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The Liverpool Thread


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So as far as I can gather:


Suarez found guilty of using racist language towards Evra. FA give out 8 game ban. Liverpool say they will support the player (who himself admitted using the 'n' word (or the Spanish version of it)). Liverpool players wear pathetic Suarez shirts in support of him, Dalglish rolls out the cringeworthy 'lets's make sure he never walks alone' garbage and kicks up a fuss. All this for a player who has admitted using the n word to another player. Am I missing something here?

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So as far as I can gather:


Suarez found guilty of using racist language towards Evra. FA give out 8 game ban. Liverpool say they will support the player (who himself admitted using the 'n' word (or the Spanish version of it)). Liverpool players wear pathetic Suarez shirts in support of him, Dalglish rolls out the cringeworthy 'lets's make sure he never walks alone' garbage and kicks up a fuss. All this for a player who has admitted using the n word to another player. Am I missing something here?


Famous European Nights and stuff.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

M4 is on to something with that sig. Get it on a T-Shirt and everyone should wear it for the game against Liverpool... wait this is getting a bit RAWKtastic...

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Guest Howaythetoon

Bernard hit the nail on the head with his one. Liverpool should have accepted that their player made a racist remark towards another player, condemned him for that, but also do their best to support the player as someone who isn't a racist despite his remarks. But fuck me... their reaction is sickening. If that was NUFC I'd be ashamed to be associated with the club or players I really would. I've lost all respect for Dalglish over this and although we all know what cretins LFC fans can be they have superseded themselves over this particular issue. I bet kick it out and show racism the red car are privately royally pissed off with Liverpool, their players, fans and manager over this.

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I found one Liverpool fan on another message board who took a moment to consider the situation without knee-jerking:



I've come pretty much full circle on this whole debacle now. At first I was glad to see the club supporting Suarez and questioning the decision. Now, however, it's gone too far and we've become the laughing stock of the league (and are showing some pretty dubious morals). Would it not have been better to just say that we fully back Suarez, believe that the punishment is harsh BUT we are fully behind the kick racism out of football campaign, do not condomn [condone?] racism on any level and will use this opportunity to teach Suarez the differences in our cultures. Send him out to build some youth centres or something during the ban. The t-shirts backing Suarez last night were an absolute disgrace...why not just deck the team out in Kick Racism Out Of Football t-shirts, including Suarez?


I fear this whole 'Us Vs Them' mentality that is being enforced is really just to mask the fact that Kenny really isn't doing very well, that he's wasted nearly all of the money he's been given, and that we don't have a chance in hell of qualifying for the Champion's League this year.



I would tell you his name, but the baying mob then stoned him to death.

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I found one Liverpool fan on another message board who took a moment to consider the situation without knee-jerking:



I've come pretty much full circle on this whole debacle now. At first I was glad to see the club supporting Suarez and questioning the decision. Now, however, it's gone too far and we've become the laughing stock of the league (and are showing some pretty dubious morals). Would it not have been better to just say that we fully back Suarez, believe that the punishment is harsh BUT we are fully behind the kick racism out of football campaign, do not condomn [condone?] racism on any level and will use this opportunity to teach Suarez the differences in our cultures. Send him out to build some youth centres or something during the ban. The t-shirts backing Suarez last night were an absolute disgrace...why not just deck the team out in Kick Racism Out Of Football t-shirts, including Suarez?


I fear this whole 'Us Vs Them' mentality that is being enforced is really just to mask the fact that Kenny really isn't doing very well, that he's wasted nearly all of the money he's been given, and that we don't have a chance in hell of qualifying for the Champion's League this year.



I would tell you his name, but the baying mob then stoned him to death.


A Liverpool fan with some sense! Never thought I'd see the day.

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I found one Liverpool fan on another message board who took a moment to consider the situation without knee-jerking:



I've come pretty much full circle on this whole debacle now. At first I was glad to see the club supporting Suarez and questioning the decision. Now, however, it's gone too far and we've become the laughing stock of the league (and are showing some pretty dubious morals). Would it not have been better to just say that we fully back Suarez, believe that the punishment is harsh BUT we are fully behind the kick racism out of football campaign, do not condomn [condone?] racism on any level and will use this opportunity to teach Suarez the differences in our cultures. Send him out to build some youth centres or something during the ban. The t-shirts backing Suarez last night were an absolute disgrace...why not just deck the team out in Kick Racism Out Of Football t-shirts, including Suarez?


I fear this whole 'Us Vs Them' mentality that is being enforced is really just to mask the fact that Kenny really isn't doing very well, that he's wasted nearly all of the money he's been given, and that we don't have a chance in hell of qualifying for the Champion's League this year.



I would tell you his name, but the baying mob then stoned him to death.


and what was the response to this isolated outbreak of sensibleness?

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I found one Liverpool fan on another message board who took a moment to consider the situation without knee-jerking:



I've come pretty much full circle on this whole debacle now. At first I was glad to see the club supporting Suarez and questioning the decision. Now, however, it's gone too far and we've become the laughing stock of the league (and are showing some pretty dubious morals). Would it not have been better to just say that we fully back Suarez, believe that the punishment is harsh BUT we are fully behind the kick racism out of football campaign, do not condomn [condone?] racism on any level and will use this opportunity to teach Suarez the differences in our cultures. Send him out to build some youth centres or something during the ban. The t-shirts backing Suarez last night were an absolute disgrace...why not just deck the team out in Kick Racism Out Of Football t-shirts, including Suarez?


I fear this whole 'Us Vs Them' mentality that is being enforced is really just to mask the fact that Kenny really isn't doing very well, that he's wasted nearly all of the money he's been given, and that we don't have a chance in hell of qualifying for the Champion's League this year.



I would tell you his name, but the baying mob then stoned him to death.


and what was the response to this isolated outbreak of sensibleness?


Probably Justice for Suarez, the FA is corrupt, everyone is against us, victimisation, Suarez has a black grandad, Glen Johnson, Kenny is mint, we're gonna win the league etc.

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Wonder what black Liverpool fans make of it. Mike?


This deserves more love :lol:


That corruption/vices picture a couple of pages back, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised in the least if that was commissioned by LFC themselves.

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Typical of that mob and they are a mob. Then the cheeky twat of a manager has a cheek to complain the crowd were giving Suarez stick.  They are always hard done by, yeah right.  The sick way they have stuck together despite the bullshit explanation of the situation is narrow-minded lunacy which you would have expected in certain quarters 30 yrs ago.  Hope the ban is doubled.

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