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Keegan vs Ashley and Co case settled - KK awarded 2m

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The prick that is Wise is on SS1 now, about to be asked about the Newcastle/Keegan situation.


Has he said anything yet? I think they'll avoid it tbh.


Not yet. Keys said something like "we'll talk about Newcastle a bit later", to which Wise replied "not a problem".


Most likely will be generic comments that don't give anything away. I'm expecting Souness to chip in with bullshit about the fans being unrealistic too.


It is just simply disgusting they have got Wise on there. Keys joking around "hes not too popular in the NE" hehe, funny isnt it? He's not too popular because he undermined a respected honanourable football man in KK by undermining him, and lying to everyone connected with NUFC - FACT. not opinion, FACT. Yet there they are getting him in to have a nice giggle with him about him 'eee bieng so unpopular naughy boy hehe anyway, chelsea legend....'.


While all they focused on is the money that was claimed for Keegan on repuation damaged up until he he is 65(!) when the verdict was given and all these facts and shambolic treatment came out in the public domain, which was the real issue of the verdict, yet they have Graame Sounness sitting there in their studios having got a massive pay cheque for - not bieng stitched up like Keegan - but for doing a shambolic job at Nufc.

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Guest Stephen927

Wise will have made them promise to not ask any awkward questions, probably one of his conditions for appearing on the show.

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Don't know if anyone's highlighted it yet but remember how many posters defended Wise saying nobody knew what he did and there was no proof he did anything wrong?


Any chance of a "sorry I was unbelievbly wrong" from any of them?



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Don't know if anyone's highlighted it yet but remember how many posters defended Wise saying nobody knew what he did and there was no proof he did anything wrong?


Any chance of a "sorry I was unbelievbly wrong" from any of them?





not a chance, they have already gone off down the road of picking holes in the evidence.

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In years to come I really believe we'll look back at KK's resignation as one of the best things he could have done for this club for he has shown the whole world how unprofessional, petty, dodgy and shockingly out of touch Mike Ashley and his cronies have been since they took over the club and just how bad these people are to the club and indeed the game as we are finding out sadly with relegation, dwindling gates and players leaving etc.


They have no place at our club or in football. This is also a lesson to the football world regarding managers - owners/directors must not interfere or undermine their managers - the consequence of doing so is 100% damaging. Our two best ever managers post war have both been undermined. Sir Bobby was and look what happened. KK has also been undermined and look where we ended up.


Furthermore this case should stand out as a warning sign to the FA and Premier League regarding takeovers of football clubs and maybe contracts. Perhaps the government needs to intervene somewhere too because too many clubs, their fans and whole communities are being trampled on by bogus 'football men' against what is essentially best for clubs and fans and I feel the more this happens the further removed fans will be from the game to a point of no return.


As for KK the man is a hero in every sense, a hero for principles, decency, professionalism and commitment to what is right. He left behind a lucrative contract and a cushy job in the name of what is right. Rather than being criticised he should be lauded. In a game where sleaze, dodgy deals, nepotism, egos and money dominate one man wasn't having it and said "that's not what I signed up for."


They tried to smear his name, and again he was having none of it. This is a former England Captain, a national hero, a Newcastle United legend, an honest working-class man who loves the game, who has given it many great moments both as a player and manager and everyone who has been touched by this man should tip their hats his way today.


I'm glad he won and I hope he finds somewhere wherever where he can get on with what he does best and knows best and that is getting the best out of players, creating a feel good buzz, getting fans back into grounds and getting the game played in the right way and spirit.


It breaks my heart knowing what these c***s have done to someone who actually loves our club, someone who was actually arguably the best man for the job, someone who could deliver, someone who would deliver. He didn't deserve to be treated like that and nor do we. Those c***s however deserve everything they get. Ashley will lose a s*** load, his credibility smashed. Wise will never get a top job at a top club while the likes of Llambias and Kinnear will always be seen as jokes.


NUFC will come back stronger one day and will put this sorry saga behind it whereas we as fans will love our club evermore.


As for KK...


Top man  :thup:


Brilliant post, spot on imo.

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keegan works for the rival broadcaster now and sky are running scared of the US giants anyway so any chance to diss them they will.


