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Victor Moses joins Wigan Athletic


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as if he is gonna turn down Wigan in the premier league to hear what we 'might' offer him. He will be more than happy to join Wigan id imagine. Why would he turn down a good deal. the only way he would come here is if we offered him a better deal. Only way that will happen is if we up our bid.


there is not one chance in hell that he will turn down Wigan when we cant even talk to him.


that is the real world not FM world

he wouldn't be turning them down, he'd be talking to all. if man utd bid 1mill for him do you think he'd say "dearie me, i wont talk to them as they didn't meet the asking price" ?


lol full circle. we cant talk to them coz we didnt meet the asking price. the only way we can talk to them is if


1 we up our bid

2 he turns down wigan (not gonna happen)

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I think it's entirely possible (Note: Not "likely", just possible) that he'd chose Newcastle over Wigan.


Sure, we're behind them in the league. But this is the first time in many, many years that this has been the case, we're likely to go up and we have a much bigger stadium and support than they do.


League position is just a snapshot, it doesn't show everything. No harm whatsoever in matching their bid and seeing if he fancies us instead.

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This one sticks in the craw a bit because Wigan's interest only seemed to materialise once Moses had been linked with us. I hope it's not a continuation of Whelan's niggly battle with Ashley.


It will say alot about Ashley if he allows Whelan to win the battle without a fight.

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Guest toonlass

Its a moot point anyway. The player cannot talk to anyone until a bid is accepted. We didn't bid enough and so he couldn't talk to us. Let it go.

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Its a moot point anyway. The player cannot talk to anyone until a bid is accepted. We didn't bid enough and so he couldn't talk to us. Let it go.


what ive been saying for the last few pages. some people just cant accept it

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as if he is gonna turn down Wigan in the premier league to hear what we 'might' offer him. He will be more than happy to join Wigan id imagine. Why would he turn down a good deal. the only way he would come here is if we offered him a better deal. Only way that will happen is if we up our bid.


there is not one chance in hell that he will turn down Wigan when we cant even talk to him.


that is the real world not FM world

he wouldn't be turning them down, he'd be talking to all. if man utd bid 1mill for him do you think he'd say "dearie me, i wont talk to them as they didn't meet the asking price" ?


lol full circle. we cant talk to them coz we didnt meet the asking price. the only way we can talk to them is if


1 we up our bid

2 he turns down wigan (not gonna happen)

how is it full circle as you know fine well he'd say i want to go to man utd even if they don't meet the price. accept their offer or i stay.
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We MUST match Wigans offer but I bet he won't :( gutted

why MUST we ? i'd guess the lad just wants to get into the prem as soon as possible.


because we wont be allowed to speak to him unless we do. unbelievable i know

thats up to the player. if man utd offered 1million for him do you think he'd say "ah well only wigans offer has been accepted so i guess i'll go therer"


no but Man Utd still wont be allowed to speak to him


You don't seem to be up to speed on administration. If Moses refused to sign for Wigan, then the administrator would look at the next best offer on behalf of Palace & its creditors, this process would repeated until highest bid on the table & Moses find a match. The human element makes this tricky for a administrator to deal with as they usually operate in a world where best price is king.


As I said above I really cant see Moses/Tony Finnegan turning down a offer that is going to be a hell of lot more than he is on now.


The lads a Palace fan, as if he's going to totally screw his club


It wouldnt be the 1st time Palace have been let down & got less than the market rate for young players: Bostock & Routledge.



Surprised no clubs have went for Scannell who was Championship Apprentice of the Year 2008-09.



They're already getting screwed mate, they would never have sold this kid for £2.5m normally, they're in a desperate situation where they need money now or they'll go out of business.  For Moses to then screw them further simply because he'd prefer to go somewhere else would never happen.  Its not as if he's going to be desperate not to sign for Wigan or desperate to sign for us.  I'm sure he's happy enough to sigh for either of us.

