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Shola Ameobi


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I must be in the minority on here but in the majority in the real world as I and everyone else I know or talk to hates him


I would be quite happy to never see him play football again, I couldn't hate him as he's been a perfect pro throughout his time here and when he retires I'll wish him well.

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I must be in the minority on here but in the majority in the real world as I and everyone else I know or talk to hates him


Out of interest, why?


He has never picked himself, played through numerous injuries when needed, scored some big goals (including against the mackems) and has never been one of those w***** footballers that drags the club through s***.


Don't understand why anyone would hate him ???


Agree with Cajun. He's a top pro, Geordie, role-model to his younger brother Sammy, scored some very important goals for us, and hits 1 f***ing mint penalty. He' given 100% to this club, even if he may have been limited with injuries, or had a woeful run-out in the team.


Hating the guy? Have a word with yourself - hopefully you realize you are just using an overly harsh word....I'd always thought most would have the same opinion as Mick if they had issues with his ability.

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I must be in the minority on here but in the majority in the real world as I and everyone else I know or talk to hates him


Out of interest, why?


He has never picked himself, played through numerous injuries when needed, scored some big goals (including against the mackems) and has never been one of those w***** footballers that drags the club through s***.


Don't understand why anyone would hate him ???


Agree with Cajun. He's a top pro, Geordie, role-model to his younger brother Sammy, scored some very important goals for us, and hits 1 f***ing mint penalty. He' given 100% to this club, even if he may have been limited with injuries, or had a woeful run-out in the team.


Hating the guy? Have a word with yourself - hopefully you realize you are just using an overly harsh word....I'd always thought most would have the same opinion as Mick if they had issues with his ability.



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Nobody actually hates him, but to say he wasn't one of the most infuriating players we've had in recent memory is just rewriting history.


From my experience, the people who like/d him the most are the people who didn't go to the games he started in.

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Nobody actually hates him, but to say he wasn't one of the most infuriating players we've had in recent memory is just rewriting history.


From my experience, the people who like/d him the most are the people who didn't go to the games he started in.


Agree with this. In light of his newfound cult status there's been load of games from various seasons swept under the carpet in which we were relying on Shola to put in a performance, only for him to spend the majority of the game on his backside with that daft grin on his face.


"Oh look, we're losing and I'm offside/I've conceded a free kick for the 11th time, having not scored in 15 games, how funny."


I don't hate, but I'm not happy he's still getting games for my club either.

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Silly me for liking someone even though Ive watched their entire career via the tele, guess my opinion means f*** all then?


"In my experience", which is an observation you've just further proved.


that daft grin on his face.


The hands behind the head with the "the world is against me" smile will forever be my overriding memory of him  :hmm:

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Guest frazernufc

He used to p*ss me off so much, thought he was the biggest pile of s*** ever (and tbf he was). Then I just fell in love with the guy, cant actually remember at all which season it was but this love was big enough to wipe all that frustration and anger he gave me over the years and for me to cherish the happy memories of him for the rest of my life.

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It's pretty poor to be honest that he is still our go to back up striker. He's simply never been a consistent goal threat and has been very fortunate to have the career that he has had.

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It's pretty poor to be honest that he is still our go to back up striker. He's simply never been a consistent goal threat and has been very fortunate to have the career that he has had.

this is why. He's got talent but has zero application and effort and history seems to have been rewritten.
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I love the Shola love in. Always been a model pro. The frustrating thing about him is that he seems to have had all the tools to be a top striker but flattered to deceive on so many occassions.


I'm not sure it was a lack of application or what? I remember when he was 18 and dominated Rio Ferdinand, in his career there have been some top performances which make it even more frustrating when you think of some of the shit we have seen from him.


To be fair his cameo's last season were mostly good. He looked energetic and more than anything confident. He was doing so well that you were actually calling for him to be brought on rather than a loud groan :)


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he's like Pele in training apparently  ;D


i'd keep him off bikes and wrapped in cotton wool ready for the derby though


Injuries have hampered his career.  It possibly hasn't been as noticeable as some others because he played through rather than miss games to recover.


aye, i'm sure it was to the end of the 05-06 season when he was suffering the hip problem after big al got knackered against the mackems and roeder picked him for the remaining fixtures and he played through making the injury much worse

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ive made 2 statements which may seem like hyperbole, but;


1) his pen in the 5-1 against the mackems is among the best ive ever seen


2) his 20 mins sub appearence against spurs at home last year, equaliser inclusive, was amongst the best 20 mins I have seen a newcastle striker have, he didnt put a foot wrong and was just a beast, Drogba-esque...










bring it on!  :azn:

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Injuries have definitely paid a big part in his 'lazyness' too imo, he has always been a bit of a crock but as mentioned above he has often just played through which he should be applauded for because there clearly wasn't anyone better to step in those times.

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I've went from Shola cynic to someone who adores the bloke. He's not the most naturally talented footballer, but as a professional both on and off the pitch he has to be applauded. Nolan, Smith etc. get a lot of the credit for the spirit around the club during the promotion season and people forget Shola was an important part of that group.


As many have pointed out he played through a very serious hip injury, one which almost ended his career by all accounts, for the benefit of the club. Furthermore he has worked really hard to reinvent his playing style over the past few years because of his injuries. Earlier in his career he was a gangly bloke who, on the rare occasions he broke into a sprint, had a bit of pace. Now he's a unit who is capable of holding up the ball in a way I haven't seen since Shearer was playing for us. That's some transformation and can only come about through hard work in the gym and on the training ground.


I don't get the Shola hate now. He's should be a cult hero who'll be remembered not for his goal scoring record but for his dedication to the club. And his penalty taking ability which is the best I've seen by a Newcastle player. And his goals against Sunderland.

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I've went from Shola cynic to someone who adores the bloke. He's not the most naturally talented footballer, but as a professional both on and off the pitch he has to be applauded. Nolan, Smith etc. get a lot of the credit for the spirit around the club during the promotion season and people forget Shola was an important part of that group.


As many have pointed out he played through a very serious hip injury, one which almost ended his career by all accounts, for the benefit of the club. Furthermore he has worked really hard to reinvent his playing style over the past few years because of his injuries. Earlier in his career he was a gangly bloke who, on the rare occasions he broke into a sprint, had a bit of pace. Now he's a unit who is capable of holding up the ball in a way I haven't seen since Shearer was playing for us. That's some transformation and can only come about through hard work in the gym and on the training ground.


I don't get the Shola hate now. He's should be a cult hero who'll be remembered not for his goal scoring record but for his dedication to the club. And his penalty taking ability which is the best I've seen by a Newcastle player. And his goals against Sunderland.



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