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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Also, I think that some players and even managers are used to the feeling that the world revolves around them and they are the most important people at the football club. I think working with an obnoxious bloke like Mike Ashley, who is implementing a bit more of a ruthless approach not normally seen in football, might be a bit of a culture shock.


Not saying they're wrong and he's right, but I think it might be a new experience for a lot of people and they don't like it.

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Players talk to other players.  How many times do you hear of them speaking to players who have a connection to a particular club to find out more before decidiing on a move.


Probably explains why Newcastle can no longer attract any decent British players, only old journeymen or unproven Championship players who are desperate for a stab at playing in the Premier League.


At least most foreigners aren't aware of Ashley's antics and reputation yet, though that may be changing anytime soon.


But for the most part (beyond money) it's the team and club that's the attraction, not the owner.


Yes players talk to players and that includes the foreigners, but you seem to be forgetting that the likes of Ba, Marveux and Cabaye, came not only on recommendations from Ben Arfa, but also Beye, Bassong and N'Zogbia. Hell, I suspect (well we know for certain in the case of the Zog) that they'd come back to the club given a chance.


How does that tally with your assertion that Ashleys 'antics and reputation' is a massive part in a players decision to join?

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will f*** off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.


I think most people understand that what's going on behind the scenes is crap, but this is massively counter productive. What's the point of further dividing the fans on something like Twitter when we already face a difficult season ahead without this crap going on?


to use your words, what's the point of settling for our club being run 'crap'? there's far too much apathy setting in imo, i read and hear more and more about how we're only nufc and we're outside the top 6 so this is all we can hope for etc etc. our club is being turned into primarily an advertising revenue for someone who's shown a lack of respect for the club since day 1. there is no ambition to do anything other than stay in the league and be on telly.


I take the point that what barton is saying could be unsettling for the squad, but either they already know the circumstances in which case him saying this isnt gonna make any difference? or he's over doing it in which case the squad wont listen to him and there wont be any unsettling, no?


there's so many people blowing the whistle on ashley now and yet it seems it's still the individuals criticising who are in the wrong or at it for their own reasons? i really dont understand the logic.


meanwhile, we're on course (at the moment) to make another profit in a transfer window where we needed and were promised important spending for the short term future of the club.

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He did that before, and was slagged off then too. :lol:


What? He was generally positive but reiterated that we could struggle again unless we got in few more faces, a few more players and we could really push on?


And he got a similar response to his latest vague threats and warnings?



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Undoubtedly the likes of Barton and Enrique are hacked off, but the real problem is the man running the show and also his right hand man. If the club had some ambition and focus, this would not be happening. Ashley's plan seems to be raking as much cash into the club as he can and to what end? We can only speculate, but it'll be very interesting to see the accounts when they are due out next year. 

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.


Honestly, I think we all can see that there is 'something in it', a number of staff and players with either contractual grievences, or have been unceremonialy told to leave the club, have no love for the bosses and no faith that they are willing to invest to take the club forward.


However I also see that there are plenty of players and staff who are very happy at the club who will be as annoyed by Bartons muttterings as I am.


The thing is, if he came out with the line Jack Wiltshires just trotted out, that we need more investment to kick on, that we need more players, then that would be just as pointed and hard hitting if said often enough as what he is saying now, but without the inarguably large down sides.


Can you not see that taking cheap shots at supporters being plants for a certain high street retailer is taking things too far? Can you not see that implying that another departing players grievences are just the tip of the iceberg gives any prospective player who might help push us on pause for thought?


Sorry, Dr Venkman, but when Barton shows less sense and decorum than Wiltshire, fuck him. I've always had a good deal of regard for Barton, but he is currently being a massive helmet.


can you not see that if no-one puts pressure on ashley, not players, not fans, not ex-professionals connected to the club, no-one. we could easily be facing a situation where he turns the club around so its making a profit and then continues with this policy to keep us in the premier league to help his advertising push and nothing else. and that this could go on for a long, long time?


i think the chances of him suddenly finding the will to make us competitive at the level we should be (top 6) are getting ever smaller with every passing transfer window. dont you?

