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Never understood the appeal of such headphones.....


Better bass.


On top of what Dave said they are just much higher in sound quality than earphones or standard speakers.


I have one for gaming and one for music and films :D


Fair enough :thup:

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The ones branded by Dr Dre or 50 Cent are just more expensive than others because of the brand though. Easily get as good quality as that cheaper if you shop around and go with a good brand like Sennhauser. That said I can't afford much fancy atm, got some reasonable ones for listening to music at computer, and some good in ear earphones for mp3 player.

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Hang on i just realised you said such headphones, i would never waste my money on such trash lol.......


I thought you was questioning the appeal of headphones in general.


Headphones like Beats by Dre cost extreme amounts of money for the quality the product provides and quite frankly i think people get them for the name.


You cant equal quality but still a good make for much cheaper.

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I'd feel a twerp walking around with headphones on. My earphones are great but also completely block out all outside noise, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, nearly been run over once or twice...


Yh i agree, i dont ever take them out they are for indoor use only, for out and about earphones are lot more practical.

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Peter Harrison Carrolls old agent having a right rant on twitter. twitter.com/agenth058. Be interesting to see if this goes anywhere!


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The Dr Dre ones aren't actually that bad sound quality wise. You can obviously get better value elsewhere but you're paying for the name and the branding as with a lot of things.

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Guest Craig-NUFC

Original_Dubes Michael Duberry

Wow!! Didn't expect an afternoon like that!! Scoring the #Imperfect Hatrick Left Foot (OG) Header (OG) and Right Foot (OG)



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jasonpunch Jason Puncheon

I'm not going no where gonna sit an train with the reserves/kids for 18months see how cortese likes that then go on free


:lol: why on earth do footballers use twitter. Does them no favours.

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