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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Nothing Barton did deserved a red card. Yellow card offence, he received a yellow.


We wouldn't be talking about it today if it wasn't that naughty Joey.


I wouldn't be taking so much of an issue with it if he hadn't given such preaching bollocks as though he's on a moral crusade to stamp out cheating.


It's nothing to do with it being "naughty Joey Barton". It has everything to do with him acting like a cock.


Can't think of many players in the league who wouldn't have done the same. Doesn't make it right of course, but true. Wouldn't class it as cheating either.


He dived to ensure someone got sent off.


And more generally, I agree. That whole situation painted an awful picture of our game where players feel the need to go outside the rules to gain an advantage. The whole attitude stinks and although I'm not sure how practical it would be, I really think red cards for diving needs to be introduced. It may involve getting a few wrong but surely it would be a big deterrent?

Unsportin aye. It was hardly cheating though. What Barton did was in the same bracket as swarming the ref to get a player sent off, if he hadn't have done it Gervinho may still have been (wrongly) on the pitch.


I'm not saying I agree with it, but theatrically making the ref aware that you have been slapped is hardly cheating.

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I think there's a difference between going down when you're fouled so that the ref notices it, and pretending you're hurt in order to get an opponent sent off. Perhaps it's only a question of degree, but it's still there.


Joey should also not have grabbed hold of Gervinho and tried to haul him up. Most players would have reacted to being manhandled like that.


Milking the attention afterwards is the icing on the cake. I really don't want this bloke at our club any more.

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I think there's a difference between going down when you're fouled so that the ref notices it, and pretending you're hurt in order to get an opponent sent off. Perhaps it's only a question of degree, but it's still there.


Joey should also not have grabbed hold of Gervinho and tried to haul him up. Most players would have reacted to being manhandled like that.


Milking the attention afterwards is the icing on the cake. I really don't want this bloke at our club any more.


Whether it was enough to knock the man down, or whether it was enough to even hurt wor Joey... Gervinho raised his hand to his face and that is a red card. Absolutely stone-wall, plain and simple. You just cannot do that in football and it's pretty much the only 'red card offense' in the game that cannot be argued.


If Joey hadn't gone down, Gervinho might've got away with it, and then it's an injustice. Aye, maybe he was a touch out of line by pulling him up previously, and you say it was bound to gauge a reaction... but it shouldn't have provoked a slap. That's just bang out of line. Especially when it was sheer gamesmanship from Gervinho in the first place.


It's ridiculous the extent people will go to have a go at the guy. Honestly... are we even forgetting the actual fundamentals of it? The very act could've secured the fucking point itself!


Jesus. It's wound me up, this whole thing. One of our players provides the team with a great advantage, without breaking any real laws of the game - and he gets slandered with shite like "i wish he wasn't at our club."


I wish we had more like him.

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Players faking injury, going down 'too easily', falling over as if the have been poleaxed and generally trying to con the ref are ruining the game.


Doesn't matter if it's a Newcastle player are not; it's risible.


Gervinho tried to cheat, Barton tried to con the ref, there's nothing to admire.

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Players faking injury, going down 'too easily', falling over as if the have been poleaxed and generally trying to con the ref are ruining the game.


Doesn't matter if it's a Newcastle player are not; it's risible.


Gervinho tried to cheat, Barton tried to con the ref, there's nothing to admire.


Have a fucking word man.

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I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.

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I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.


Undeniably. Conning the ref has got absolutely fuck all to do with it - it's just so far away from the point it's untrue. Gervinho's actions, a million per cent, deserved a red card, whether Joey goes down or not.


It brings up another question, too. If the ref had seen that it wasn't a foul (demonstrated by the play-on) - why wasn't the guy reprimanded for diving? All in all, it would have been a crazy injustice had Gervinho finished the match. Barton just made sure of it; well played lad.

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I'd rather have Joey Barton rolling around on the floor exaggerating the slap then have him still on his feet facing up to Gervinho.


That's brilliant, but later on in the season it will be someone like Nani 'exaggerating' and getting Barton or Tiote sent off.


Read my lips: It's ruining the game.

