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The Liverpool Thread


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Think the FA should seriously look at bring a disripute charge against Liv and KD. It's pretty clear the intransegence of the club has sparked this whole shameful saga. It would have been much wiser to accept the ruling and move on with a modicum of humility and decorum. The reactonary stance of KD in particular has gone a long way in legitimising by default the the blowback and sick behaviour of those that call themselves Liv supporters. Wearing those shirts at the start of the match was akin to giving a green light to what is now bordering on a nationwide debacle.


Point deduction and a massive fine is the only real course left. Teach that club a lesson and harden the stance on racism to those who refuse to behave like human beings.

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Think the FA should seriously look at bring a disripute charge against Liv and KD. It's pretty clear the intransegence of the club has sparked this whole shameful saga. It would have been much wiser to accept the ruling and move on with a modicum of humility and decorum. The reactonary stance of KD in particular has gone a long way in legitimising by default the the blowback and sick behaviour of those that call themselves Liv supporters. Wearing those shirts at the start of the match was akin to giving a green light to what is now bordering on a nationwide debacle.


Point deduction and a massive fine is the only real course left. Teach that club a lesson and harden the stance on racism to those who refuse to behave like human beings.


:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Point deduction and a massive fine is the only real course left.


Don't see how they can justifiably not do that now the playing staff has become so actively involved.


And the manager. Who has a duty to be fair and support PL causes etc. etc.

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And the manager. Who has a duty to be fair and support PL causes etc. etc.


For sure, was including him. He's been the biggest embarrassment of them all. The guy is such a deluded prick it's unbearable.

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They've painted themselves into a corner and can't get out of this without looking even dafter than they already do. They've alienated every football fan I've spoken to and can't think one person (outside of LFC) who agree with their 100% support of Suarez. By completely backing a player who has admitted using racist language they're almost condoning his behaviour.


They could have still backed Suarez, acknowledged he made a stupid mistake, vowed not to let it happen again, made a donation to the Kick it Out campaign, let him start the ban immediately without an appeal and it would have been forgotten about in a few months time. The stance they've taken has united all football fans and most of society, squarely against them.


I hope they fucking tumble down the league and get dogs abuse at every away ground they play at. Utter scum. 

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They've painted themselves into a corner and can't get out of this without looking even dafter than they already do. They've alienated every football fan I've spoken to and can't think one person (outside of LFC) who agree with their 100% support of Suarez. By completely backing a player who has admitted using racist language they're almost condoning his behaviour.


They could have still backed Suarez, acknowledged he made a stupid mistake, vowed not to let it happen again, made a donation to the Kick it Out campaign, let him start the ban immediately without an appeal and it would have been forgotten about in a few months time. The stance they've taken has united all football fans and most of society, squarely against them.


I hope they fucking tumble down the league and get dogs abuse at every away ground they play at. Utter scum.


This, and their defiance has now allowed a whole bunch of LFC racist football fans have their say via the Internet, they feel they can say anything and get away with it, the fact school kids are copying the racist remarks aimed a Evra should surely see the club punished severely. What were they thinking? They've opened pandoras box and a whole load of messy shit has come out.


Liverpool really have shown their true colours, from top to bottom, in their crusade to defend a player, to unite and be this victimised club, they forgot the tone in which this all started, it was about race, it's the merkiest of waters, they had to play it safe but instead went in all guns blazing defending their own, looking like total mugs in the process.

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Papers have picked it up as well.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2078003/Stan-Collymore-Twitter-fan-asks-When-going-hang-like-Gary-Speed-negrito.html


I would imagine that questions would have been asked in Parliament had they not been on their Xmas holidays. Hopefully it gets picked up properly in the new year.


That tweet is actually prosecutable under Spanish law (we have had a few cases of people being arrested because of threats done through the internet), which is a good thing imho. I hate people using the "shield" of internet to say things that would land them either in jail or with a bloody nose if done in public.


Is it possible in the UK?

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Papers have picked it up as well.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2078003/Stan-Collymore-Twitter-fan-asks-When-going-hang-like-Gary-Speed-negrito.html


I would imagine that questions would have been asked in Parliament had they not been on their Xmas holidays. Hopefully it gets picked up properly in the new year.


That tweet is actually prosecutable under Spanish law (we have had a few cases of people being arrested because of threats done through the internet), which is a good thing imho. I hate people using the "shield" of internet to say things that would land them either in jail or with a bloody nose if done in public.


Is it possible in the UK?


I'm certain that it is, what happened to Sammy's case?

