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Guest johnson293

Reading a post on that mongathon, someone on there reckon Tiote was nothing but a clogger on a level with Charlie Adam.


Tiote a clogger, eh ?

Charlie Adam a clogger, even bigger eh ?


Of course - everyone (on Wearside at least) knows/claims that David Vaughan was the real star of Blackpools midfield.  :iamatwat:

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Guest Haris Vuckic

You don't get cloggers with pass % like Tiote's


In fact I wouldn't say he's overly harsh in his tackling, the fouls he concedes tend to be clumsy rather than malicious.

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Guest bimpy474

You don't get cloggers with pass % like Tiote's


In fact I wouldn't say he's overly harsh in his tackling, the fouls he concedes tend to be clumsy rather than malicious.


Yep, daft tackles rather nasty ones, like say Cattermole.......:D

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Guest bimpy474

Reading a post on that mongathon, someone on there reckon Tiote was nothing but a clogger on a level with Charlie Adam.


Tiote a clogger, eh ?

Charlie Adam a clogger, even bigger eh ?


Of course - everyone (on Wearside at least) knows/claims that David Vaughan was the real star of Blackpools midfield.  :iamatwat:


Tbf i rate that Vaughan, that was Blackpools problem last season, they didn't have a ball winner in the middle three, Adam, Vaughan and Grandin were all passer to some extent, Holloway only started using Keith Southern in there when it was too late, and he only did that because Grandin got injured.

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Reading a post on that mongathon, someone on there reckon Tiote was nothing but a clogger on a level with Charlie Adam.


Tiote a clogger, eh ?

Charlie Adam a clogger, even bigger eh ?


Of course - everyone (on Wearside at least) knows/claims that David Vaughan was the real star of Blackpools midfield.  :iamatwat:


he was TBF, but they're both still shite.

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Is Brucie's insane interview from MOTD available to view anywhere?

The thought of our heroic defenders getting beaten up at Stoke is depressing me and I need something to cheer me up.




Thanks mate.

"We're difficult to beat, score a lot of goals and haven't conceded many" - aye alreet Steve 2011 must just be a figment of everyone's imagination then.

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Seriously though, what a day it was. The whole town was just one big party that night. I'll never forget it, total euphoria.

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I didn't really begin to relax and enjoy until we went 4-0 up. As a football fan, you only really get days like that once in a while. I dont know where non football folk can turn to for moments like that. Drugs maybe, but thats all artificial. 31/10/10 was just a collective mass high for the entire city. Everyone knows that most of us have never seen us win a trophy but in the absence of silverware it was a real high point. Made all the better after the humiliation of relegation and the subsequent bounce back. I was nervous before the game as I thought we'd struggle but we just steam rollered them from the very first whistle. Still find it all a bit surreal tbh.

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Guest Haris Vuckic


To be honest we had a dodgy start - if Welbeck had passed to Bent from when Tiote lost the ball it could have been different.


The day still feels like a dream to me because everything was perfect, people were dancing around like mad at half time pints were going down like water and back out for the second half dancing about. Everything went perfect that day and even their goal was nothing more than funny.

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Easily the best Newcastle game I've ever been to. The smugness of them before the game just made it so much sweeter.


Level 7 was absolutely bouncing and tbh the atmosphere around the whole ground was pretty amazing from the kick off. Can only hope for another 5-1 come March 3rd  :)

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Guest Haris Vuckic


Aye they thought they were going to be the ones giving out the thrashing - I didn't know so I kept my mouth shut and in the end - I actually had something to be smug about!

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The whole smug cuntishness of them for the days/weeks/months leading up to it made it all the sweeter.


The whole day turned amazing, from being on the wrong end of a 5 person pile on in level 7 to literally hanging round the stewards neck :lol: the atmosphere around all the bars afterwards was just totally unreal.


One of the best things about it, every single haloween the inbreds will think '5-1 to newcastle' at least once :D that is beautiful


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Seriously though, what a day it was. The whole town was just one big party that night. I'll never forget it, total euphoria.


The Kevin Nolan duck sauce song was the icing on the cake that night. Superb.

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Seriously though, what a day it was. The whole town was just one big party that night. I'll never forget it, total euphoria.


I ended up in Madisons, off my tits on what I found out the next day when I looked at my wallet was ridiculously expensive strawberry beer with my arm around a bunch of blokes singing "we all live in Kevin Nolan's house" down the phone to some poor Mackem :lol:


Amazing evening.

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