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Fantasy Premier League 2011-12 (see OP)

Optimistic Nut

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Shit week so far, love to know why I lost 9 points.. cunts

4 still to play though


You lost the points because Newcastle conceded, it updates clean sheets after 60 minutes so you would have been 8 points better off up until Wolves scored.

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48 points. 1 to play and Yaya to come of the bench to give me 3 points.


Feel sorry for N'Zogbia, he's pleading to get played on the right. Cheeky bid in January?

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Any way of rigging it so i can have 11 toon players?


This. It's the one thing FF need to do away with. 3 players from a team? f*** off.


It's not a fantasy team if you can only have 3 from each team. Although, it's not if you have a transfer budget either strictly speaking.

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What an abysmal set of transfers:


Taylor for Senderos: We stop keeping clean sheets, Fulham start keeping them.

Jarvis for Dempsey: Jarvis does nothing, Dempsey has a goal and two assists.

Cabaye for Ramires: Cabaye has two assists, Ramires has two goals.

Odeminwinge for Graham: Odemwinge does nothing, Graham has a goal.


I've probably lost a good thirty points right there. Christ.


Edit: Missed out on 17 points to be precise, due to Senderos not playing. Not too bad I suppose.

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What an abysmal set of transfers:


Taylor for Senderos: We stop keeping clean sheets, Fulham start keeping them.

Jarvis for Dempsey: Jarvis does nothing, Dempsey has a goal and two assists.

Cabaye for Ramires: Cabaye has two assists, Ramires has two goals.

Odeminwinge for Graham: Odemwinge does nothing, Graham has a goal.


I've probably lost a good thirty points right there. Christ.


Edit: Missed out on 17 points to be precise, due to Senderos not playing. Not too bad I suppose.


Senderos was an unused sub and Cabaye only got one assist, apart from that thats some bad luck!

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Guest Rey Mysterio

After Sinclair and Sturridge getting their own little sections of analysis on MOTD2, I would usually be looking forward to some juicy bonus points but after last weeks bonus point debacle, I'll be lucky to get 1 between them.

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