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Its a moot point anyway. The player cannot talk to anyone until a bid is accepted. We didn't bid enough and so he couldn't talk to us. Let it go.


what ive been saying for the last few pages. some people just cant accept it


Aye, I mean after all a forum is here for us to just sit and watch the news - no discussion involved whatsoever.


If you don't want to read about Moses, then there's the door - I think the thread title is pretty self-explanatory. People are entitled to discuss it.

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This one sticks in the craw a bit because Wigan's interest only seemed to materialise once Moses had been linked with us. I hope it's not a continuation of Whelan's niggly battle with Ashley.


It will say alot about Ashley if he allows Whelan to win the battle without a fight.


i'm not sure i want the club to be ran on the premise of out doing a different club no matter what the issue. we should be looking after ourselves and forgetting about the fortunes of every one else.

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Guest toonlass

Its a moot point anyway. The player cannot talk to anyone until a bid is accepted. We didn't bid enough and so he couldn't talk to us. Let it go.


what ive been saying for the last few pages. some people just cant accept it


Aye, I mean after all a forum is here for us to just sit and watch the news - no discussion involved whatsoever.


If you don't want to read about Moses, then there's the door - I think the thread title is pretty self-explanatory. People are entitled to discuss it.


Discuss it all you want. Just surprised that so many people cannot grasp that we didn't bid enough to get to talk to Moses, and also why he would see a club already in the Premier League as an attractive proposition.

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One phone call or fax matching their offer does not waste time, they say okay you can talk to him, we make him oan offer he saus yes or no. Its easy enough, he says yes we are over the moon, he saus no we move  on.


But he won't say yes. It's like us putting an offer in for Tevez. It might get accepted, but he wouldn't say yes because he has a better offer.


Moses wants to play in the Premier League, and for a decent team. We are/have neither atm.


What did he have for his dinner today since you obviously know him so well, what total bollocks you're talking.


Bollocks? So you think he would choose the Championship over the Premiership?


Get your head out of your arse and you'd see what an unattractive proposition we are right now.


I think he might very well choose a team on their way to the Premiership over a team on their way to the Championship.  Especially when one is a bigger club that he's been impressed with just days earlier.  I think its complete bollocks to say we'd have absolutely no chance based on "their in the Premiership and we aren't".  Not every player is quite that thick.

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This one sticks in the craw a bit because Wigan's interest only seemed to materialise once Moses had been linked with us. I hope it's not a continuation of Whelan's niggly battle with Ashley.


It will say alot about Ashley if he allows Whelan to win the battle without a fight.


i'm not sure i want the club to be ran on the premise of out doing a different club no matter what the issue. we should be looking after ourselves and forgetting about the fortunes of every one else.


We have a very small number of young players who are available at the right price so to follow Arsenal's blueprint I would have thought Ashley would have tried a bit harder to get Moses for what is still a knockdown price. It's simple good management of your club.

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what the f*** has man utd got to do with this lol

it proves that that the player has more say in this than just the club whose bid is accepted.


There's no need to prove anything.  Obviously nobody can force any player to go anywhere, nobody's going to disagree with that.  What people will disagree with is the assertion that if the player prefered to go to us he'd refuse to sign for Wigan.  He'll be happy enough to sign for either (both are in a better position then his current club).  It would take a massive desire on his part to through his weight around if this situation, to be honest if he did I'd be concerned, only a complete twat would do that in these circumstances.

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This one sticks in the craw a bit because Wigan's interest only seemed to materialise once Moses had been linked with us. I hope it's not a continuation of Whelan's niggly battle with Ashley.


You need to understand where you stand in the football pecking order, its several places below Wigan!

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Too many are looking at this with black and white tinted specks on, career wise it's an absolute no brianer.


Yep, be involved in a nasty relegation battle at a club that likely have 4 months left in the Premiership and will then disapear without a trace.  Or be involved in a promotion push where he can establish himself and continue to improve followed by a full season in the Premiership at a much bigger club, I agree its a no brainer.

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