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The other games today - 2010/11


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Of all the strikers you went for in Jan who didn't move you're only in a weaker position now which aside from Aguero and Forlan the players are all in a stronger position with their teams. Yes they'll be attractive to the second tier type player but top notch I think not.


I never said top notch. Top notch to me indicates world class so obviously that isnt happening. The next tier down like a Cardozo, Lukaku, Falcao, Cavani etc etc will be attainable though provding Levy breaks wage structure.


Class players, top notch, whatever.


Don't know the ins and outs but I can't see Levy breaking the rules, if he'd wanted too surely Jan would've been the time. Falcao, from what I've seen would be devilish in the Premiership, I think Spurs have suffered from playing Crouch too much this season as like with when he plays for England players look or the direct game when they're better playing the short game.


but Levy did try and break the wage structure in january? you think he was bidding over 30m on 3 or 4 players to offer them 50k wage?


So if they didn't sign then, why should they sign now?


Do you actually read what i write?


i said not those top tiers but the next tier down and actually state the players by name.


Easy tiger, was only suggesting you are a less attractive option than you were in January. :lol:

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Spurs have no prospect of getting into The Champions League (ever again) and the Harry is one of the most dislikeable people in football.


Very good players are out of reach for them.

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Major surgery needed in the summer on your squad? Seems to have gone a bit stale from the outside looking in. 


No, not really.


There's nothing wrong with most of the squad.


The major problem is that we've forgotten how to defend. We have two utter fucking jokers in Dunne and Collins, who have been dreadful all season (and were, apparently, out on the piss till 4am the morning of the West Brom game), who the manager won't drop, while Carlos Cuellar sits on the bench. Kyle Walker is going to be  a great midfielder, but he is never in a million years  a full back. Luke Young has steadied the ship since coming in at left back.


Ashley Young will go, and to be honest, that's a good thing, he's been poor for almost two years now, and both he and the club could benefit from a change.


At the start of the season, I thought it would be hard to make the top six again. Looking at the way the season has panned out, I now think it would not have been impossible. Having said that, for this squad to have spent most of the season in the BOTTOM six is absolutely unacceptable, and that is down to the manager, I am afraid.

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this might sound idiotic (in fact it almost certainly will) but I wonder if signing vdv has hurt spurs more than it helped, last year spurs strikers were all (except keane) in pretty decent form and the side seemed to have an excellent balance about it, now trying to fit vdv seems to have disrupted that balance and its cost them, imo anyway

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Just got back from Wembley, a good 2nd half. Whitley were lucky to win though, Coalville were the better team by far. Anyway I feel sorry for Barcelona fans. What a fucking shit tip of a stadium they will be coming to for the champions league final. The best part of £1bn Wembley cost and it's fucking awefull. It has nothing on SJP.

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Guest kingdawson

Of all the strikers you went for in Jan who didn't move you're only in a weaker position now which aside from Aguero and Forlan the players are all in a stronger position with their teams. Yes they'll be attractive to the second tier type player but top notch I think not.


I never said top notch. Top notch to me indicates world class so obviously that isnt happening. The next tier down like a Cardozo, Lukaku, Falcao, Cavani etc etc will be attainable though provding Levy breaks wage structure.


Class players, top notch, whatever.


Don't know the ins and outs but I can't see Levy breaking the rules, if he'd wanted too surely Jan would've been the time. Falcao, from what I've seen would be devilish in the Premiership, I think Spurs have suffered from playing Crouch too much this season as like with when he plays for England players look or the direct game when they're better playing the short game.


but Levy did try and break the wage structure in january? you think he was bidding over 30m on 3 or 4 players to offer them 50k wage?


So if they didn't sign then, why should they sign now?


Do you actually read what i write?


i said not those top tiers but the next tier down and actually state the players by name.


Easy tiger, was only suggesting you are a less attractive option than you were in January. :lol:


Yeh sorry man. Just re-read the post again and it did seem harsh (you rarely give me stick on here).



Of course we're a less attractive option which is why we can totally forget the idea of Rossi, Aguerro etc etc. We need to look at the next tier down and take risks. Saying that, Llorente might still be attainable from the original targets (and Forlan too as he seems to have been frozen out a little).


