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Alan Pardew


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It's obvious he has very little confidence in the defence as a whole. Can't say I blame him too much.


Why we putting so much pressure on it by sitting back and trying to defend leads then?  Might have worked with Saylor in the team, not so much now.

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I can't criticize the way Pardew set our team out today, other than a 5 minute spell in the first half where we resorted to long balls.  We have limited footballers who shackle our ability to play a pressing passing game the way the top 6 do.  Pardew is getting the best out of this squad in terms of league position.

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Very much safety first attitude from Pardew, which explains our loss of form since the turn of the year and downturn in performances as a result, Very much going to be a limp towards the end of the season, with results being ground out. Will it be enough for Euro Cup qualification? Who knows.

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That is for TT, sorry both. Name a manager.


Like I said hard. Whatever name I give you there will be a problem with it.


Dragan Stojkovic.


That's a good shout, my only concerns are his language and his understanding towards the physical aspects of EPL.


But then would people here accept him now?  Probably no.  Given our current status people would want "established and proven" managers instead of betting on those "unknowns".  Which means we could end up managers like Hodgson.


There's never going to be the perfect manager, there will always be faults somewhere, and i agree with Cajun about being wary of one season wonder mangers as well, even though Rodgers does look a bit special, it could easily fall flat very quickly for him. That was the most outside the box I could muster mind  :lol: though I'm not trying to say I'm on the money with my choice, in fact it changes weekly, but what I do know is this squad will fall apart, never reach it's potential and be attacked by vultures if we stick with a manager who has shown over a lengthy period he's not willing to learn, at all.


It's for the same reason Hughton went and I was understanding With that decision due to him as well not developing fast enough, the board reckoned they needed more experience and went for their choice, but over a year on it's quite obvious moments of quality from players are carrying the club and it's not down to the managers choice or tactics, we all knew at some point we'd outgrow the manager, none of us thought we'd get these kind of players in soon after relegation, maybe it's time to upgrade another part of the team, were in a good position to do so. Harsh, but there's no loyalty in football, as we all know.


End of the season will do me, I really dp think well hang on one more year too long, lose one or two key players and lose the momentum, and by that time won't be able to attract a good a manager as we could this year.


Aye. Was gonna post a reaction to todays game but why bother, it would just read like a reaction to 75% of the games this season with the caveat of we played well for 15 minutes and actually looked to pass it, which was a nice surprise and credit to him.


You lot defending Pardew in spite of these performances are gonna be mentally worn out next season, been saying it for months now, if we improve the squad and he doesnt improve his mind set he's gonna hold us back every single week.

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Said it the other day but I think Pardew is just desperate to keep us where we are and is just too scared to change anything to radically from the start of the season which has ended up being counter productive.


Looking towards next season and beyond, I don't see why he doesn't try a radical overhaul, surely he's the only manager in the PL who won't be sacked barring a relegation? (even then, who knows?)


But we have changed how we play over the course of this season. In fact we've largely went direct since it worked against Man United, before that we got the ball down a bit more.

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Said it the other day but I think Pardew is just desperate to keep us where we are and is just too scared to change anything to radically from the start of the season which has ended up being counter productive.


Looking towards next season and beyond, I don't see why he doesn't try a radical overhaul, surely he's the only manager in the PL who won't be sacked barring a relegation? (even then, who knows?)


But we have changed how we play over the course of this season. In fact we've largely went direct since it worked against Man United, before that we got the ball down a bit more.


Well, yeah, don't think we were playing great before Man U though tbh.  What I meant was that he doesn't seem to want to experiment with anything different and still is desperate to stick with the likes of Raylor who were in the team at the start of the season. 

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Still really pleased with how he's doing tbh.


6th place and 47 points with 9 to play have exceeded all my expectations by a distance. Some performances haven't been great but there isn't a team in the league that can't say the same.

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We were playing positive football at times before Taylor got injured.


we were indeed, I dunno though man, everything about Pardew just screams too negative to me. I don't think he's a winner, no killer instinct, far too afraid to take us where I think we can go with players like these (minus the obvious weak links who will be upgraded).

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Agreed largely with Chizzletooth's earlier post, but cba to go back to find it.


As a standalone game, I was quite pleased with today in some respects. Perhaps most edifying was that we started well - which we very rarely have done this season, even in most of our early-season wins we've had a couple of let-offs before we've got going. It also suggests that Pardew sent them out just before kick-off with instructions to play as impressively as they initially did.


Thought we controlled the play, moved the ball about nicely - yes, even from the back! The goal was deserved. Cisse looked dangerous with his movement and predatory style until he made way later on the game for Wor Shola. Thought everyone looked pretty good at that point.


Poor Williamson had more time on the ball than at any time since his return from injury, finding his feet and looking more recognisable as the dependable if not spectacular defender we knew. Then he made a bit of a rick, they blazed over - and everyone pretty much stopped passing it out the back dead in their tracks. This coincided with Norwich beginning to press higher up, and we didn't see the ball much on the ground thereafter.


On the rare occasions where we did get a chance to get our foot on the ball and establish calm on the game, our central midfielders were too deep. Not a sparkling performance from either, but I grew increasingly irritated by Guthrie's lazy direct passes to the frontmen which gave away possession really quickly when we had opportunities to break or at least have them camped inside their area for a bit.