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Still not cheating, there was conact, he reacted. Not cheating.


If there was no contact and he dropped like he'd been hit with a bat, the yeah, that would be cheating.


It is cheating like. It's exactly like feigning and injury or taking a dive. Just because there was contact, it doesnt mean Barton throwing himself to the ground isnt cheating. By your logic, if a player goes down after minimal contact, it's not taking a dive, it's not simulation.


I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.


Undeniably. Conning the ref has got absolutely f*** all to do with it - it's just so far away from the point it's untrue. Gervinho's actions, a million per cent, deserved a red card, whether Joey goes down or not.


It brings up another question, too. If the ref had seen that it wasn't a foul (demonstrated by the play-on) - why wasn't the guy reprimanded for diving? All in all, it would have been a crazy injustice had Gervinho finished the match. Barton just made sure of it; well played lad.


Conning the ref has everything to do with it. If Barton hadnt threw himself to the floor would Gervinho have been sent off? Debatable. Yes, Gervinho raised his hand, yes he deserved to go, but for me you cant deny Barton helped the ref make up his mind.


I do Like Barton. He's a good player and integral part of the team for me. Think he gets too much stick for his comments at times but he cheated like, without a doubt.

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I'd rather have Joey Barton rolling around on the floor exaggerating the slap then have him still on his feet facing up to Gervinho.


That's brilliant, but later on in the season it will be someone like Nani 'exaggerating' and getting Barton or Tiote sent off.


Read my lips: It's ruining the game.

If Nani drops to the deck theatrically after been slapped by Barton then fair enough. I seriously cannot see how this is "ruining the game" like :lol:
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Guest guinness_fiend

I'd rather have Joey Barton rolling around on the floor exaggerating the slap then have him still on his feet facing up to Gervinho.


That's brilliant, but later on in the season it will be someone like Nani 'exaggerating' and getting Barton or Tiote sent off.


If Barton or Tiote even so much as stroke Nani's face later in the season, they will deserve to be sent off.



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Still not cheating, there was conact, he reacted. Not cheating.


If there was no contact and he dropped like he'd been hit with a bat, the yeah, that would be cheating.


It is cheating like. It's exactly like feigning and injury or taking a dive. Just because there was contact, it doesnt mean Barton throwing himself to the ground isnt cheating. By your logic, if a player goes down after minimal contact, it's not taking a dive, it's not simulation.


I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.


Undeniably. Conning the ref has got absolutely f*** all to do with it - it's just so far away from the point it's untrue. Gervinho's actions, a million per cent, deserved a red card, whether Joey goes down or not.


It brings up another question, too. If the ref had seen that it wasn't a foul (demonstrated by the play-on) - why wasn't the guy reprimanded for diving? All in all, it would have been a crazy injustice had Gervinho finished the match. Barton just made sure of it; well played lad.


Conning the ref has everything to do with it. If Barton hadnt threw himself to the floor would Gervinho have been sent off? Debatable. Yes, Gervinho raised his hand, yes he deserved to go, but for me you cant deny Barton helped the ref make up his mind.


I do Like Barton. He's a good player and integral part of the team for me. Think he gets too much stick for his comments at times but he cheated like, without a doubt.

Theres a massive differance betwean 'conning' the ref into giving you an underserved penalty by diving under minimal contact, and 'conning' The ref into deservedly sending off a player for slapping someone, like. Both are unsporting, but only one is cheating (ie gaining a unfair advantage)..
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I think there's a difference between going down when you're fouled so that the ref notices it, and pretending you're hurt in order to get an opponent sent off. Perhaps it's only a question of degree, but it's still there.


Joey should also not have grabbed hold of Gervinho and tried to haul him up. Most players would have reacted to being manhandled like that.


Milking the attention afterwards is the icing on the cake. I really don't want this bloke at our club any more.


Whether it was enough to knock the man down, or whether it was enough to even hurt wor Joey... Gervinho raised his hand to his face and that is a red card. Absolutely stone-wall, plain and simple. You just cannot do that in football and it's pretty much the only 'red card offense' in the game that cannot be argued.


