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Alan Pardew


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I'm neither criticising or praising Pardew here, but if you think about it with the players we have why should we not be expecting to beat most teams in this mediocre league? We should expect a decent standard of football with the likes of Coloccini, Santon, Cabaye, Tiote, Ben Arfa, Guthrie, Jonas, Ba and Cisse at our disposal- all very capable technical players.


We should be expecting to beat more teams than not, but we're not going to do it every time. Shite results and performances are part and parcel of football, and aren't exclusive to just us. Basic concepts of football, here.

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the other thing for me is "standing still" with pardew...if he persists with his archaic methods and tactics, preferring players like raylor over hba what will end up happening is the gap we just closed between ourselves and the surrounding clubs will open up again if we stick too long, the better players will want to leave and so on


hopefully the silver fox proves us all wrong :thup:



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Calling for Pardew to be replaced :facepalm:


Absolute madness, statements like that is why as supporters we get the unfair 'over expectant' reputation we do. Yes, fair enough, we're not playing cvarpet football right now, but did anyone ever expect us to for the entire season? At the end of the day, we're it's results that count and we're sat 6th ffs. Did anyone seriously expect that?


I'm as apprehensive as ther next guy as to what the future holds for Pardew and this lot but calls for him to be replaced? Aye, righto. 


Where was this?

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the other thing for me is "standing still" with pardew...if he persists with his archaic methods and tactics, preferring players like raylor over hba what will end up happening is the gap we just closed between ourselves and the surrounding clubs will open up again if we stick too long, the better players will want to leave and so on


hopefully the silver fox proves us all wrong :thup:




Exactly, which is why I think how we set out next season will tell us a lot, if we look a bit more progressive I'll applaud him. If we start the season playing as negatively as we are now he needs replacing immediately because we'll only ever stand still at best under a manager like that.

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Guest Howaythetoon

the other thing for me is "standing still" with pardew...if he persists with his archaic methods and tactics, preferring players like raylor over hba what will end up happening is the gap we just closed between ourselves and the surrounding clubs will open up again if we stick too long, the better players will want to leave and so on


hopefully the silver fox proves us all wrong :thup:




Great point RE standing still.

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Guest Dontooner

Actually trying to play good football, don't necessarily deliver you results, but getting it closer to the finish article of playing football will give you alot more control and possession to affect the outcome. Pretty sure someone has bought this up already, the question is can Pardew transform us into such a team.

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What i feel is ppl want his head whenever the next chance available. I think i could imagine what will happen here if we are unable to beat the Scums next match.


we have lots of managers lining up then? under Ashley?

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Actually trying to play good football, don't necessarily deliver you results, but getting it closer to the finish article of playing football will give you alot more control and possession to affect the outcome. Pretty sure someone has bought this up already, the question is can Pardew transform us into such a team.


Or can he continue our success without transforming us into such a team? Because if he can his job will be safe for a long time.

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Calling for Pardew to be replaced :facepalm:


Absolute madness, statements like that is why as supporters we get the unfair 'over expectant' reputation we do. Yes, fair enough, we're not playing cvarpet football right now, but did anyone ever expect us to for the entire season? At the end of the day, we're it's results that count and we're sat 6th ffs. Did anyone seriously expect that?


I'm as apprehensive as ther next guy as to what the future holds for Pardew and this lot but calls for him to be replaced? Aye, righto. 


Where was this?


Dave - you do this every time. You know as well as everyone else that there a number of posters who have suggested that Pardew should be replaced at the end of the season or be 'upgraded' or only given a bit longer to ptove himself. I don't think it is a massive leap for to generalise this as 'wanting Pardew replaced'. It is riddiculously pedantic to keep poiinting out that not everyone is saying sack Pardew now.

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What i feel is ppl want his head whenever the next chance available.


completely disagree with this, given the circumstances surrounding his appointment he's done a great job of getting people on his side overall but he very clearly needs to adapt (or die) to what's happening around him


teams like us need to beat teams like wolves at home and get results away where we can, that's the long and the short of it...since pardew came in he was very good at both, noticeably an improvement on hughton especially at home, but he's starting not to be and more worryingly he's not showing signs he knows how to change it (similar to what happened at west ham for him tbh)


i think most want him to succeed, he's a likeable enough fella

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What i feel is ppl want his head whenever the next chance available.


completely disagree with this, given the circumstances surrounding his appointment he's done a great job of getting people on his side overall but he very clearly needs to adapt (or die) to what's happening around him


teams like us need to beat teams like wolves at home and get results away where we can, that's the long and the short of it...since pardew came in he was very good at both, noticeably an improvement on hughton especially at home, but he's starting not to be and more worryingly he's not showing signs he knows how to change it (similar to what happened at west ham for him tbh)


i think most want him to succeed, he's a likeable enough fella


I really cannot see "most want him to succeed". i can only see comments thathe is tactically inept and is a bastard for his disgraceful treatment towarda HBA. A normal manager should get a better result now and result like Wolves should never happen at the first place.


May be you didnt mean that, but take a look at the posts here and other threads, i cannot see "a majority of ppl want him to succeed"

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What i feel is ppl want his head whenever the next chance available.


completely disagree with this, given the circumstances surrounding his appointment he's done a great job of getting people on his side overall but he very clearly needs to adapt (or die) to what's happening around him


teams like us need to beat teams like wolves at home and get results away where we can, that's the long and the short of it...since pardew came in he was very good at both, noticeably an improvement on hughton especially at home, but he's starting not to be and more worryingly he's not showing signs he knows how to change it (similar to what happened at west ham for him tbh)


i think most want him to succeed, he's a likeable enough fella


I really cannot see "most want him to succeed". i can only see comments thathe is tactically inept and is a bastard for his disgraceful treatment towarda HBA. A normal manager should get a better result now and result like Wolves should never happen at the first place.


