker charge of that game. I can then see them asking Redknapp to come in to work together with Pearce for the final two friendlies and him taking over officially for the Euros.


1 down, 2 to go. :bluestar:

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I wonder if Rafa Benitez is being seriously considered. Tactically astute, done well in European tournaments with Liverpool, settled in England and wouldn't cost the compensation Harry would require as Levy will certainly drive a hard bargain.

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