I could be very wrong but the way Redknapp's been talking lately, he just seems so fed up with some of our players. I mean how a player can cost us double figures in points this season alone is frightening. That's why i can't and won't put much blame in Harry this season (except not buying a striker which was a sham tbf).

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Guest kingdawson

Spurs have no prospect of getting into The Champions League (ever again) and the Harry is one of the most dislikeable people in football.


Very good players are out of reach for them.


Thanks for that.



Now what are your opinions on Beckford and Andy Cole?

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I made that point about Europa League about a week ago but apparently i was wrong. No one gives 2 shits about that lame competition (well players i mean). It's champions league or nothing in their minds.


Even our players never gave a flying one about the Europea League.


Think about it, you're 21, 22 years old, you're picking up 30k a week, you're happy as a pig in shit, you get your afternoons off to swan about town buying clothes and acting Charlie Big Bollocks, so how does it feel having to fly out to Latvia to play FC Cocksocket on a Thursday night, to appear in front of a Channel Five audience which will be dwarfed by repeats of Escape to the Country on BBC2?


The competition is an absolute joke. and I find it impossible to believe that any player anywhere would factor in playing in the EL as a swinging factor in signing for a club.



Unfortunately the competition is a fucking joke. Still love to see us back in it like. UEFA once again they don't have a fucking clue.


If only it wasn't for money, top 2 Champs League, rest in the Waffa and bring back the Cup Winners Cup, winner of the Waffa goes in the CL. Bingo.


Nah, fuck that. Let's go back to year zero and do it properly.


European Cup for Champions, and champions only ("Champions" League with teams which finished fourth? Liverpool haven't been champions for twenty years now).




Cup Winners Cup (revitalises the FAC too).


Fuck modern television oriented football. I for one am sick to the tits of every single thing about the Champions League. Everything from the faux excitement of watching, say, Man U play Chelsea in it YEAR AFTER FUCKING YEAR, to the obligatory slow mo shots of moments of no import because UEFA thinks it looks good on the telly, to the shitty rebranding of the host stadia, to the fact that whenever we watch the games, the horrible fat apparatchiks of UEFA are lining their pockets even more.


The whole thing makes me want to vomit.

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Major surgery needed in the summer on your squad? Seems to have gone a bit stale from the outside looking in. 


No, not really.


There's nothing wrong with most of the squad.


The major problem is that we've forgotten how to defend. We have two utter fucking jokers in Dunne and Collins, who have been dreadful all season (and were, apparently, out on the piss till 4am the morning of the West Brom game), who the manager won't drop, while Carlos Cuellar sits on the bench. Kyle Walker is going to be  a great midfielder, but he is never in a million years  a full back. Luke Young has steadied the ship since coming in at left back.


Ashley Young will go, and to be honest, that's a good thing, he's been poor for almost two years now, and both he and the club could benefit from a change.


At the start of the season, I thought it would be hard to make the top six again. Looking at the way the season has panned out, I now think it would not have been impossible. Having said that, for this squad to have spent most of the season in the BOTTOM six is absolutely unacceptable, and that is down to the manager, I am afraid.


Entirely agree about Young. He just isn't playing well enough but you could still get a decent fee from someone. What's happened to Albrighton?

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Major surgery needed in the summer on your squad? Seems to have gone a bit stale from the outside looking in. 


No, not really.


There's nothing wrong with most of the squad.


The major problem is that we've forgotten how to defend. We have two utter fucking jokers in Dunne and Collins, who have been dreadful all season (and were, apparently, out on the piss till 4am the morning of the West Brom game), who the manager won't drop, while Carlos Cuellar sits on the bench. Kyle Walker is going to be  a great midfielder, but he is never in a million years  a full back. Luke Young has steadied the ship since coming in at left back.


Ashley Young will go, and to be honest, that's a good thing, he's been poor for almost two years now, and both he and the club could benefit from a change.


At the start of the season, I thought it would be hard to make the top six again. Looking at the way the season has panned out, I now think it would not have been impossible. Having said that, for this squad to have spent most of the season in the BOTTOM six is absolutely unacceptable, and that is down to the manager, I am afraid.