Not really they have working relationship with them unlike what they had with Shitanta


think that shows they have to acknowledge them tbh. hedging their bets. setanta were never a serious competitor whereas espn can be expected to mount a decent challenge for the bulk of the next rights package which could see sky losing much of what they currently broadcast.

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Guest Brummiemag

Don't know if anyone's highlighted it yet but remember how many posters defended Wise saying nobody knew what he did and there was no proof he did anything wrong?


Any chance of a "sorry I was unbelievbly wrong" from any of them?




I very much doubt it.


It was staggering that some people on here preferred to trust in Ashley and Wise and doubted Keegan in the first place. 

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Guest Geordiesned

I wish Keys had directly asked him about the interview he gave when he said Keegan had the last say on transfers plus the whole youtube issue.

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I wish Keys had directly asked him about the interview he gave when he said Keegan had the last say on transfers plus the whole youtube issue.

I would be fairly certain that Wise will have told him before gong on air that he wouldnt answer any questions on those subjects.

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I've been very busy just lately and haven't logged on for awhile, so I'll go through this thread when I get a chance. All I'd like to say right now before I read the thread is that I hope all those morons who have slagged Keegan have had the decency and the balls to admit they were talking shite, like they were told they were doing, of course. I won't be surprised if they're still backing Ashley though and stupidly slagging Keegan.


The fact is that what Ashley has done to this football club in such a short space of time is nothing short of a disgrace and honestly, if anyone is still defending this bloke they need a good kicking as well.


The sooner this clown is gone the better, the worry is I can't see it happening any time soon because it may be somehow in his interests to run the football club in this fashion.

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I've been very busy just lately and haven't logged on for awhile, so I'll go through this thread when I get a chance. All I'd like to say right now before I read the thread is that I hope all those morons who have slagged Keegan have had the decency and the balls to admit they were talking s****, like they were told they were doing, of course. I won't be surprised if they're still backing Ashley though and stupidly slagging Keegan.


I guess I was one of those 'morons' that refused to condemn Ashley without any evidence... and I openly said that Keegan had gone down a lot in my estimation because he walked out on us.


As I've said in this thread (sure you'll read it when you can be arsed), I now think a lot better of KK over this whole farce and it's now clear that Ashley's running of the club was a shambles.


I still don't think I was wrong to take the stance I did at the time though, we had no facts then.

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I've been very busy just lately and haven't logged on for awhile, so I'll go through this thread when I get a chance. All I'd like to say right now before I read the thread is that I hope all those morons who have slagged Keegan have had the decency and the balls to admit they were talking s****, like they were told they were doing, of course. I won't be surprised if they're still backing Ashley though and stupidly slagging Keegan.


I guess I was one of those 'morons' that refused to condemn Ashley without any evidence... and I openly said that Keegan had gone down a lot in my estimation because he walked out on us.


As I've said in this thread (sure you'll read it when you can be arsed), I now think a lot better of KK over this whole farce and it's now clear that Ashley's running of the club was a shambles.


I still don't think I was wrong to take the stance I did at the time though, we had no facts then.


Believing anything from Ashley (given what can be seen of the state of the club) ahead of Keegan = :idiot2:


Besides that, it's mildly interesting that you say you refused to condemn Ashley without evidence yet you were willing to condemn Keegan without evidence. So as I said... :idiot2:



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I've been anti-Keegan over the whole affair and my opinion hasn't changed. I won't repeat myself but I posted on the other Keegan thread.


There was a good discussion on Sunday Supplement about the Keegan affair. Anyone else see it?


Fine if people want to still support Keegan on this, but I'd be intrigued to know whether notwithstanding that any of you are just a teeny-weeny-weeny bit bothered that he tried to take £25 million out of the club (about a third of our entire annual turnover I'd think), particularly when his contract only entitled him to £2 million?


Likewise that the resignation issue was over one relatively insignificant loan signing, and none of the permanent ones that were made?


I think these are the two elephants in the room.

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I've been anti-Keegan over the whole affair and my opinion hasn't changed. I won't repeat myself but I posted on the other Keegan thread.


There was a good discussion on Sunday Supplement about the Keegan affair. Anyone else see it?


Fine if people want to still support Keegan on this, but I'd be intrigued to know whether notwithstanding that any of you are just a teeny-weeny-weeny bit bothered that he tried to take £25 million out of the club (about a third of our entire annual turnover I'd think), particularly when his contract only entitled him to £2 million?


