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Pretty facepalmy us doing the cheer up Stevie Bruce when they went behind looking back.




Well, aye. That's why I said, looking back.


thats why i posted the captain. pretty pointless rueing decisions like that. move on man, just, you know, let bygones be bygones.

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Guest Wearside

Well thank god that's out of the way,the end of the season really can't come quick enough,think I might get a game at this rate. :)


Not sure how these emergency loans things work but we should ask the question as we now don't have a single striker left other than the youth team strikers,not known a situation like this before,luckily we are practically safe now so it doesn't matter too much,dread to think what would have happened if we didn't win today,relegation would have been a big possibility.


Bizarre seeing N'Zogbia given a round of applause when he got took off today,not normally the ovation ex Newcastle players get!!!

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Bizarre seeing N'Zogbia given a round of applause when he got took off today,not normally the ovation ex Newcastle players get!!!


It's because your lot are a pack of rabid morons who have some kind of unhealthy fascination with him, the fact he is ex-NUFC and of course is a cert to sign for SAFC.




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whoopeeee they're not going down. they were aiming for europe.....they must be ecstatic.


hopefully bruce is staying now, because with o' neill, jol, van gaal etc unemployed, they might have fluked getting a good manager in.

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David Cameron has said the health a safety nobs- should not stop mackems having street parties if they finish above Newcastle.

That'll be pretty pathetic if they have street parties celebrating finishing above a newly promoted team...

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He probably will. Brucey likes him and if Wigan go down they'll not be able to keep him. He's vastly overrated by the Mackems though, if they think he's going to be the final piece in the jigsaw they'll be disappointed.


There's a reason he's spent most of his career playing for teams who have finished in the bottom half of the Premier League - he's incapable of stringing together a run of decent performances and he's got an ego bigger than Nolan's arse. He'll have the odd game where he's unplayable and then he'll disappear for the next half a dozen or so. The reaction on here when David Craig said we'd made an eleventh hour bid for him should tell you all you need to know.

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He probably will. Brucey likes him and if Wigan go down they'll not be able to keep him. He's vastly overrated by the Mackems though, if they think he's going to be the final piece in the jigsaw they'll be disappointed.


I've a feeling he may sign for us.


We're clearly going to sell Ashley Young - which, frankly, is the right thing to do - and he's the sort of player we'd replace him with.

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The start of the season the best we could have hoped for was 9th IMO so would be happy with that


if we finsh 9th its progress made


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=587179#ixzz1KWzSpAoT


Lying cunts :lol:



there was europe and champions league a plenty on that place at the turn of the year.


wherever the two sides finish in relation to each other now - we know we battered them in 2 derbies- and given the goings on at each club- the fact we are above them with 4 games left must really stick in thier craw.





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