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Complete transfer embargo until club is sold?


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Say the worst happens and we don't get sold before the end of the transfer window, this will allow us to keep a competitive team, at least one capable of picking up enough wins to keep us in a promotion race until January, where hopefully by then we'll be sold, and can do what needs to be done to push on. This is a positive imo.


Is there isn't a takeover this summer why would there be one in january when our financial situation will be so much worse?

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Guest BooBoo

Say the worst happens and we don't get sold before the end of the transfer window, this will allow us to keep a competitive team, at least one capable of picking up enough wins to keep us in a promotion race until January, where hopefully by then we'll be sold, and can do what needs to be done to push on. This is a positive imo.




Apologies for the capitals, but Jesus wept, how many times!?

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Say the worst happens and we don't get sold before the end of the transfer window, this will allow us to keep a competitive team, at least one capable of picking up enough wins to keep us in a promotion race until January, where hopefully by then we'll be sold, and can do what needs to be done to push on. This is a positive imo.




Apologies for the capitals, but Jesus wept, how many times!?




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f*** all of you, better than having to sell everyone and having a squad of about 16 kids.


I'd rather have a squad of 16 kids than go bankrupt.


We won't go bankrupt in 6 more months of paying those wages after we've survived years of it.

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Say the worst happens and we don't get sold before the end of the transfer window, this will allow us to keep a competitive team, at least one capable of picking up enough wins to keep us in a promotion race until January, where hopefully by then we'll be sold, and can do what needs to be done to push on. This is a positive imo.




Apologies for the capitals, but Jesus wept, how many times!?


Firstly they are not being treat badly in the slightest, they are still being pampered, paid way more than their worth and not in any shape or form being mistreated.


Secondly, that situation hopefully will not be the same once the season starts. The managerial position will surely be filled by then, even on an interim basis. This squad currently isn't just good enough to go up, it's better than any other by a long chalk, if you don't think so you are totally over estimating the quality of player in the championship. Those wanting to leave will soon change their tune once a bit of stability is introduced and the reality that they won't pick up the wages they are on at clubs like stoke, hull or wigan hits them. Motivation will return, but even if it doesn't, this is still the same unmotivated squad that took 10 out of 12 from our fellow relegated teams, who surely will be among our main rivals.


What would you rather have right now then ? Have all our players sold without anyone being brought in because no one is there to pick and chose them ?


There's nothing wrong with being concerned, even panicky right now, we are in a bloody mess, but please get a grip it's not time to slash the wrists just yet.

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f*** all of you, better than having to sell everyone and having a squad of about 16 kids.


I'd rather have a squad of 16 kids than go bankrupt.


We won't go bankrupt in 6 more months of paying those wages after we've survived years of it.


It'll be more than 6 months. Also surviving with a huge wage bill in the premiership is a bit different to surviving in the championship.

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f*** all of you, better than having to sell everyone and having a squad of about 16 kids.


I'd rather have a squad of 16 kids than go bankrupt.


We won't go bankrupt in 6 more months of paying those wages after we've survived years of it.


It'll be more than 6 months. Also surviving with a huge wage bill in the premiership is a bit different to surviving in the championship.


Well if we're not sold by January I don't think it'll make a difference, we'll be fucked one way or another.

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f*** all of you, better than having to sell everyone and having a squad of about 16 kids.


I'd rather have a squad of 16 kids than go bankrupt.


We won't go bankrupt in 6 more months of paying those wages after we've survived years of it.


This is the thing that people don't seem to get in the whole hysteria. Ashley is the one taking the hit on money, not you or I. If we went into the season with the same squad, financially we would take a huge hit but the receivers will not be called in. If this was to continue for a few years and we hadn't got ourselves back up, we continued to pay wages beyond our means and our crowds had dwindled to a fraction of what they had been, then the club would will would quite rightly be "doing a leeds", but we are not there yet.


If you look at other clubs for examples of this Leeds themselves, once the troubles hit, it took a couple of seasons before they went down then 2 more in the championship before administration hit them.


Despite everything Ashley is still a very wealthy man and even he is not stupid enough to right off completely his investment by calling in the receivers. So lets not make the situation even worse by blowing everything up out of propotion.

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f*** all of you, better than having to sell everyone and having a squad of about 16 kids.


I'd rather have a squad of 16 kids than go bankrupt.


We won't go bankrupt in 6 more months of paying those wages after we've survived years of it.


