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Some good games for Wigan, solid performances, but then again some of those absolute clangers he has dropped just typify why he will never be able to play for a big club. An absolute calamity at times.

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There's a positive correlation to the pressure/expectation from the fans and his fuck-up's.


Average player who crumbles when the heat's on.




If you can't cope with pressure/expectation then you're not a very good player.


He had too many good/decent games to be called a shit player though. People tend to forget the times when he was solid and unspectacular.


But as you say, he simply can't deal with any pressure and is always going to be a bit of a liability. Glad he's signed for that lot. :)

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Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking in this thread. I probably had more time for Bramble, when he was with us, than most did. Always thought he had all the tools to be a top quality centre half, of course his concerntration level is what let him down time and again.


But however much you hated him and and hate the mackems, you can not deny he's been on the whole pretty solid for Wigan, still prone to the odd error though. I think age has helped him mature a bit and improved him as a player.


I hope he falls flat on his face and his old concerntration level issues return when he's back at a big club but if there was ever a player destined to score at SJP, in that horrible shirt of theirs, it's Bramble, just like he did last time he played there.

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Bit harsh:


Bramble. Titus f***ing Bramble. Truly end of days stuff. Massive backward step by SAFC. Clubs being run into the ground, it's clear Short wants out, that's why he's not putting any more money in. Where do we go from here? I'm going straight down the ticket office to cancel my season ticket direct debit. I'd expect any proper fan to do the same, show them we won't stand for this.


Well done Bruce, you've shown your true MAG colours. Be gone will you before it gets worse. Wishful thinking mind, Quinns got no balls.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=508875#ixzz0uGAxSeKi


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He hasnt been that solid for Wigan tbh just a little less error prone than he was here. He's still a distinctly average footballer that will make little to no improvement to their team. At a club like Wigan who aim only to survive each season his errors and defensive flaws arn't highlighted too much but when a club like Sunderland who are looking to progress into the top half, it wont be long before those errors and flaws seemingly become more obvious and are magnified.


Maybe he's improved a little since his time here but he's still no more than average. Never understood those who continually defended him, yes he had his good games and flashes of brilliance but that was always outweighed by his mistakes.


Wouldnt get into our team either tbh.



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Guest toonlass

Still cannot stop laughing at the prospect of this happening  :mackems: Titus Fucking Bramble*  :mackems:















*as my twin brother Used to call him, you'll be up there pissing yourself laughing at this one.

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"There isn't a single Newcastle player that would get in our team."




We'll never know.  Seems they only sign our rejects anyway.


Aye, I guess not. But seriously, not one. How deluded can you get. You coould probably look at the majority of lower half premier league clubs and find at least one player who might improve our squad and I can't see them being any different.

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Still cannot stop laughing at the prospect of this happening  :mackems: Titus Fucking Bramble*  :mackems:















*as my twin brother Used to call him, you'll be up there pissing yourself laughing at this one.



are you never going to bed!



edit ---shit joke about facebook btw. ...not an invite

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Guest toonlass

Still cannot stop laughing at the prospect of this happening  :mackems: Titus Fucking Bramble*  :mackems:















*as my twin brother Used to call him, you'll be up there pissing yourself laughing at this one.



are you never going to bed!



edit ---shit joke about facebook btw. ...not an invite


Aye, aye. That's what you say.  :pow:

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Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking in this thread. I probably had more time for Bramble, when he was with us, than most did. Always thought he had all the tools to be a top quality centre half, of course his concerntration level is what let him down time and again.


But however much you hated him and and hate the mackems, you can not deny he's been on the whole pretty solid for Wigan, still prone to the odd error though. I think age has helped him mature a bit and improved him as a player.


I hope he falls flat on his face and his old concerntration level issues return when he's back at a big club but if there was ever a player destined to score at SJP, in that horrible shirt of theirs, it's Bramble, just like he did last time he played there.


Wouldn't say its wishful thinking, its the same thing people were saying about him when he was still with us.  I also think most people accepted that he had all the physical attributes and knowledge to be a good player.  But his mental weakness meant he couldn't be relied upon in pressure situations and that made him a bit of a shit player.

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