May be you didnt mean that, but take a look at the posts here and other threads, i cannot see "a majority of ppl want him to succeed"


You're posting on an nufc fans forum, doesn't it go without saying that the majority of people want him to succeed?  :lol:

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Guest neesy111

What i feel is ppl want his head whenever the next chance available.


completely disagree with this, given the circumstances surrounding his appointment he's done a great job of getting people on his side overall but he very clearly needs to adapt (or die) to what's happening around him


teams like us need to beat teams like wolves at home and get results away where we can, that's the long and the short of it...since pardew came in he was very good at both, noticeably an improvement on hughton especially at home, but he's starting not to be and more worryingly he's not showing signs he knows how to change it (similar to what happened at west ham for him tbh)


i think most want him to succeed, he's a likeable enough fella


I really cannot see "most want him to succeed". i can only see comments thathe is tactically inept and is a bastard for his disgraceful treatment towarda HBA. A normal manager should get a better result now and result like Wolves should never happen at the first place.


May be you didnt mean that, but take a look at the posts here and other threads, i cannot see "a majority of ppl want him to succeed"


You're posting on an nufc fans forum, doesn't it go without saying that the majority of people want him to succeed?  :lol:


People want NUFC to succeed and if we do then he'll be successful.  Most people are just being realists in that from their own knowledge they can see things in the football we are playing which are papering over many cracks.

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What i feel is ppl want his head whenever the next chance available.


completely disagree with this, given the circumstances surrounding his appointment he's done a great job of getting people on his side overall but he very clearly needs to adapt (or die) to what's happening around him


teams like us need to beat teams like wolves at home and get results away where we can, that's the long and the short of it...since pardew came in he was very good at both, noticeably an improvement on hughton especially at home, but he's starting not to be and more worryingly he's not showing signs he knows how to change it (similar to what happened at west ham for him tbh)


i think most want him to succeed, he's a likeable enough fella


I really cannot see "most want him to succeed". i can only see comments thathe is tactically inept and is a bastard for his disgraceful treatment towarda HBA. A normal manager should get a better result now and result like Wolves should never happen at the first place.


May be you didnt mean that, but take a look at the posts here and other threads, i cannot see "a majority of ppl want him to succeed"


well aye, presently he is showing signs of ineptitude both tactically and in his team selection...pointing this out does not mean people want him to fail, we want him to recognise the fucking obvious so we finish the season strongly, get in europe and build the squad up for next season


as regards hba i've seen little as rabid as you describe, most of the stuff i've read is again people expressing their disbelief that a talented player such as him is getting so little game time at the expense of less talented players...again it's usually pretty well thought out stuff as opposed to "ZOMFG PARDZ HATZ WOR HATEM HE'S A CUNT" type shit


so again, pointing out where a manager is going wrong does not equal wanting him to fail...

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Calling for Pardew to be replaced :facepalm:


Absolute madness, statements like that is why as supporters we get the unfair 'over expectant' reputation we do. Yes, fair enough, we're not playing cvarpet football right now, but did anyone ever expect us to for the entire season? At the end of the day, we're it's results that count and we're sat 6th ffs. Did anyone seriously expect that?


I'm as apprehensive as ther next guy as to what the future holds for Pardew and this lot but calls for him to be replaced? Aye, righto. 


Where was this?


Dave - you do this every time. You know as well as everyone else that there a number of posters who have suggested that Pardew should be replaced at the end of the season or be 'upgraded' or only given a bit longer to ptove himself. I don't think it is a massive leap for to generalise this as 'wanting Pardew replaced'. It is riddiculously pedantic to keep poiinting out that not everyone is saying sack Pardew now.


Unless I missed it (hence me asking), not one person is saying sack Pardew now. Pointing that out is not pedantry when it's being used as an argument. As it happens only one or two people are even saying we could look to upgrade on him at the end of the season. It's a gross simplification to just say 'people want Pardew out even though we're 6th :facepalm:'.


Some have had reservations for ages now, including when we have won matches, so this isn't a kneejerk reaction to a poor result - another oft-claimed fallacy. It's up to Pardew to prove those reservations incorrect.


I just don't see why it's worthy of a facepalm for some to question whether or not we can do better. It happens all the time with the players, and they've got us to 6th as well. Nobody seems to give a fuck about that. Personally I would stick with Pardew and 'the project', and have posted so many times.

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Guest neesy111

I would say it's fair that the league table at this point in the season is a fair reflection of where a club should be. We've played nearly 2/3 of the games. Therefore we've earned our position on merit.


You can only make conclusions at the end of the season.  Villa did what we are doing this season between 2007-2010 and they collapsed during the last 1/3 of the season.


Don't think we will collapse though but a win on Sunday will reignite our quest for a european place.

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Guest Dontooner

Actually trying to play good football, don't necessarily deliver you results, but getting it closer to the finish article of playing football will give you alot more control and possession to affect the outcome. Pretty sure someone has bought this up already, the question is can Pardew transform us into such a team.


Or can he continue our success without transforming us into such a team? Because if he can his job will be safe for a long time.

Mate this will not happen, not one team in League football globally can acheive this, you need to play and dominate to win consistently, very native to think this.

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Guest firetotheworks

I might be reading into things too much, but there seems to be far too much talk of hoping and getting lucky from him. That seemed to be his main topic on MOTD 2

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Guest Dontooner

I dislike how Pardew sets up the team to play negative football when we have the players to play much more positively but in any case if he could change this around and still acheive results. I will get on his wagon.

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