This is the thing that people don't seem to get in the whole hysteria. Ashley is the one taking the hit on money, not you or I. If we went into the season with the same squad, financially we would take a huge hit but the receivers will not be called in. If this was to continue for a few years and we hadn't got ourselves back up, we continued to pay wages beyond our means and our crowds had dwindled to a fraction of what they had been, then the club would will would quite rightly be "doing a leeds", but we are not there yet.


If you look at other clubs for examples of this Leeds themselves, once the troubles hit, it took a couple of season before they went down then 2 more in the championship before administration hit them.


Despite everything Ashley is still a very wealthy man and even he is not stupid enough to right off completely his investment. So lets not make the situation even worse by blowing everything up out of propotion.


Hell, the worse his financial situation gets the more likely he is to drop his asking price and actually sell us.

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Has nobody else noticed this bloke is referring to the blocking of an outgoing transfer of fucking Alan Smith?! This might entail these clubs sniffing around will move onto other targets, and we will be stuck with this underperforming abortion of a player on huge wages. Has to be bad news surely? I have absolutely no problem with them letting go of players of this ilk now, quite the contrary..

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Doesnt make any sense to me, surely the new owners want the wage bill cutting, and IF fat cunt ashley ends up still being in charge when the transfer window shuts (which looks likely) he must want the high earners out.


But how do several potential owners decide who should and shouldn't leave?  Its the same issue with Shearer getting a contract, unless all potential buyers got together and decided yes we all want Shearer and yes we all want these players gone and these players in none of it can happen.

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Has nobody else noticed this bloke is referring to the blocking of an outgoing transfer of fucking Alan Smith?! This might entail these clubs sniffing around will move onto other targets, and we will be stuck with this underperforming abortion of a player on huge wages. Has to be bad news surely? I have absolutely no problem with them letting go of players of this ilk now, quite the contrary..


Do you really want either of Ashley or Llambias selling players though?  They'll probably sell Beye, Bassong, Guthrie and Enrique and keep Smith, Barton, Butt ect.  I'd much rather have a firm rule that nobody goes until new owners come in then let Ashley and co decide who goes and stays.

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Has nobody else noticed this bloke is referring to the blocking of an outgoing transfer of f***ing Alan Smith?! This might entail these clubs sniffing around will move onto other targets, and we will be stuck with this underperforming abortion of a player on huge wages. Has to be bad news surely? I have absolutely no problem with them letting go of players of this ilk now, quite the contrary..


Well yes but we wouldn't get to pick the players who leave personally, Ashley or Llambias would.  Do you really want either of them selling players?  They'll probably sell Beye, Bassong, Guthrie, Enrique ect and keep Smith, Barton and Butt.  I'd much rather have a rule that nobody goes or stays then let Ashlet and co decide who goes and stays.


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Guest Brummiemag

Say the worst happens and we don't get sold before the end of the transfer window, this will allow us to keep a competitive team, at least one capable of picking up enough wins to keep us in a promotion race until January, where hopefully by then we'll be sold, and can do what needs to be done to push on. This is a positive imo.


After the pitiful, couldnt care less, unmotivated performance of our current players in the 2nd half at Villa, I have no confidence at all that these same players will have the motivation, commitment and hunger to get us promoted next season

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It may not be a bit of concrete info but it is a decent opinion to form, if ASshley was going to cash in on players he would have done it by now, last thing he wants is to have to keep the club and selling its best players could end any interest in us.


I know the players are in limbo but so are we and there is the fact that the longer this go's on the more chance their is that these interested clubs will move onto other players rather than wait for a responce from us.

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Guest firetotheworks

Positive imo. The likelihood is that whoever the manager would be, they'd keep the experienced (crapper) players; Butt, Nolan etc, so at least this way there's a possibility that Beye, Bassong, Enrique, Martins etc will stay, no matter how far fetched it may seem, it at least makes it more likely.

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Positive imo. The likelihood is that whoever the manager would be, they'd keep the experienced (crapper) players; Butt, Nolan etc, so at least this way there's a possibility that Beye, Bassong, Enrique, Martins etc will stay, no matter how far fetched it may seem, it at least makes it more likely.

That was my thinking, when a new owner comes in and they inevitably choose Shearer as manager this will seriously improve the chances of keeping Beye, Bassong, Enrique etc

Im surpised people aren't sniffing around Guthrie either.

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