As I said earlier in the match thread, nothing against forward passes per se - even direct ones. Guthrie has, on occasion, shown the ability to pick out a decent mid-to-long range pass... but he does it so often, now. Part of me suspects it's because he doesn't have the energy to play a simpler pass, and then run on to receive a return ball, and maybe do that a couple of other times to advance up the pitch. Not sure how injured Guthrie was at the end - just think he was too tired to continue.


Jonas was brilliant, but tasked with too much first half in particular seemingly covering the whole flank at times. Things didn't come off for HBA today, but he still looked okay. With the talent he has, I can understand if people thought he had a poor game, because by his potential standards it was poor. Myself, I thought it was average. Hope he isn't penalised by being dropped to the bench or owt.


Well done to Perch too. He has won so many people over by working hard and being a utility man this past month or so. He's surpassed many people's very low expectations of him - and on a pitch with HBA, Cabaye, Ba, Krul, Colo, Cisse etc - he was a justified contender for MOTM. Who would've thought that possible in November?


Seems to be a little bit of a lesson to be learnt from Perch's story. I'll readily admit Williamson was poor today, and has been worse lately - but the way the crowd got on his back was terrible IMO. He has played poorly, but he isn't a poor player. He's shown, for long stretches of time, he can be a very useful addition to our squad - and it'll be less of a surprise when he shows that value again in the future, than how Perch has today!


Going OTT groaning on his first mistake of the day helps no one IMO. Really hope he can stick this out, and continue to grow/regain his confidence. Clean sheet will do him a world of good, even if it was a shaky capture. Along with the whole team. He was doing it, passing it normally for 20 odd minutes today, they all were. Just need to go out next game and do it again. Pass the ball around. Maybe we'll make it to 40-45 minutes before we start going long next game :lol: Sixty-seventy the week after that. :dontknow:


So, disappointed - but as a standalone game, I'm quite encouraged in a way too. We fashioned some good chances and could have been out of sight with a bit more sharpness up top in the final third. Without Tiote, we were much easier to play through second half, and we expended a lot of our energy in the first half hour - so not a great ending. Shola was fantastic too.



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We were playing positive football at times before Taylor got injured.


we were indeed, I dunno though man, everything about Pardew just screams too negative to me. I don't think he's a winner, no killer instinct, far too afraid to take us where I think we can go with players like these (minus the obvious weak links who will be upgraded).


Truthfully, I think we overachieved massively in the first half of the season and certain players are overrated on here as a consequence.


47 points from 29 games is a superb return with that squad. I've no doubt we'll make further progress with Pardew if we invest a decent amount (by our standards) in the summer.

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Truthfully, I think we overachieved massively in the first half of the season and certain players are overrated on here as a consequence.


47 points from 29 games is a superb return with that squad. I've no doubt we'll make further progress with Pardew if we invest a decent amount (by our standards) in the summer.


Agree with the top, disagree with the second. We'll need to spend money to stand still  (if we finish top 7)

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Truthfully, I think we overachieved massively in the first half of the season and certain players are overrated on here as a consequence.


47 points from 29 games is a superb return with that squad. I've no doubt we'll make further progress with Pardew if we invest a decent amount (by our standards) in the summer.


Agree with the top, disagree with the second. We'll need to spend money to stand still  (if we finish top 7)


You always do in this league tbh. Look at Liverpool. :lol:

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Guest neesy111

Who's over rated? Cabaye?


I can't think of anyone else apart from Tiote and I reckon he's easily a top 6 midfielder.




The guy is nothing special, teams are just closing him down much more than start of the season and he can't cope with it.

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I'll readily admit Williamson was poor today, and has been worse lately - but the way the crowd got on his back was terrible IMO.


I'd be interested to hear the views of supporters of other clubs but I reckon we're in with a good shout of having the most unknowledgeable supporters in the country. 95% of the comments I hear at the match are inter-galactically stupid.

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Who's over rated? Cabaye?


I can't think of anyone else apart from Tiote and I reckon he's easily a top 6 midfielder.




The guy is nothing special, teams are just closing him down much more than start of the season and he can't cope with it.


eh? you're over rated?  :lol:

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I'll readily admit Williamson was poor today, and has been worse lately - but the way the crowd got on his back was terrible IMO.


I'd be interested to hear the views of supporters of other clubs but I reckon we're in with a good shout of having the most unknowledgeable supporters in the country. 95% of the comments I hear at the match are inter-galactically stupid.


Aye, its depressing.  We're not allowed to pass it backwards, have to cross it at the first opportunity and generally aren't allowed to play football in our own half.

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Guest neesy111

I'll readily admit Williamson was poor today, and has been worse lately - but the way the crowd got on his back was terrible IMO.


I'd be interested to hear the views of supporters of other clubs but I reckon we're in with a good shout of having the most unknowledgeable supporters in the country. 95% of the comments I hear at the match are inter-galactically stupid.


Aye, its depressing.  We're not allowed to pass it backwards, have to cross it at the first opportunity and generally aren't allowed to play football in our own half.


I had a right whinge when people were complaining about playing it in our own half, Williamson promptly booted up to their keeper and I just shouted "that's fantastic football isn't it".

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I'll readily admit Williamson was poor today, and has been worse lately - but the way the crowd got on his back was terrible IMO.


I'd be interested to hear the views of supporters of other clubs but I reckon we're in with a good shout of having the most unknowledgeable supporters in the country. 95% of the comments I hear at the match are inter-galactically stupid.


:lol: :lol:

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