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The best goal I ever scored........


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....well it's still close season and the world cup has been a bit of a damp squib. time to behave like 12yr olds and recite our past glories. come on folks describe the best goal you ever scored.







(blef,cat,jill....you may want to use the time to bake a cake)

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Diving header from about the penalty spot, top corner. Well, i sorta flopped myself at it and just diverted the power from the cross into the net. Looked awesome slipping through the goalie's hands though. That was in the Year 9 and was the last goal i've scored in a 'competetive' match.

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Playing in the good old Coast Colts league when I was about 15, playing some spackers like Wansbeck, winning 18-0 or something.


Randomly whacked the ball forward from the halfway line, trickled towards the net, the keeper, who probably had severe mental difficulties, just let it roll in.


I was a full-back, goals were extremely rare  :-[

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Edge of box, past one bloke, past another, hit from 16 yards without outside of the foot, bottom corner. Even got a round of applause, i was so proud.


One in a million, considering i'm absolutely terrible.

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Too many, and that's just not me bragging. Playground, 5 a side there was one time when I played both Football and Rugby League for local teams, if both were at home I'd finish one then go straight to the other. I used to rape people for the football team one season because I was actually playing in the age below :lol:


Scored a screamer playing 5 a side once, left foot top corner whilst on the run, beautiful strike. To be honest I get more satisfaction out of remembering results. A few years ago me and a few mates had a five a side team, we were s***, near the bottom of the league, playing a team in 3rd who were bigger than us man for man, I just sat at the back for most of it, stopping everything and breaking forward to score twice and we won probably our s*** little team's finest moment.


I was always better at Rugby though and could go on for much longer about the tries I scored.

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Poborsky in Euro 96' style scooped lob from a tight angle, keeper just leaned back and watched it sail over his head. To make things even better, said keeper was my older brother. :snod:

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Poborsky in Euro 96' style scooped lob from a tight angle, keeper just leaned back and watched it sail over his head. To make things even better, said keeper was my older brother. :snod:

aye but was it a proper game or in the back garden ? were you 6 or 16 ? lets have a bit of setting please chaps.
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Guest Geordiesned

Scored a few fine solo efforts in my younger days but my favourite was a long range effort. It was an 11 a side match and I had been put through and was just outside the centre circle. Their last defender was level with me and I knew I was much faster than him. But about 5 minutes before I'd felt my groin go so couldn't sprint. So without thinking I shifted it onto my right foot and launched it. The keeper wasn't that far off his line but I managed to get it just over his head and under the bar. About 50 yards out. As my groin was fucked I couldn't go mad celebrating so just opted for the arms aloft, standing still Eric Cantona cocky pose. :)

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Guest Geordiesned

To keep Madras sweet I was about 18 or 19, it was playing for my Uni team in Hull and I think it made the score 3-0 although might have been more.

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A standing overhead kick which instead of going horizontal , looped over the keeper.


Imagine, back against goal , ball comes bouncing towards me and have no way of turning , took a chance that the goal keeper was off the line, flicked the ball of the shoulder in the air and  it looped over the keeper.


Lovely improvised goal which wouldn't be out of place in the Premiership. If Messi had done it , we would collectively cum.


Was 13/14 playing for school.

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Guest Heneage

U17 for a sunday league team. 3-1 down at half time, I came on and at 3-3, just hoofed it and it smashed off the underside of the bar, and in, queue Tardelli esq scenes as I ran to the corner flag arms out screaming for all it was worth.


More recently in 7 a side. I played a 1 2 with my mate and as it came back the pass was behind me, I must have been 10 yards out, and just being lazy and shit with my left I hooked my right back round, and it came off, purely by chance going through the goalies legs.

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You don't score screamers in 5-a-side. I thought you were a left-back anyways? :razz:


Well for 5 a side it was a bloody good goal. I am now, but when I was younger I played wherever the fuck I liked :lol:

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Poborsky in Euro 96' style scooped lob from a tight angle, keeper just leaned back and watched it sail over his head. To make things even better, said keeper was my older brother. :snod:

aye but was it a proper game or in the back garden ? were you 6 or 16 ? lets have a bit of setting please chaps.


I'd have been 14 or 15 maybe, older brother 17 or 18.


Grew up in an area with a lot of kids, so for a few summers in a row there'd be maybe 50 of us divided up into teams and we'd have a big league of 7-a-side games and we'd play ever day. Was quality, would love to do it again this summer!

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Guest BooBoo

I've hardly played any real competitive football but our works team won the nationwide sports day a few years back. I scored a one a one goal in the 1/4 finals to scrape us through 1-0 and scored my penalty in the final shoot out- see also Wullie. Neither great goals but I treasure my gold medal and the 1/4 goal in particular gave me a huge buzz.

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You don't score screamers in 5-a-side. I thought you were a left-back anyways? :razz:




I scored Maradona style in a 5-a-side once. I was the keeper and their keeper rolled the ball out to his striker. He was being right cocky and just waiting as the ball slowly rolled to him, so I thought 'fuck it, i'm having this' - ran past him, nicked the ball, went past the other three and slotted it into the bottom corner of the goal. Beautiful goal.