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Undoubtedly the likes of Barton and Enrique are hacked off, but the real problem is the man running the show and also his right hand man. If the club had some ambition and focus, this would not be happening. Ashley's plan seems to be raking as much cash into the club as he can and to what end? We can only speculate, but it'll be very interesting to see the accounts when they are due out next year.  


I can't wait to see how much this undersoil heating/drainage cost.

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Undoubtedly the likes of Barton and Enrique are hacked off, but the real problem is the man running the show and also his right hand man. If the club had some ambition and focus, this would not be happening. Ashley's plan seems to be raking as much cash into the club as he can and to what end? We can only speculate, but it'll be very interesting to see the accounts when they are due out next year. 


I can't wait to see how much this undersoil heating/drainage cost.


I'm sure it'll run into millions. I suspect we'll now see money start disappearing out of the club to repay the 'loans' which Ashley lent the club.

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.


Honestly, I think we all can see that there is 'something in it', a number of staff and players with either contractual grievences, or have been unceremonialy told to leave the club, have no love for the bosses and no faith that they are willing to invest to take the club forward.


However I also see that there are plenty of players and staff who are very happy at the club who will be as annoyed by Bartons muttterings as I am.


The thing is, if he came out with the line Jack Wiltshires just trotted out, that we need more investment to kick on, that we need more players, then that would be just as pointed and hard hitting if said often enough as what he is saying now, but without the inarguably large down sides.


Can you not see that taking cheap shots at supporters being plants for a certain high street retailer is taking things too far? Can you not see that implying that another departing players grievences are just the tip of the iceberg gives any prospective player who might help push us on pause for thought?


Sorry, Dr Venkman, but when Barton shows less sense and decorum than Wiltshire, fuck him. I've always had a good deal of regard for Barton, but he is currently being a massive helmet.


can you not see that if no-one puts pressure on ashley, not players, not fans, not ex-professionals connected to the club, no-one. we could easily be facing a situation where he turns the club around so its making a profit and then continues with this policy to keep us in the premier league to help his advertising push and nothing else. and that this could go on for a long, long time?


i think the chances of him suddenly finding the will to make us competitive at the level we should be (top 6) are getting ever smaller with every passing transfer window. dont you?


Do you think frankly frustratingly vague attacks and digs at critical supporters being spys from sports direct will make a positive difference?


I can see only negatives, for Joey, for his colleagues, for the supporters. As for Asley himself changing tack because of it? Not a chance.


All anyone can do is continue to ask the questions, where the money is going, where is the striker we need, why can you not persuade Enrique to stay? Keep putting the pressure on Pardew and his bosses.


I'm happy for even Joey to do this, but not however for the petulant shite he has spouted recently.

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FWIW i think there has been a huge over-reaction on here about his comments - he is merely hinting at discontent he hasn't explicitly said anything explosive like accusing a particular individual of lying or that the whole team wants to leave ASAP for example but rather validating other peoples claims (Enrique's & Nolans) that the players' feel aggrieved. 


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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


Exactly - the only outspoken players currently seem to be those who are on their way and aren't getting what they want.

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.


Honestly, I think we all can see that there is 'something in it', a number of staff and players with either contractual grievences, or have been unceremonialy told to leave the club, have no love for the bosses and no faith that they are willing to invest to take the club forward.


However I also see that there are plenty of players and staff who are very happy at the club who will be as annoyed by Bartons muttterings as I am.


The thing is, if he came out with the line Jack Wiltshires just trotted out, that we need more investment to kick on, that we need more players, then that would be just as pointed and hard hitting if said often enough as what he is saying now, but without the inarguably large down sides.


Can you not see that taking cheap shots at supporters being plants for a certain high street retailer is taking things too far? Can you not see that implying that another departing players grievences are just the tip of the iceberg gives any prospective player who might help push us on pause for thought?


Sorry, Dr Venkman, but when Barton shows less sense and decorum than Wiltshire, fuck him. I've always had a good deal of regard for Barton, but he is currently being a massive helmet.


can you not see that if no-one puts pressure on ashley, not players, not fans, not ex-professionals connected to the club, no-one. we could easily be facing a situation where he turns the club around so its making a profit and then continues with this policy to keep us in the premier league to help his advertising push and nothing else. and that this could go on for a long, long time?


i think the chances of him suddenly finding the will to make us competitive at the level we should be (top 6) are getting ever smaller with every passing transfer window. dont you?


