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I can accept losing narrowly to two good teams in Italy and Uruguay, they're not mugs, we lost to both though. Losing whilst giving up the ball so often, looking clueless and humping it, switching off defensively to a long goal kick, not tracking back are just amateurish errors. They looked disorganised, deflated, negative and never settled into a rhythm at all. Headless chicken stuff and that's not acceptable at this level.

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The future has to be Sterling and Sturridge either side of Rooney. A midfield of Barkley, Lallana and Wilshere or Henderson behind them. No more Stevie knackersyard G.


The defensive is a big issue. Johnson and especially Baines and Jagielka aren't nearly good at this level and I don't see obvious replacements


Got to hope Shaw suddenly turns in to something he's not. Centre back and RB are going to be poor for at least a couple years, probably more.


Hopefully Clyne keeps improving for Southampton

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Mike dropping matches left and right :lol:


:lol: I'm sure the Portugal match will go well.


I'm holding you personally responsible when we make Eder look like Drogba :lol:


Wrang thread but thought he was OK against Germany, certainly better than Almeida. Can run if nowt else.

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The future has to be Sterling and Sturridge either side of Rooney. A midfield of Barkley, Lallana and Wilshere or Henderson behind them. No more Stevie knackersyard G.


The defensive is a big issue. Johnson and especially Baines and Jagielka aren't nearly good at this level and I don't see obvious replacements


For me Gerrard has been one of, if not the poorest performers in both games. Shocking v Italy and pretty poor again tonight.

Rooney been a bit unfortunate re the stick he has gotten imo, though any more of the 'world class' crap will do my head in: 'world class' players effect matches just like Goofy has tonight.

Plenty positives even though it's mind numbungly depressing at the moment: quick, intelligent players, with some pace in the mix as well.

Ox, Walcott, Wilshre, Lallana, Sterling, Sturridge, Rooney, Barkley: good manager will blend something out of that surely....


Defensivley may be different kettle of fish, but Chile have shown that you can be organised and relativley decent with a modicum of 'talent'...

Cahill has had a decent tournament for me, overall.


Same old, same old sadly.

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I can accept losing narrowly to two good teams in Italy and Uruguay, they're not mugs, we lost to both though. Losing whilst giving up the ball so often, looking clueless and humping it, switching off defensively to a long goal kick, not tracking back are just amateurish errors. They looked disorganised, deflated, negative and never settled into a rhythm at all. Headless chicken stuff and that's not acceptable at this level.


Agreed, I mean setting ourselves up to play like that doesn't even help our youngsters learn anything other than how you shouldn't play football at a major international tournament.


I have a soft spot for Woy, but he doesn't seem to have managed to change a damn thing in the way which we end up doing the same old headless chicken shit in these games. There was that patch after the goal where we looked like a real team again, but it quickly dissipated.

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    X      X        X      Shaw


Ox  Wilshere  Barkley  Lallana 





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Guest palnese



    Clyne      Stones        X      Shaw


Ox  Wilshere  Barkley  Lallana 




                  Walcott. No Sturridge?

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    X      X        X      Shaw


Ox  Wilshere  Barkley  Lallana 





We really, really need a dominant central midfielder to pop up from somewhere in the next 2 years like.
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Guest TruToon94

Built the whole team around Rooney to accommodate him and him alone. All other players needs were ignored and Rooney missed two easy goals and scored a tap in.


Rooney is a good player. But nowhere good enough to base everything on him unlike Suarez who proved a remarkable gulf. England need to do what is right for the team, not for a single player who isn't World Class. Sterling should be in center, was miles better and Oxade on the left and Barkley on the right would be better.


Can't afford to build a team around a slightly better than average player and I know I'll be slagged off but it's true. A team shouldn't be built around one player unless it's a world class player. Rooney is not world class.

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    X      X        X      Shaw


Ox  Wilshere  Barkley  Lallana 





We really, really need a dominant central midfielder to pop up from somewhere in the next 2 years like.

Yup Barkley is a AMC and lacks defensive awareness

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Built the whole team around Rooney to accommodate him and him alone. All other players needs were ignored and Rooney missed two easy goals and scored a tap in.


Rooney is a good player. But nowhere good enough to base everything on him unlike Suarez who proved a remarkable gulf. England need to do what is right for the team, not for a single player who isn't World Class. Sterling should be in center, was miles better and Oxade on the left and Barkley on the right would be better.


Can't afford to build a team around a slightly better than average player and I know I'll be slagged off but it's true. A team shouldn't be built around one player unless it's a world class player. Rooney is not world class.


Ok genuine question. If Rooney got the same exact two chances that Suarez got, do you think he would have scored them or not?

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Built the whole team around Rooney to accommodate him and him alone. All other players needs were ignored and Rooney missed two easy goals and scored a tap in.


Rooney is a good player. But nowhere good enough to base everything on him unlike Suarez who proved a remarkable gulf. England need to do what is right for the team, not for a single player who isn't World Class. Sterling should be in center, was miles better and Oxade on the left and Barkley on the right would be better.


Can't afford to build a team around a slightly better than average player and I know I'll be slagged off but it's true. A team shouldn't be built around one player unless it's a world class player. Rooney is not world class.


It's a cliché but Rooney doesn't pick himself, and if he did it wouldn't be on the wing. It's the manager that's the problem in this case. Same as when Ba would get slagged off on here because Pardew was being an absolute freak and a fucking weirdo.

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Guest TruToon94

Built the whole team around Rooney to accommodate him and him alone. All other players needs were ignored and Rooney missed two easy goals and scored a tap in.


Rooney is a good player. But nowhere good enough to base everything on him unlike Suarez who proved a remarkable gulf. England need to do what is right for the team, not for a single player who isn't World Class. Sterling should be in center, was miles better and Oxade on the left and Barkley on the right would be better.


Can't afford to build a team around a slightly better than average player and I know I'll be slagged off but it's true. A team shouldn't be built around one player unless it's a world class player. Rooney is not world class.


No. Because he got two chances Suarez would have easily scored no questions asked and didn't.  That was tonight. Suarez had two harder chances and scored both.

Ok genuine question. If Rooney got the same exact two chances that Suarez got, do you think he would have scored them or not?

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Built the whole team around Rooney to accommodate him and him alone. All other players needs were ignored and Rooney missed two easy goals and scored a tap in.


Rooney is a good player. But nowhere good enough to base everything on him unlike Suarez who proved a remarkable gulf. England need to do what is right for the team, not for a single player who isn't World Class. Sterling should be in center, was miles better and Oxade on the left and Barkley on the right would be better.


Can't afford to build a team around a slightly better than average player and I know I'll be slagged off but it's true. A team shouldn't be built around one player unless it's a world class player. Rooney is not world class.


No. Because he got two chances Suarez would have easily scored no questions asked and didn't.  That was tonight. Suarez had two harder chances and scored both.

Ok genuine question. If Rooney got the same exact two chances that Suarez got, do you think he would have scored them or not?



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