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Alan Pardew


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Would be interesting to know if there are any other teams that have one position without any senior/first team cover at all like we do at left back. (injuries aside)


I'm guessing probably not.


Man City don't have any strikers.

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Would be interesting to know if there are any other teams that have one position without any senior/first team cover at all like we do at left back. (injuries aside)


I'm guessing probably not.



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Let's say the club gets taken over next month. Would feel incredibly strange having him as manager.


The fact of the matter is, since the club was first made available for sale by Hall and Shepherd, Ashley is the only one who has been willing to put the money down required. Where are these saviours who will buy the club and pour money into the squad? So far the only serious interest was NUST with their collective whip round which flopped, and Barry Moat who was told to take his begging cap to the pawn shop by the banks.


That is the reality. And people should not rule out a scenario in which Ashley sells the club to someone worse, and by that I mean someone who somehow finds the asking price MA wants then f*cks up and can't afford to fund a recovery. It seems to be the case that people buying football clubs invariably get unpleasant surprises when they find out what it takes to keep them going let alone move them forward.


Also a change of owner often means change of manager and not always for the best. I'm struggling to believe that Avram Grant was a better manager than Zola, and that Steve Kean is a better manager than Allardyce (and I'm purely looking at Allardyce as a Premiership survivor not with any great admiration I might add).


So are we supposed to be grateful for the idiots we have. If clubs like fulham can be run sensibly and play in Europe with their resources and fan base, I will burn before I'm grateful for the shoddy way this club is being treat.


You missed the point. It's entirely up to you whether you want to feel grateful to him for everything, some of the things or nothing that he's done here. But if he did get out there's absolutely no guarantee that he'll sell it to someone who will be able to run it better.

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Let's say the club gets taken over next month. Would feel incredibly strange having him as manager.


The fact of the matter is, since the club was first made available for sale by Hall and Shepherd, Ashley is the only one who has been willing to put the money down required. Where are these saviours who will buy the club and pour money into the squad? So far the only serious interest was NUST with their collective whip round which flopped, and Barry Moat who was told to take his begging cap to the pawn shop by the banks.


That is the reality. And people should not rule out a scenario in which Ashley sells the club to someone worse, and by that I mean someone who somehow finds the asking price MA wants then f*cks up and can't afford to fund a recovery. It seems to be the case that people buying football clubs invariably get unpleasant surprises when they find out what it takes to keep them going let alone move them forward.


Also a change of owner often means change of manager and not always for the best. I'm struggling to believe that Avram Grant was a better manager than Zola, and that Steve Kean is a better manager than Allardyce (and I'm purely looking at Allardyce as a Premiership survivor not with any great admiration I might add).


So are we supposed to be grateful for the idiots we have. If clubs like fulham can be run sensibly and play in Europe with their resources and fan base, I will burn before I'm grateful for the shoddy way this club is being treat.


You missed the point. It's entirely up to you whether you want to feel grateful to him for everything, some of the things or nothing that he's done here. But if he did get out there's absolutely no guarantee that he'll sell it to someone who will be able to run it better.


Very true. But as there's absolutely no hope, ambition, trust or belief while he remains, I'll take my chances. I used to quite like a bit of hope and positivity, so it goes.

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Let's say the club gets taken over next month. Would feel incredibly strange having him as manager.


The fact of the matter is, since the club was first made available for sale by Hall and Shepherd, Ashley is the only one who has been willing to put the money down required. Where are these saviours who will buy the club and pour money into the squad? So far the only serious interest was NUST with their collective whip round which flopped, and Barry Moat who was told to take his begging cap to the pawn shop by the banks.


That is the reality. And people should not rule out a scenario in which Ashley sells the club to someone worse, and by that I mean someone who somehow finds the asking price MA wants then f*cks up and can't afford to fund a recovery. It seems to be the case that people buying football clubs invariably get unpleasant surprises when they find out what it takes to keep them going let alone move them forward.


Also a change of owner often means change of manager and not always for the best. I'm struggling to believe that Avram Grant was a better manager than Zola, and that Steve Kean is a better manager than Allardyce (and I'm purely looking at Allardyce as a Premiership survivor not with any great admiration I might add).


So are we supposed to be grateful for the idiots we have. If clubs like fulham can be run sensibly and play in Europe with their resources and fan base, I will burn before I'm grateful for the shoddy way this club is being treat.


You missed the point. It's entirely up to you whether you want to feel grateful to him for everything, some of the things or nothing that he's done here. But if he did get out there's absolutely no guarantee that he'll sell it to someone who will be able to run it better.


So sadly true.

There is no Geordie with the interests of NUFC at heart either capable or willing to take on the club in the present financial climate and if Ashley were to move aside it would most likely be for something even worse and to someone or something in it for money rather than love.

At least the present regime have a plan, albeit a broadly unpopular one but a plan nonetheless and in fairness one which has stayed pretty much on course for the last couple of years.

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What is the plan? All as haphazard as it ever was IMO.


Dunno I'm not privy to the boardroom but I guess we can assume it was to reduce operating costs, make the club leaner and self sufficient, reduce the age of the playing personnel and stop dishing out Freddie pensions to past their sell buy date superstars.

Like I said a broadly unpopular plan but a plan nonetheless.

There again if we listen to the many of the opinionated "superior" fans who create websites or publish fanzines it was to single handedly destroy the heritage of Newcastle United, make himself rich at our expense and take us into the 4th division or whatever it's called nowadays.

I guess we can take our pick.

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What is the plan? All as haphazard as it ever was IMO.


