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Alan Pardew


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In a much worse state? Really? We may have had better players, but we were at the bottom end of the table with morale at its lowest.


We'd also finished 13th twice in the league and looked in danger of going down.


Yup. There was real concern under Dalglish that we could have went down.


Not sure about that like. We'd just signed the likes of Hamann & Solano, and got a very good draw at Chelsea. Think we'd have just become mid-table also-rans for many years to come though.

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In a much worse state? Really? We may have had better players, but we were at the bottom end of the table with morale at its lowest.


We'd also finished 13th twice in the league and looked in danger of going down.


Yup. There was real concern under Dalglish that we could have went down.


Not sure about that like. We'd just signed the likes of Hamann & Solano, and got a very good draw at Chelsea. Think we'd have just become mid-table also-rans for many years to come.


I was talking about the 97/98 season.

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He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


I don't understand you in this thread, Jon. :lol: Who you annoyed with?  Just call them out because posts like that are getting annoying.


I do think Ben Arfa should have had more time on the pitch this season but am glad we're seeing the best of him now.  Goalscoring record's looking very decent as well.  Looks like we need to ensure Ba, Cisse and HBA are on the pitch and furthest forward and not hoof the ball and we'll cause any team problems.  If Pardew understands that then fantastic, today was immensely encouraging and I'd love to see us push on.


Cajun is like an annoying little girl "but sir, but sir", honestly man :lol:


He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


Dear me.


At the end of the day Pardew has been beaten with a stick every single time he hasn't played Ben Arfa/subbed Ben Arfa/ commented on Ben Arfa so I along with some others are not expecting any real credit for how he has treated the lad. I just fully expect comments about how the lad should have been played earlier and how it was obvious (and as simple as) playing him instead of Obertan or Raylor would have better.



He doesn't deserve any credit for how he's treated him because he treated him badly, fantastic performances in the position Pardew tried to tell us Ben Arfa 'doesn't have the relish for' doesn't change that.

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Some of the gloating in here is pathetic.  :lol:


Nobody wants us to play poor football, nobody wants Pardew to fail because if he does, we all do.


Some people think we've been playing some negative shit while getting results and I think most who do think we've played some negative shit thought that the current players were capable of better, today we've shown that they are.  Maybe the wrong people are the ones who are actually gloating, just a thought.


Some people were suggesting Pardew is not the kind of manager to play 3 up top away from home, keep the ball on the deck and play attractive football, and would only take us down the road of defensive 'hoofball', despite never suggesting the merits of it, and his often passionate admiration of teams that play good football.


Is that not fair to say?


Let's hope that this game eases their concerns a little.

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He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


I don't understand you in this thread, Jon. :lol: Who you annoyed with?  Just call them out because posts like that are getting annoying.


I do think Ben Arfa should have had more time on the pitch this season but am glad we're seeing the best of him now.  Goalscoring record's looking very decent as well.  Looks like we need to ensure Ba, Cisse and HBA are on the pitch and furthest forward and not hoof the ball and we'll cause any team problems.  If Pardew understands that then fantastic, today was immensely encouraging and I'd love to see us push on.


Cajun is like an annoying little girl "but sir, but sir", honestly man :lol:


He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


Dear me.


At the end of the day Pardew has been beaten with a stick every single time he hasn't played Ben Arfa/subbed Ben Arfa/ commented on Ben Arfa so I along with some others are not expecting any real credit for how he has treated the lad. I just fully expect comments about how the lad should have been played earlier and how it was obvious (and as simple as) playing him instead of Obertan or Raylor would have better.



He doesn't deserve any credit for how he's treated him because he treated him badly, fantastic performances in the position Pardew tried to tell us Ben Arfa 'doesn't have the relish for' doesn't change that.


I think today showed it was right to say Ben Arfa hadn't been at his best and it had been right for people to be saying he could be playing better.


Whether this is the start of Ben Arfa's turnaround is too early to say, it is only one game and a lovely sunny afternoon.

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Only small gripe is Pardew stating Colo's out for 2 or three games. Should have kept it under his hat. LFC will be working all week on destroying Willo and Perch.

The folly of not even getting someone in on loan in January is about to bite us squarely on the arse.

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Whether this is the start of Ben Arfa's turnaround is too early to say, it is only one game and a lovely sunny afternoon.


His turnaround was 2nd half in the derby imo, looked like the HBA before the leg break

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Only small gripe is Pardew stating Colo's out for 2 or three games. Should have kept it under his hat. LFC will be working all week on destroying Willo and Perch.

The folly of not even getting someone in on loan in January is about to bite us squarely on the arse.


Maybe he's lying.

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Some people were suggesting Pardew is not the kind of manager to play 3 up top away from home, keep the ball on the deck and play attractive football, and would only take us down the road of defensive 'hoofball', despite never suggesting the merits of it, and his often passionate admiration of teams that play good football.


Is that not fair to say?


Let's hope that this game eases their concerns a little.




He's gone all out for the result today, like he said he would.  I hope that's the way we play from now on and I'll give him massive credit if he does use that as a benchmark.