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Liverpool sticking with 'Uruguayan racism is really friendly'



LIVERPOOL'S defence of banned striker Luis Suarez will continue to be based on a strict interpretation of Uruguayan semantics.



To a black Uruguayan this is like getting a big, warm hug


Suarez has been banned for eight matches after what Liverpool described as a 'cultural snafu' between their striker and Manchester United's Patrice Evra.


A spokesman said: "If he was Argentinean and he came out with that sort of unpleasantness we'd have kicked his buttocks all the way back to Buenos Aires.


"But Luis is Uruguayan and therefore not capable of what you think of as racism. In Uruguayan, the term 'negro' means 'lovely friend'. Unfortunately not everyone speaks fluent Uruguayan.


"So, in fact, Luis was actually telling Patrice that because of all the shoving they were now 'lovely friends forever' and hoped that, at the end of the season, they could perhaps go on a fishing holiday together .


"And then he said it another nine times."


The spokesman added: "And also, we are Liverpool. We are a lovely, cheeky, cuddly left-wing football club that takes everyone at face value and then makes a wonderful, pithy joke about our shared humanity."


An FA spokesman said: "We're assuming Suarez's appeal will involve the Uruguayan ambassador and a group of indigenous tribes people playing unusual wind instruments. So that's something to look forward to.


"In the meantime, it would be a lot easier if everyone just stuck to calling Patrice Evra an arsehole."



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They're a truly vile club.


Dominance in the 70s and 80s followed by being overtaken by their most hated rivals has left them with a monstrous chip on their shoulder - they sincerely believe they are one of the greatest clubs in the world based on a period that hit the skids before many of their current fans were even born and the fact that what they actually achieve on the field doesn't match up to this makes them very bitter.


Add this to the Hillsborough issue (don't mention Heysel though, apart from when you're holding up banners gloating that your murderous actions prevented your city rivals from a shot at the European Cup) and this leaves them also believing they're the most hard done to club in the country and everyone is out to get them when in fact the opposite is true and the media, the FA, UEFA have been kissing their arse for years. Now something has happened to throw that off the rails, they don't like it.


Yet look at said city rivals. Top flight club since the beginning of time, won stuff, played in Europe, all the rest of it, not like they're a Tranmere - has anyone really got a bad word to say about Everton in general? Just goes to show it's not even the place, it's just that club.


Vile fucking scum right through - the manager, the players, the supporters, and I'd love nothing more than to see the utter twats crash and burn.

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They're a truly vile club.


Dominance in the 70s and 80s followed by being overtaken by their most hated rivals has left them with a monstrous chip on their shoulder - they sincerely believe they are one of the greatest clubs in the world based on a period that hit the skids before many of their current fans were even born and the fact that what they actually achieve on the field doesn't match up to this makes them very bitter.


Add this to the Hillsborough issue (don't mention Heysel though, apart from when you're holding up banners gloating that your murderous actions prevented your city rivals from a shot at the European Cup) and this leaves them also believing they're the most hard done to club in the country and everyone is out to get them when in fact the opposite is true and the media, the FA, UEFA have been kissing their arse for years. Now something has happened to throw that off the rails, they don't like it.


Yet look at said city rivals. Top flight club since the beginning of time, won stuff, played in Europe, all the rest of it, not like they're a Tranmere - has anyone really got a bad word to say about Everton in general? Just goes to show it's not even the place, it's just that club.


Vile f***ing scum right through - the manager, the players, the supporters, and I'd love nothing more than to see the utter twats crash and burn.


I love you Wullie, well said.

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They're a truly vile club.


Dominance in the 70s and 80s followed by being overtaken by their most hated rivals has left them with a monstrous chip on their shoulder - they sincerely believe they are one of the greatest clubs in the world based on a period that hit the skids before many of their current fans were even born and the fact that what they actually achieve on the field doesn't match up to this makes them very bitter.


Add this to the Hillsborough issue (don't mention Heysel though, apart from when you're holding up banners gloating that your murderous actions prevented your city rivals from a shot at the European Cup) and this leaves them also believing they're the most hard done to club in the country and everyone is out to get them when in fact the opposite is true and the media, the FA, UEFA have been kissing their arse for years. Now something has happened to throw that off the rails, they don't like it.


Yet look at said city rivals. Top flight club since the beginning of time, won stuff, played in Europe, all the rest of it, not like they're a Tranmere - has anyone really got a bad word to say about Everton in general? Just goes to show it's not even the place, it's just that club.


Vile fucking scum right through - the manager, the players, the supporters, and I'd love nothing more than to see the utter twats crash and burn.


Cracking post.

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