Dunno I'm not privy to the boardroom but I guess we can assume it was to reduce operating costs, make the club leaner and self sufficient, reduce the age of the playing personnel and stop dishing out Freddie pensions to past their sell buy date superstars.

Like I said a broadly unpopular plan but a plan nonetheless.

There again if we listen to the many of the opinionated "superior" fans who create websites or publish fanzines it was to single handedly destroy the heritage of Newcastle United, make himself rich at our expense and take us into the 4th division or whatever it's called nowadays.

I guess we can take our pick.



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What is the plan? All as haphazard as it ever was IMO.


Aside from spend as little as humanly possible and keep the wage bill as small as practicable in order to sell at any given opportunity, there isn't one. I'm sure some will dress it up as a 'sensible and prudent financial model structured to keep pace with the financial fair play plans afoot', like the fat berk actually has that a business model.


It was Arsenal then Villa before becoming Wigan and I think we're currently Fulham.

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Completely lost my patience with him now. After all this crap about getting a new left back and possibly a new striker in before the derby match and here we are, less than 24 hours before kick off and the closest we've come to signing owt is a shaggin' 'keeper? Fuck off. Fuck right off. Imo, the underlying problem of this club is Ashley, he is the tumour of NUFC that is hampering any form of progression we potentially have, instead grinding us to a screeching halt throwing us into standstill or a resumed process of decline. I'm aware that even the reason we have Pardew as manager is Ashley's responsibility/fault.

But does Pardew really have to come out and patronise us with all this bullshit about signing this and signing that etc? No, he doesn't, and I'm sick to my back teeth with it.


If he values his job at all he will do everything in his power to avoid defeat tomorrow. I'm absolutely sick of him now.

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Guest Mantis

Plan! Bollocks. They go from one car crash to the next throughout their asset stripping plan. As for Pardew being a decent bloke, course he is, my heart bleeds for the bloke, NOT. He has a choice if the

going gets rough.


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Guest TheSummerOf69

My position hasn't really changed. I still believe that when he says these things ("new LB in by the derby" etc) he actually believes them, else what is he gaining by lying? Absolutely nothing as far as I can see. I feel like he's been lied to and his "crime" is to talk. It does discredit him, obviously, but I don't believe that that's his fault.


I quite like him as a bloke, and I think he's done a pretty good job on the pitch, which at the end of the day is the most important thing.


If we lose tomorrow (which I don't think we will), I won't be jumping on his back or blaming him for not getting a LB or ST or whatever. He'll still have my backing until the point at which the results drop so badly to stop us achieving our aims (which in my opinion should be Top 10 finish), and I hope they don't.


Finally, it just goes to show that in all of this, even with the players leaving, none of the blame is pointed to Pardew. Enrique has gone on record saying that he feels sorry for Pardew because it is "difficult for him", and Nolan and Barton both went on record at that talk in a few months back and said he was doing his best for them.


But didn't Nolan later say he felt let down by Pardew?

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My position hasn't really changed. I still believe that when he says these things ("new LB in by the derby" etc) he actually believes them, else what is he gaining by lying? Absolutely nothing as far as I can see. I feel like he's been lied to and his "crime" is to talk. It does discredit him, obviously, but I don't believe that that's his fault.


I quite like him as a bloke, and I think he's done a pretty good job on the pitch, which at the end of the day is the most important thing.


If we lose tomorrow (which I don't think we will), I won't be jumping on his back or blaming him for not getting a LB or ST or whatever. He'll still have my backing until the point at which the results drop so badly to stop us achieving our aims (which in my opinion should be Top 10 finish), and I hope they don't.


Finally, it just goes to show that in all of this, even with the players leaving, none of the blame is pointed to Pardew. Enrique has gone on record saying that he feels sorry for Pardew because it is "difficult for him", and Nolan and Barton both went on record at that talk in a few months back and said he was doing his best for them.


But didn't Nolan later say he felt let down by Pardew?


If Nolan thought Pardew was going to get the club to offer him a 4 year contract he was asking a bit much of him. FWIW I think Pardew has handled Joey quite well. It would have been easy to sideline him if he felt Barton wasn't 100% behind him but he's been mature about it and got him back onside, for now at any rate.

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Guest TheSummerOf69

My position hasn't really changed. I still believe that when he says these things ("new LB in by the derby" etc) he actually believes them, else what is he gaining by lying? Absolutely nothing as far as I can see. I feel like he's been lied to and his "crime" is to talk. It does discredit him, obviously, but I don't believe that that's his fault.


I quite like him as a bloke, and I think he's done a pretty good job on the pitch, which at the end of the day is the most important thing.


If we lose tomorrow (which I don't think we will), I won't be jumping on his back or blaming him for not getting a LB or ST or whatever. He'll still have my backing until the point at which the results drop so badly to stop us achieving our aims (which in my opinion should be Top 10 finish), and I hope they don't.


Finally, it just goes to show that in all of this, even with the players leaving, none of the blame is pointed to Pardew. Enrique has gone on record saying that he feels sorry for Pardew because it is "difficult for him", and Nolan and Barton both went on record at that talk in a few months back and said he was doing his best for them.


But didn't Nolan later say he felt let down by Pardew?


If Nolan thought Pardew was going to get the club to offer him a 4 year contract he was asking a bit much of him. FWIW I think Pardew has handled Joey quite well. It would have been easy to sideline him if he felt Barton wasn't 100% behind him but he's been mature about it and got him back onside, for now at any rate.


Wasn't Nolan's problem that he was lied to -  they went back on what he was promised?

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