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The England Thread


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Forgot all about this man, not sure whether to watch this or Eurovision.  Was going to find a Eurovision drinking game.


Lord of the Rings on Channel 4 for me like.


I'd rather have my own ring invaded than watch that like, have fun though.

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:lol: Exactly aye.  Swear I used to like the bloke, he was very good on You're Fired, but then again so is Dara O'Briain who I never used to rate at all.


Chiles was actually decent on MOTD2 too. That move to ITV was an ill-advised one really (remember, ITV ruined Des Lynam too).

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Jones  Jagielka  Lescott  Baines

      Milner    Parker  Gerrard

Downing      Carroll            Young



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Jones  Jagielka  Lescott  Baines

      Milner    Parker  Gerrard

Downing      Carroll            Young




Urgh, what the f*** is that? Although I suppose every player in the squad needs some sort of game time/preparation. I don't expect this team to be the one we'll line up with in a couple of weeks. So in that case, experimentation ftw... :undecided:

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There's a lot of sense in Carroll being in the squad, especially giving his form was on the up at the end of the season. Downing's inclusion is a joke though.

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These sponsors adverts of fans speaking without a voice north of Watford Gap sum up my lack of attachment to the England side.


Imagine if we ever won everything, it'd be a week-long open top bus tour of the south. We'd get to watch it on the telly.


Note to Gerrard: It's "Weweren't anway,". 'We wasn't' - Jesus wept.

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Andy Carroll not being shit for one and a half games is getting some way over the top hype.


Picked up everyone's towels and put them in a boil wash with some conditioner.

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