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Not worthy of a thread - 2018 FIFA World Cup edition

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Why would Russia be a disaster, out of interest?


Because I don't want to go there :lol:

Russia and Qatar. Christ on a bike, everyone loses. What makes them think this would NOT be a disaster?

Were SA or Korea disasters?


The Qatari bid is not even remotely comparable to either of those.


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I wouldn't even mind going to Qatar, it's a great place for a vacation. But the notion of a World Cup there is the worst fucking idea ever. It would be like awarding whatever the equivalent is for Rugby to South Korea. They have no footballing tradition whatsoever.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

UK Media are going to go apeshit on FIFA for the next month if this is true!


Of course they will, its just like the actual World Cup the way the media rollercoaster has went.


Little interest without much belief.

Interest peaks as we get closer, sense of belief increases ten fold.

The week before and only the divine intervention of God himself can stop us from winning.

We don't win.

Papers hate the fucking world.

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