Do you think frankly frustratingly vague attacks and digs at critical supporters being spys from sports direct will make a positive difference?


I can see only negatives, for Joey, for his colleagues, for the supporters. As for Asley himself changing tack because of it? Not a chance.


All anyone can do is continue to ask the questions, where the money is going, where is the striker we need, why can you not persuade Enrique to stay? Keep putting the pressure on Pardew and his bosses.


I'm happy for even Joey to do this, but not however for the petulant shite he has spouted recently.


i'm not expecting a few tweets from barton to change ashley's mindset, some more widespread pressure however and a bit of with holding cash and we might be rid off him. that's not taking into account the likelihood of ending up with an even worse owner though obviously.


i guess i just dont hold much respect for the view that you dont speak your mind because you're likely to upset things. these problems should be sorted at the root imo.

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


plenty of footballers leave clubs and are refused contracts without slagging off the club. why are nufc players different?

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


I get your point,  I am quite sure you don't really believe that the rest of the squad are happy though, do you really? 


Most players' would just get on with it however Joey Barton is similar to Bellamy in that he would speak out if aggrieved, but as I said before, i think he hasn't quite crossed the line of unacceptable just yet.

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


plenty of footballers leave clubs and are refused contracts without slagging off the club. why are nufc players different?


Because in their cases i'm sure they haven't been lied to.

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


plenty of footballers leave clubs and are refused contracts without slagging off the club. why are nufc players different?


Good question. Either the way they've been treated by Ashley is worse (not denying that might be true) or Ashley is considered "fair game" for public attacks because of what has happened before.


Also, no doubt the press are working hard to get stories about this (obviously doesn't apply to Joey's tweets).

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


I get your point,  I am quite sure you don't really believe that the rest of the squad are happy though, do you really? 


Most players' would just get on with it however Joey Barton is similar to Bellamy in that he would speak out if aggrieved, but as I said before, i think he hasn't quite crossed the line of unacceptable just yet.


I don't see any reason to believe the rest of the squad is unhappy. The ones who have just arrived and/or are on contracts they are happy with and have years left will probably be absolutely fine.


Obviously they each might have some concerns, but that's normal (maybe Jonas is unhappy that Jose is leaving etc).


I wouldn't be surprised if most of our players saw Barton as a bit of a mentalist who they have to humour from time to time.

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Guest johnson293

Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

I wont be commenting on situation at Newcastle again, as I feel it helps nobody and serves no purpose. Hope u all understand

34 seconds ago


Been Bollocked again?

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Joey isn't the players' spokesman though, why not conclude that it's only players who aren't getting what they want that are unhappy?


As I said, when people who aren't leaving, left or refused new contracts start complaining, then I'll worry.


I get your point,  I am quite sure you don't really believe that the rest of the squad are happy though, do you really? 


Most players' would just get on with it however Joey Barton is similar to Bellamy in that he would speak out if aggrieved, but as I said before, i think he hasn't quite crossed the line of unacceptable just yet.


I don't see any reason to believe the rest of the squad is unhappy. The ones who have just arrived and/or are on contracts they are happy with and have years left will probably be absolutely fine.


Obviously they each might have some concerns, but that's normal (maybe Jonas is unhappy that Jose is leaving etc).


I wouldn't be surprised if most of our players saw Barton as a bit of a mentalist who they have to humour from time to time.


That doesn't quite stack up if you take into consideration Nolan's comments.


He, after all, has no reason to lie about any of it, as IMO has got a very nice contract yet he accuses the club of moving the goalposts completely during negotiations and being messed around.  Considering he was a very well liked member of the team and had a good season,  i'm sure this would have massively upset the group.


That's before we even take into account the reinvestment of the £35 million and ATM making a net profit this window.

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Guest NewBoyPeetah

Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

I wont be commenting on situation at Newcastle again, as I feel it helps nobody and serves no purpose. Hope u all understand

34 seconds ago


Been Bollocked again?


Someone else is using his twitter obviously, there's no "helmet"

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