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Could a different manager turn it around with those players, not sure just replacing is the answer. Personally don't think Martin O'Neil is that great either yet they dying to get him, likes to just buy british in the main and does not seem to know foreign market well. How would he do with no money.


He works best with no money, see Leicester and Celtic.


Suppose, not great though were they. Better managers out there I would think.

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im sure this was posted earlier was SRB :lol:


The spirit of Mackemdom is re-emerging. We are prepared to lead the fight against oppression and sinister governmental manouveres. It has taken the presence of the most destructive influence in the history of our club to get there, but the roar of makemdom can be hear once again.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=647353&page=4#ixzz1eqd0BHLE

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Love the way they fight with each other, like, it's beautiful


let the club down today. thought we were better than those up the road. sad day.


Piss off you fucking piece of horse turd


That is a fucking high quality response right there.


I want to see the full transcript of their pm's to eachother

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Could a different manager turn it around with those players, not sure just replacing is the answer. Personally don't think Martin O'Neil is that great either yet they dying to get him, likes to just buy british in the main and does not seem to know foreign market well. How would he do with no money.


He works best with no money, see Leicester and Celtic.


Suppose, not great though were they. Better managers out there I would think.


I think an appointment by ellis short with little or no input from anyone (ie Quinn) is going to be an interesting one.


Who does he think is good? What line is he going to go down, stabilise and consolidate or push the boat out and Take a gamble? Foreign or British based, up and coming or experienced, big name or cost effective?  Lot of pressure to get this right, it might be a case he doesn't want to sack Bruce as he hasn't got a clue who to pick. Also reckon the talent pool he thinks he can fish in will be a lot smaller in reality. The wrong appointment could see them out of the division, even if he picks the right one a mid table finish is all he'll be capable of, if things go right from the off.


What I really love about the whole situation is that they have totally blown the last two years, they'll never have a better chance to put a gap between us and them, they had money, the right owner, his manager, a figurehead everyone loved and apparently one of the best squads Sunderland have ever owned, whereas we were total opposite, down and out, sounded out to struggle to get out of the championship, a hated owner who hated the club and wanted to sell, refused to spend, a novice manager and a squad full of crap dross no one wanted.


How on earth we have not only closed the gap, but stormed miles ahead of them is a mystery, well it's not really, apart from all the things we learned from relegation, as fans, as an owner and as a club we have to thank Bruce for creating his own mind games (that we didn't get involved in) against the club he is supposed to love, then having a mental breakdown when it all backfired in his face. He totally created the mess he's in, has ruined the momentum that Quinny worked so hard to build up (which if were honest we were all concerned about, we all thought it would be some time catching up) and in panic, in confusion bought the wrong players, bought for the wrong positions trying to create the biggest best squad to have graced Wearside, but in reality filled it full of shite, it's great.  :lol:


Whoever comes in has a job on, the problems are not easily fixable, there's more points in that team for sure, but a new manager will come in wanting to change things, and for spells they look competent in defence, then fall apart, a new manager could stop that and they just fall apart from the start. If a manager wants to attack, what the fuk does he attack with? Bottles and bricks is the mackem way, he might need to borrow a few off them.


Anyway, it will be interesting if he does go, I really can't see the fans being happy with whoever they bring in, the madness at some of the names uttered is crackers, but in all honesty, a no name could do the trick, you just never know, I thought Pardew would be the biggest mistake this club had made in a decade, and that's saying something, looked how that turned out.



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Could a different manager turn it around with those players, not sure just replacing is the answer. Personally don't think Martin O'Neil is that great either yet they dying to get him, likes to just buy british in the main and does not seem to know foreign market well. How would he do with no money.


He works best with no money, see Leicester and Celtic.


He spent a barrowload at Celtic. 20m in his first season, ridiculous sums for Scotland.

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Could a different manager turn it around with those players, not sure just replacing is the answer. Personally don't think Martin O'Neil is that great either yet they dying to get him, likes to just buy british in the main and does not seem to know foreign market well. How would he do with no money.


He works best with no money, see Leicester and Celtic.


Suppose, not great though were they. Better managers out there I would think.


I think an appointment by ellis short with little or no input from anyone (ie Quinn) is going to be an interesting one.


Who does he think is good? What line is he going to go down, stabilise and consolidate or push the boat out and Take a gamble? Foreign or British based, up and coming or experienced, big name or cost effective?  Lot of pressure to get this right, it might be a case he doesn't want to sack Bruce as he hasn't got a clue who to pick. Also reckon the talent pool he thinks he can fish in will be a lot smaller in reality. The wrong appointment could see them out of the division, even if he picks the right one a mid table finish is all he'll be capable of, if things go right from the off.


What I really love about the whole situation is that they have totally blown the last two years, they'll never have a better chance to put a gap between us and them, they had money, the right owner, his manager, a figurehead everyone loved and apparently one of the best squads Sunderland have ever owned, whereas we were total opposite, down and out, sounded out to struggle to get out of the championship, a hated owner who hated the club and wanted to sell, refused to spend, a novice manager and a squad full of crap dross no one wanted.


How on earth we have not only closed the gap, but stormed miles ahead of them is a mystery, well it's not really, apart from all the things we learned from relegation, as fans, as an owner and as a club we have to thank Bruce for creating his own mind games (that we didn't get involved in) against the club he is supposed to love, then having a mental breakdown when it all backfired in his face. He totally created the mess he's in, has ruined the momentum that Quinny worked so hard to build up (which if were honest we were all concerned about, we all thought it would be some time catching up) and in panic, in confusion bought the wrong players, bought for the wrong positions trying to create the biggest best squad to have graced Wearside, but in reality filled it full of shite, it's great.  :lol:


Whoever comes in has a job on, the problems are not easily fixable, there's more points in that team for sure, but a new manager will come in wanting to change things, and for spells they look competent in defence, then fall apart, a new manager could stop that and they just fall apart from the start. If a manager wants to attack, what the fuk does he attack with? Bottles and bricks is the mackem way, he might need to borrow a few off them.


Anyway, it will be interesting if he does go, I really can't see the fans being happy with whoever they bring in, the madness at some of the names uttered is crackers, but in all honesty, a no name could do the trick, you just never know, I thought Pardew would be the biggest mistake this club had made in a decade, and that's saying something, looked how that turned out.




Interestingly, much of the way they've had it these last few years is exactly what many would prescribe as being just right for us: a distant but benevolent owner willing to plough in cash for lots of expensive signings, a nice local hero for a chairman instead of an insensitive boor like Llambias.

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i really hope they get o'neill, however i think it'll be a benitez type appointment. famous foreigner who's won stuff but really has big question marks over them who can't quite drag in the players necessary because they aren't a big enough draw.

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Lose their next two games and it'll have them in the relegation spots and it'll be a hard task to get out of. Haven't thought so far that they'd really go down, but lose those two and they become the team at the bottom everyone wants to beat, and will do whoever is in charge.


Can see sess being sold in the winter window as well.


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