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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

I know you can't take everything seriously with Mike and Derek around, but that's good encouraging stuff from Pardew there.

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Reports his "gesture" to Torres could be investigated  :doh:


That would be fucking ridiculous if true.


As long as there is an investigation in to the referee's bank account then fair enough.



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Guest Stephen927

What is there to investigate? Barton called him a cock, Torres appeared not to understand, so Joey demonstrated what one is. It's no more offensive than all of the other namecalling that goes on on the pitch.

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What is there to investigate? Barton called him a cock, Torres appeared not to understand, so Joey demonstrated what one is. It's no more offensive than all of the other namecalling that goes on on the pitch.

but its joey barton man hes the devil incarnate! why check stamps elbows or raking studs down the back of players legs when they can get him for moderately insulting someone!

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Yes it is, Ste. It's Joey Barton!!! He's got history of these things, he's a scumbag and if he's not reprimanded for this heinous act he's just going to get out of hand. Needs to be shown he can't get away with all the things everyone else does. He's just not the same. More power to the FA I say, getting their priorities right again.

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What is there to investigate? Barton called him a cock, Torres appeared not to understand, so Joey demonstrated what one is. It's no more offensive than all of the other namecalling that goes on on the pitch.


Justice for the chipolata!

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

If that's true the FA can fuck off suggesting any other football organisation are unfit to operate, maybe I should tell them about the middle finger Kuyt gave a kid in the Gallowgate end who didn't throw the ball to him for a corner.

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