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About 15, playing indoor 5 a side at school. It was completely flukey, but must've looked class. The ball was played a wee bit behind me, and I kinda caught it with my heel and flicked it over my shoulder, then just smashed it in on the volley from about halfway. It was so satisfying, I still think about it and smile :lol:

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Guest diddimz

16 years old, first time out of the country. Went to Uruguay for a youth tournament, playing against San Lorenzo, last 10 seconds of our last game of the tournament, our winger chipped the ball into the box, i beat my defender, cheeky little touch nutted the keeper. Ref blew the whistle, i thought he was calling me offside, so I dropped my head gutted, to stop me abusing him, next thing i know the couple of hundred in the stands are cheering (cos we all know how much Uruguayans hate Argentinians) and my team mates are on me, took me a couple seconds to realise it wasnt discounted.

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You don't score screamers in 5-a-side. I thought you were a left-back anyways? :razz:




I scored Maradona style in a 5-a-side once. I was the keeper and their keeper rolled the ball out to his striker. He was being right cocky and just waiting as the ball slowly rolled to him, so I thought 'f*** it, i'm having this' - ran past him, nicked the ball, went past the other three and slotted it into the bottom corner of the goal. Beautiful goal.

what sort of 5-a-side is this ?


in proper 5-a-side if the keeper leaves his box it's a penalty to the oppo.

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I've bent quite a few like Beckham, I don't really know which one's been the best, but the one I remember the best is one that was an absolute screamer from about 30 metres out, went over the wall looking like it was going to the moon, then dipped perfectly to go into the top left corner making the keeper completely without chance of getting to it. My freekicks are probably the only reason I get to still play football with mates tbh, as I'm utterly shit at everything else, have no pace whatsoever and injure the opposition on what seems like purpose. :lol:

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Considering I had a shit touch I'm quite proud of my efforts one of which didn't go in though.


The first was 7-a-side when I was 10ish, was a left back, took the ball off one of their players running towards our end after a corner. Was near the half way line with my back against their goal and that said player hasseling me, dropped my shoulder then went the other way looked up and dinked it. Went over the keeper but hit the post. Was so close to being perfection. Especially from my standards.


My best goal was 11-a-side when I was a centre back, the ball was passed back from midfield to me in my own half. I seen that the keeper was off his line so just belted it and just flew in over his head. The keeper fell over tracking it back as well which made it rather fun.


Also groined a ball in the back of the net being unable to really get anywhere else on it which was one hell of a wonder goal.

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5-a-side, their keeper rolls the ball out to the chavscum midfielder, I'm playing deep on the left, and charge up to him, nick the ball. Before they know what's hit them I'm charged past their 2 defenders and have just hit it as hard as I could with my left foot. Rocketed into the bottom right hand corner but I was running away before it'd left my foot, never doubted it was hitting the back of the net. Definitely the goal I'm most proud of considering it was with my left and I created the chance entirely myself.


Best goal was probably again in 5-a-side. I ran up the right wing  while my team had the ball in the middle, my mate passes the ball to me and I control the ball with my left away from the defender in their right corner, knocking the ball more central in front of their goal, and smash it with my left. Their keeper saves and it comes straight back to me, so I smash it past him with my right, top right hand corner. The control I had when receiving the ball from my friend, to set myself perfectly was Messi-esque. :smug: A shame my technique so poor I could never do it again if I tried. :lol:

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For a competitive club game, my favourite goal was playing Under-14. We had a big club so it was decided to split us into two groups and enter two teams in the league rather than one.


Towards the end of the season we were first in the league and they were second, two points behind. Fair to say that there was a fair bit of bad blood between the two sides at this point.


Anyway, the week before the two teams faced each other we both had a home game on the same day. Theirs started about an hour before ours so while they were waiting to be picked up by their mammies after their win they were watching us finish off our game. We were 2-1 up with ten minutes to go.


It had been raining on and off all day but it just started pelting down, one of those proper monsoon type of showers that only lasts a minute or two. Our central midfielder plays a ball forward, one of their guys tries to clear it and slices the christ out of it and puts it in behind their defence and I'm onto it. Have a decent headstart but the defender is quicker than me. I'm running as fast as I can as the rain fucking pelts against me, you can barely see anything.


It's about 25 yards out and a decent bit left of centre as I run onto it. If I take a touch the defender probably gets me so I decide to open myself up and try and bend it first time into the far corner. Ball skids off the surface and goes in off the far post. I then proceed to make myself look like a complete tit by running over to the corner where the other team are watching us and slide about ten yards on my knees and stop just short of the corner flag. :lol:


We beat them 5-2 the next week and I scored a hat-trick.  :aww:

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Cracking thread Madras!!!


It was at uni, a friendly game against some other halls of residence. Stole the ball on the half way line and ran towards the box with 2 guys on my back. I could feel them right on me and when I was about 10 yards outside the box I remember thinking if this keeper comes out I going to be crowded out of this. So I looked up at the top right corner, the keeper yet to make a move, and just thought to myself in a split second where do I need to hit the ball and with which part of my foot to make this bend outside in and nail into the top corner while keeping out of the keepers reach. About 25 yards out I laced it, centre right (not you Ronaldo), and watched it fly like I've never hit anything else while the keeper didn't have a chance to blink!

I went mental!

What I'm still so amazed about to this day was it was EXACLY what I had pictured in my head, and thats very rare. I knew where I wanted it to go, I thought about it and all so quickly but yet so vividly.


I've never got over just how good it was, and tell it whenever I get the chance, so cheer Madras. I would have mentioned it on here at some point had someone given me half a chance!

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