Likewise that the resignation issue was over one relatively insignificant loan signing, and none of the permanent ones that were made?


I think these are the two elephants in the room.


thats bolox the tribunal sadi they were able to make a descision based on this one event, but that they were offered a lot of evidence of the events leading up to him walking out, you just twist it to suite your own agenda.


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I've been anti-Keegan over the whole affair and my opinion hasn't changed. I won't repeat myself but I posted on the other Keegan thread.

There was a good discussion on Sunday Supplement about the Keegan affair. Anyone else see it?

Fine if people want to still support Keegan on this, but I'd be intrigued to know whether notwithstanding that any of you are just a teeny-weeny-weeny bit bothered that he tried to take £25 million out of the club (about a third of our entire annual turnover I'd think), particularly when his contract only entitled him to £2 million?

Likewise that the resignation issue was over one relatively insignificant loan signing, and none of the permanent ones that were made?

I think these are the two elephants in the room.

Not in the slightest for me.

My take on this is that is a legal angle, based on making sure that the case went to the tribunal and didnt give Ashley the opportunity of settling out of court - which would have resulted in none of the story becoming public knowledge.

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I've been anti-Keegan over the whole affair and my opinion hasn't changed. I won't repeat myself but I posted on the other Keegan thread.


There was a good discussion on Sunday Supplement about the Keegan affair. Anyone else see it?


Fine if people want to still support Keegan on this, but I'd be intrigued to know whether notwithstanding that any of you are just a teeny-weeny-weeny bit bothered that he tried to take £25 million out of the club (about a third of our entire annual turnover I'd think), particularly when his contract only entitled him to £2 million?


Likewise that the resignation issue was over one relatively insignificant loan signing, and none of the permanent ones that were made?


I think these are the two elephants in the room.


thats bolox the tribunal sadi they were able to make a descision based on this one event, but that they were offered a lot of evidence of the events leading up to him walking out, you just twist it to suite your own agenda.




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I've been anti-Keegan over the whole affair and my opinion hasn't changed. I won't repeat myself but I posted on the other Keegan thread.


There was a good discussion on Sunday Supplement about the Keegan affair. Anyone else see it?


Fine if people want to still support Keegan on this, but I'd be intrigued to know whether notwithstanding that any of you are just a teeny-weeny-weeny bit bothered that he tried to take £25 million out of the club (about a third of our entire annual turnover I'd think), particularly when his contract only entitled him to £2 million?


Likewise that the resignation issue was over one relatively insignificant loan signing, and none of the permanent ones that were made?


I think these are the two elephants in the room.




the resignation was not just over the loan signing, which has been pointed out numerous times. you make it sound like everything was rosy and then, bang, he resigns over one little thing. the pdf of the judgement specifically says that keegan was not being opportunistic in this. you may repeat your claim as many times as you wish, but clause 34 PROVES, actually proves in a court of law, that you are quite simply wrong.


The pdf further outlines that there were numerous other issues leading up to this which made the Nacho deal the 'final straw' (clause 33). Not only was it without keegan's say but it was done in a corrupt fashion, while Wise's childish behaviour (telling keegan to watch youtube) undermined the working relationship. Furthermore the document also outlines that there was a 'final final straw' (clause 40) which was the club trying to codify the fact that Keegan would have no control over transfers. This would've made his situation untenable as, rather than being one single transfer, it would've taken control out of keegan's hands for every single transfer the club made from that point onward.


It is also worth pointing out that it was only after keegan went to resign that the club tried to codify this - before that there had been no clear structure - amazingly amatuer - as we were basically being ran as a lad's club, friends appointed here, favours done there etc. In fact the situation was so bad and unprofessional that the club could not even produce a coherent outline of the managerial structure at the tribunal, having had many months to get their arguments straight. If you feel you disagree with any of what i've just wrote then don't bother to respond to me personally but take it up with the relevant legal authorities, as that is who your beef is actually with.


anyway you're a good one to talk about elephants. the fact is this issue isn't primarily ABOUT kevin keegan, a bloke who is no longer at the club, but about the people running newcastle united. you've singularly failed to address this and it's getting to a comical stage now that you're so obviously hiding from the issue.

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