Entirely agree about Young. He just isn't playing well enough but you could still get a decent fee from someone. What's happened to Albrighton?


Albrighton been out of it for a while, injured for a bit, came back as a sub ysterday, had a bit of a mare, but had fucking morons who should know better, like Collins and Petrov, screaming abuse at him every time he misplaced a pass.



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Major surgery needed in the summer on your squad? Seems to have gone a bit stale from the outside looking in. 


No, not really.


There's nothing wrong with most of the squad.


The major problem is that we've forgotten how to defend. We have two utter fucking jokers in Dunne and Collins, who have been dreadful all season (and were, apparently, out on the piss till 4am the morning of the West Brom game), who the manager won't drop, while Carlos Cuellar sits on the bench. Kyle Walker is going to be  a great midfielder, but he is never in a million years  a full back. Luke Young has steadied the ship since coming in at left back.


Ashley Young will go, and to be honest, that's a good thing, he's been poor for almost two years now, and both he and the club could benefit from a change.


At the start of the season, I thought it would be hard to make the top six again. Looking at the way the season has panned out, I now think it would not have been impossible. Having said that, for this squad to have spent most of the season in the BOTTOM six is absolutely unacceptable, and that is down to the manager, I am afraid.


I know you weren't O'Neill's biggest fan but would you swap him back for Houllier? 

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Guest kingdawson

Kingdawson needs new material almost as much as he needs a new username.


It was a genuine question tbh.


Pretty ironic you informing me that i need a new username though.

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I know you weren't O'Neill's biggest fan but would you swap him back for Houllier? 


Over my dead body.


That wanker lost every last remaining piece of respect i had for him the day he decided to shit on us five days before the start of the season, because he'd decided he didn't fancy risking Brand O'Neill by moving a few players on.


What's more, his short sighted, lazy transfer policy of last minute overpriced UK based players is now biting us in the arse. Heskey, another year to go, aged 33, on 60k a week, Beye, 33, two years to go, 40k a week, Curtis Davies, 9.5m, sold for 3.5m ... I could go on all night.

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I'm genuinely not some nu-football fan who started watching the game because it was on the telly all the time, so don't want to sound like I'm one, with all the short termist, SUCCESS NOW traits they have - I have been going to Villa Park since 1973, and have seen in that time some fantastic times, and some truly dreadful ones, so I am under no illusions about what we did under O'Neill, but I can honestly say, I struggle to think of another Aston Villa employee who ultimately treated us as shittily as he did.


And that includes Billy McFuckingNeill and Doug Ellis.

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I made that point about Europa League about a week ago but apparently i was wrong. No one gives 2 shits about that lame competition (well players i mean). It's champions league or nothing in their minds.


Even our players never gave a flying one about the Europea League.


Think about it, you're 21, 22 years old, you're picking up 30k a week, you're happy as a pig in shit, you get your afternoons off to swan about town buying clothes and acting Charlie Big Bollocks, so how does it feel having to fly out to Latvia to play FC Cocksocket on a Thursday night, to appear in front of a Channel Five audience which will be dwarfed by repeats of Escape to the Country on BBC2?


The competition is an absolute joke. and I find it impossible to believe that any player anywhere would factor in playing in the EL as a swinging factor in signing for a club.



Unfortunately the competition is a fucking joke. Still love to see us back in it like. UEFA once again they don't have a fucking clue.


If only it wasn't for money, top 2 Champs League, rest in the Waffa and bring back the Cup Winners Cup, winner of the Waffa goes in the CL. Bingo.


Nah, fuck that. Let's go back to year zero and do it properly.


European Cup for Champions, and champions only ("Champions" League with teams which finished fourth? Liverpool haven't been champions for twenty years now).




Cup Winners Cup (revitalises the FAC too).


Fuck modern television oriented football. I for one am sick to the tits of every single thing about the Champions League. Everything from the faux excitement of watching, say, Man U play Chelsea in it YEAR AFTER FUCKING YEAR, to the obligatory slow mo shots of moments of no import because UEFA thinks it looks good on the telly, to the shitty rebranding of the host stadia, to the fact that whenever we watch the games, the horrible fat apparatchiks of UEFA are lining their pockets even more.


