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The other games today - 2009/10

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Is it bad that I'm slightly pleased to see Liverpool lose? It's always a laugh seeing their fans cry and call for Benitez' head after every defeat  :thup:


Nope, Liverpool are the most detestable team in the Premier League iyam (okay, the likes of Manu/Blackburn/Hull have their particular individuals)... but Liverpool take the biscuit. Benitez, Gerrard, their fans, their God given right to victory, the media bumfest. Chuffed seeing them in eighth without even a shot at the title, as usual.

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Liverpool 8th :D

Never EVER thought I'd celebrate a makem win over anyone but - whoo hoo ! (shows what i think of Liverpool)

Always thought the makems should play their game with a beachball though !


I can put up with Manu fans from Manchester. It's the average Manu fan i can't stand.

That last type would be 95% of Man U fans then ?  :shifty:

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