If Joey hadn't gone down, Gervinho might've got away with it, and then it's an injustice. Aye, maybe he was a touch out of line by pulling him up previously, and you say it was bound to gauge a reaction... but it shouldn't have provoked a slap. That's just bang out of line. Especially when it was sheer gamesmanship from Gervinho in the first place.


It's ridiculous the extent people will go to have a go at the guy. Honestly... are we even forgetting the actual fundamentals of it? The very act could've secured the fucking point itself!


Jesus. It's wound me up, this whole thing. One of our players provides the team with a great advantage, without breaking any real laws of the game - and he gets slandered with shite like "i wish he wasn't at our club."


I wish we had more like him.


By the letter of the law, the ref was right. If you hit an opponent, it's a red. If you grab hold of an opponent, generally it's a yellow.


There's something that really jars with me about Joey's behaviour though. He was full of moral outrage when he grabbed hold of Gervinho and hauled him to his feet, then he indulged in equally questionable behaviour himself. He often seems to demand much better behaviour from other people, than he demands from himself.

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Still not cheating, there was conact, he reacted. Not cheating.


If there was no contact and he dropped like he'd been hit with a bat, the yeah, that would be cheating.


It is cheating like. It's exactly like feigning and injury or taking a dive. Just because there was contact, it doesnt mean Barton throwing himself to the ground isnt cheating. By your logic, if a player goes down after minimal contact, it's not taking a dive, it's not simulation.


I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.


Undeniably. Conning the ref has got absolutely f*** all to do with it - it's just so far away from the point it's untrue. Gervinho's actions, a million per cent, deserved a red card, whether Joey goes down or not.


It brings up another question, too. If the ref had seen that it wasn't a foul (demonstrated by the play-on) - why wasn't the guy reprimanded for diving? All in all, it would have been a crazy injustice had Gervinho finished the match. Barton just made sure of it; well played lad.


Conning the ref has everything to do with it. If Barton hadnt threw himself to the floor would Gervinho have been sent off? Debatable. Yes, Gervinho raised his hand, yes he deserved to go, but for me you cant deny Barton helped the ref make up his mind.


I do Like Barton. He's a good player and integral part of the team for me. Think he gets too much stick for his comments at times but he cheated like, without a doubt.


If he's helping the ref come to the correct decision I've absolutely no problem with it, in fact I'd probably encourage it. It's only if he was trying to con the ref into making the wrong decision that I'd take exception.

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Still not cheating, there was conact, he reacted. Not cheating.


If there was no contact and he dropped like he'd been hit with a bat, the yeah, that would be cheating.


It is cheating like. It's exactly like feigning and injury or taking a dive. Just because there was contact, it doesnt mean Barton throwing himself to the ground isnt cheating. By your logic, if a player goes down after minimal contact, it's not taking a dive, it's not simulation.


I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.


Undeniably. Conning the ref has got absolutely f*** all to do with it - it's just so far away from the point it's untrue. Gervinho's actions, a million per cent, deserved a red card, whether Joey goes down or not.


It brings up another question, too. If the ref had seen that it wasn't a foul (demonstrated by the play-on) - why wasn't the guy reprimanded for diving? All in all, it would have been a crazy injustice had Gervinho finished the match. Barton just made sure of it; well played lad.


Conning the ref has everything to do with it. If Barton hadnt threw himself to the floor would Gervinho have been sent off? Debatable. Yes, Gervinho raised his hand, yes he deserved to go, but for me you cant deny Barton helped the ref make up his mind.


I do Like Barton. He's a good player and integral part of the team for me. Think he gets too much stick for his comments at times but he cheated like, without a doubt.


If he's helping the ref come to the correct decision I've absolutely no problem with it, in fact I'd probably encourage it. It's only if he was trying to con the ref into making the wrong decision that I'd take exception.


Couldn't have put it better, i agree entirely.



Zaius, if Barton's helping the ref come to the correct decision - how the hell is he 'conning' him? Dunno what planet you're on.


Novocastrian, 'ruining the game' ffs. Players getting away with raising their hands to others' faces is more likely to bring the game into disrepute, like.

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