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I said no because I am eternal pessimist. Although I didn't see the game today, the consistent comments about Nolan are very, very worrying.

I am bouyed by the comments of the possession football it appears we played but unless Hughton gets ruthless and drops the ineffective players, then we are doomed to failure.


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Player for player we are certainly worse than two seasons ago, but as a squad we seem to have grown. The question is how will the squad cope with getting its ass kicked in the majority of our games? Call me a cynic, but this being NUFC, and us still being run by a buffoon, I will nail my colour to the "nay" mast for now.. As for getting improvements in, I'm really hope so, but I'm also fearsome that we may yet sell one of our better players if a decent offer comes in...

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Hopefully Wigan might lose Figueroa and N'Zog before the transfer window closes.


Aye. They're similar to us but the other way round.


Them minus them 2 from Zog/Figueroa/Rodallega and they're pretty much down, in the same way if we add a couple we'd have much greater chance of staying up.

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Player for player we are certainly worse than two seasons ago, but as a squad we seem to have grown. The question is how will the squad cope with getting its ass kicked in the majority of our games? Call me a cynic, but this being NUFC, and us still being run by a buffoon, I will nail my colour to the "nay" mast for now.. As for getting improvements in, I'm really hope so, but I'm also fearsome that we may yet sell one of our better players if a decent offer comes in...


Player-for-player our relegation squad was better than a lot of teams that stayed up.

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If we get one decent striker or Arfa plays like the Fm wonderkid he used to be and gets 10 from mf we should be alright. What we have at the moment won't be enough sadly. And I really wish it would, but it won't. Can only see Blackpool and WBA finishing below us at this point.


Exactly this.


At the minute, no. Get a string-puller in and it's a yes.


I have been encouraged by what I've seen of us today and in La Coruna though. :)

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The striker situation is a huge worry, and I'm amazed the club don't seem to recognise it, but there is a lot of crap at the bottom of the league, think we'll get enough points against our fellow strugglers to survive, but not by much, it'll go all the way till the last game, unless of course we go on a spending spree.

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I remember a similar thread last season about promotion and a lot thought we'd struggle. Pundits thought we'd finish bottom half or worse. There's 12-14 matches that will be difficult to get much from. The rest are realistic points-gathering missions, imo.


I remember a similar thread one and a half season ago..

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The striker situation is a huge worry, and I'm amazed the club don't seem to recognise it, but they is a lot of crap at the bottom of the league, think we'll get enough points against our fellow strugglers to survive, but not by much, it'll go all the way till the last game, unless of course we go on a spending spree.


Aye, we should get David Villa.

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I remember a similar thread last season about promotion and a lot thought we'd struggle. Pundits thought we'd finish bottom half or worse. There's 12-14 matches that will be difficult to get much from. The rest are realistic points-gathering missions, imo.


I remember a similar thread one and a half season ago..


Aye. :lol: Really, it's a question of faith. No one knows, tbh. The majority of pundits last season were wrong: so you've got to conclude no one fucking knows until December.

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The striker situation is a huge worry, and I'm amazed the club don't seem to recognise it, but they is a lot of crap at the bottom of the league, think we'll get enough points against our fellow strugglers to survive, but not by much, it'll go all the way till the last game, unless of course we go on a spending spree.


Aye, we should get David Villa.


Yeah he's not bad, I would take him, to put pressure on Xisco and Shola for their spots in the squad :p

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Player for player we are certainly worse than two seasons ago, but as a squad we seem to have grown. The question is how will the squad cope with getting its ass kicked in the majority of our games? Call me a cynic, but this being NUFC, and us still being run by a buffoon, I will nail my colour to the "nay" mast for now.. As for getting improvements in, I'm really hope so, but I'm also fearsome that we may yet sell one of our better players if a decent offer comes in...


Player-for-player our relegation squad was better than a lot of teams that stayed up.


Absolutely, so what makes you so confident a lesser squad will stand a better chance of survival..?

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I've been thinking about this for a while. Going down.


This team simply doesnt have enough goals in it. No faith in Ashley to spend any money on a much needed new striker.


Sorry for the doom and gloom but I just cant see past our lack of attacking threat.

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Player for player we are certainly worse than two seasons ago, but as a squad we seem to have grown. The question is how will the squad cope with getting its ass kicked in the majority of our games? Call me a cynic, but this being NUFC, and us still being run by a buffoon, I will nail my colour to the "nay" mast for now.. As for getting improvements in, I'm really hope so, but I'm also fearsome that we may yet sell one of our better players if a decent offer comes in...


Player-for-player our relegation squad was better than a lot of teams that stayed up.


Absolutely, so what makes you so confident a lesser squad will stand a better chance of survival..?


I believe in Chris Hughton. I believe the squad has more balls than it did before. I certainly believe more in Carroll than I did in Owen.

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I actually think we've had a pretty decent transfer window for a team with no money and no short-to-medium-term prospects whatsoever.


What makes it decent? The fact that we haven't lost any of our better players? We are going up against opposition that is massively better than last years', promotion must have done our financial position a world of good, so I don't see why we couldn't expect a reasonable investment in the squad to give us a better chance of staying up..? What's happened is Ashley has lowered our expectations to the point where we are happy if anything but the worst happens.. Criminal how far we've fallen from grace in just a few years..

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I actually think we've had a pretty decent transfer window for a team with no money and no short-to-medium-term prospects whatsoever.


What makes it decent? The fact that we haven't lost any of our better players? We are going up against opposition that is massively better than last years', promotion must have done our financial position a world of good, so I don't see why we couldn't expect a reasonable investment in the squad to give us a better chance of staying up..? What's happened is Ashley has lowered our expectations to the point where we are happy if anything but the worst happens.. Criminal how far we've fallen from grace in just a few years..


1. It's a minor miracle that we haven't lost any of our better players.


2. Clubs are not lining up to sell players for nothing and players are not chomping at the bit to join a club who will be at best 12th~17th for the forseeable future.


Given the circumstances, we've not done badly. Things have actually gone a lot better than I thought.

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Btw I think people are overstimating the quality and consistency of the other bottom-half teams rather than being overly pessimistic about our own qualities.


We're pretty crap, but so are they.

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