The whole thing makes me want to vomit.


Need to keep it slightly less rigid otherwise we'll never be in Europe again otherwise I totally agree.

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Of all the strikers you went for in Jan who didn't move you're only in a weaker position now which aside from Aguero and Forlan the players are all in a stronger position with their teams. Yes they'll be attractive to the second tier type player but top notch I think not.


I never said top notch. Top notch to me indicates world class so obviously that isnt happening. The next tier down like a Cardozo, Lukaku, Falcao, Cavani etc etc will be attainable though provding Levy breaks wage structure.


Class players, top notch, whatever.


Don't know the ins and outs but I can't see Levy breaking the rules, if he'd wanted too surely Jan would've been the time. Falcao, from what I've seen would be devilish in the Premiership, I think Spurs have suffered from playing Crouch too much this season as like with when he plays for England players look or the direct game when they're better playing the short game.


but Levy did try and break the wage structure in january? you think he was bidding over 30m on 3 or 4 players to offer them 50k wage?


So if they didn't sign then, why should they sign now?


Do you actually read what i write?


i said not those top tiers but the next tier down and actually state the players by name.


Easy tiger, was only suggesting you are a less attractive option than you were in January. :lol:


Yeh sorry man. Just re-read the post again and it did seem harsh (you rarely give me stick on here).



Of course we're a less attractive option which is why we can totally forget the idea of Rossi, Aguerro etc etc. We need to look at the next tier down and take risks. Saying that, Llorente might still be attainable from the original targets (and Forlan too as he seems to have been frozen out a little).


I could be very wrong but the way Redknapp's been talking lately, he just seems so fed up with some of our players. I mean how a player can cost us double figures in points this season alone is frightening. That's why i can't and won't put much blame in Harry this season (except not buying a striker which was a sham tbf).




To be honest that means splashing the cash big time, either on wages or transfer fees. Find it hard to believe that Levy would go mad and gamble that much. :dontknow:


A more pertinent question would be 'who might leave in search of champions League football?' You've got some excellent players there vdV, Bale, Modric and they're going to want to play at the top. It's going to be a fine balancing act to keep them happy whilst attracting the players needed to get you back in the top 4.

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Need to keep it slightly less rigid otherwise we'll never be in Europe again otherwise I totally agree.


True, but it is a self fulfilling prophecy.


In the past to enter the Big Cup, you had to win your league. One of the main reasons you and we will never win the league again - and, let's face it, unless something Man Cityish happens to us, we won't - is because of the influence of television money on football, and the subsequent financial divides between a small group of clubs and the rest, and the Champions League, with its creation of a small group of clubs which is now so entrenched it hardly ever changes, is a major factor in that.


So, basically, the CL format now means you've got more of a chance of getting into Europe, but it also means you've got absolutely zero chance of winning the league, and that's the shame when you look at the bigger picture.

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Keeping Modric would be priority no.1 if I was Spurs, fucking class since he joined. Still rankles that we failed to buy him. Absolutely brilliant player and a joy to watch.

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So, to recap, that's a no.







You sure about that? Speak your mind mate. :lol:


I saw him on the sky website the other day, being interviewed. He looks suspiciously like he's had a hair transplant.



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Need to keep it slightly less rigid otherwise we'll never be in Europe again otherwise I totally agree.


True, but it is a self fulfilling prophecy.


In the past to enter the Big Cup, you had to win your league. One of the main reasons you and we will never win the league again - and, let's face it, unless something Man Cityish happens to us, we won't - is because of the influence of television money on football, and the subsequent financial divides between a small group of clubs and the rest, and the Champions League, with its creation of a small group of clubs which is now so entrenched it hardly ever changes, is a major factor in that.


So, basically, the CL format now means you've got more of a chance of getting into Europe, but it also means you've got absolutely zero chance of winning the league, and that's the shame when you look at the bigger picture.


Never a truer word spoken & unfortunately what a shame it is and why for one I will never support an English club in Europe aside from all the other dislikable traits they possess.

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brummie what happened to gabby this year, used to be half way decent now just looks kinda rubbish


Injured for a large chunk of the season.


He's looked alright, but Houllier has been playing him out of position stuck out wide a lot.

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