What you've said is fairly accurate, it also reflects the way that we've been playing.

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He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


I don't understand you in this thread, Jon. :lol: Who you annoyed with?  Just call them out because posts like that are getting annoying.


I do think Ben Arfa should have had more time on the pitch this season but am glad we're seeing the best of him now.  Goalscoring record's looking very decent as well.  Looks like we need to ensure Ba, Cisse and HBA are on the pitch and furthest forward and not hoof the ball and we'll cause any team problems.  If Pardew understands that then fantastic, today was immensely encouraging and I'd love to see us push on.


Cajun is like an annoying little girl "but sir, but sir", honestly man :lol:


He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


Dear me.


At the end of the day Pardew has been beaten with a stick every single time he hasn't played Ben Arfa/subbed Ben Arfa/ commented on Ben Arfa so I along with some others are not expecting any real credit for how he has treated the lad. I just fully expect comments about how the lad should have been played earlier and how it was obvious (and as simple as) playing him instead of Obertan or Raylor would have better.



He doesn't deserve any credit for how he's treated him because he treated him badly, fantastic performances in the position Pardew tried to tell us Ben Arfa 'doesn't have the relish for' doesn't change that.


Sorry but I disagree and the notoriously difficult Hatem Ben Arfa doesn't seem adverse to Pardew's treatment of him either. The only aggrieved party seems to be the fans that know better than the player and coaching/management.

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Some of the gloating in here is pathetic.  :lol:


Nobody wants us to play poor football, nobody wants Pardew to fail because if he does, we all do.


Some people think we've been playing some negative s*** while getting results and I think most who do think we've played some negative s*** thought that the current players were capable of better, today we've shown that they are.  Maybe the wrong people are the ones who are actually gloating, just a thought.


It's all about the bigger picture and getting bogged down in semantics and throwing dirt at the manager because of a few poor performances is really annoying and childish and something which we criticise others for.



A holistic approach...something we have needed for years....


I'd wager the majority of us want it, but it doesn't stop this bizarre need for absolute perfection all of the time that some seem to expect, or stop them from spitting the dummy when it doesn't happen. Think the holistic approach left football for good when the big money came in, fans want success now and aren't prepared to wait.

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He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Ben arfa has played nowhere near the standard he was today, bar a excellent performance V everton pre injury! I have wanted Ben arfa to play all season but this for ages But I dnt believe he wudv been near this standard earlier in the season and this is what we need goin forward not some show pony who scored a wonder goal 2/3 times a season! This is a player who if keeps working hard could have a huge influence for us over next few years and drive us on


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling c*** Pardew played him earlier.


I don't understand you in this thread, Jon. :lol: Who you annoyed with?  Just call them out because posts like that are getting annoying.


I do think Ben Arfa should have had more time on the pitch this season but am glad we're seeing the best of him now.  Goalscoring record's looking very decent as well.  Looks like we need to ensure Ba, Cisse and HBA are on the pitch and furthest forward and not hoof the ball and we'll cause any team problems.  If Pardew understands that then fantastic, today was immensely encouraging and I'd love to see us push on.


Cajun is like an annoying little girl "but sir, but sir", honestly man :lol:


He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling c*** Pardew played him earlier.


Dear me.


At the end of the day Pardew has been beaten with a stick every single time he hasn't played Ben Arfa/subbed Ben Arfa/ commented on Ben Arfa so I along with some others are not expecting any real credit for how he has treated the lad. I just fully expect comments about how the lad should have been played earlier and how it was obvious (and as simple as) playing him instead of Obertan or Raylor would have better.



He doesn't deserve any credit for how he's treated him because he treated him badly, fantastic performances in the position Pardew tried to tell us Ben Arfa 'doesn't have the relish for' doesn't change that.

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He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


I don't understand you in this thread, Jon. :lol: Who you annoyed with?  Just call them out because posts like that are getting annoying.


I do think Ben Arfa should have had more time on the pitch this season but am glad we're seeing the best of him now.  Goalscoring record's looking very decent as well.  Looks like we need to ensure Ba, Cisse and HBA are on the pitch and furthest forward and not hoof the ball and we'll cause any team problems.  If Pardew understands that then fantastic, today was immensely encouraging and I'd love to see us push on.


Cajun is like an annoying little girl "but sir, but sir", honestly man :lol:


He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


Dear me.


At the end of the day Pardew has been beaten with a stick every single time he hasn't played Ben Arfa/subbed Ben Arfa/ commented on Ben Arfa so I along with some others are not expecting any real credit for how he has treated the lad. I just fully expect comments about how the lad should have been played earlier and how it was obvious (and as simple as) playing him instead of Obertan or Raylor would have better.



He doesn't deserve any credit for how he's treated him because he treated him badly, fantastic performances in the position Pardew tried to tell us Ben Arfa 'doesn't have the relish for' doesn't change that.


Sorry but I disagree and the notoriously difficult Hatem Ben Arfa doesn't seem adverse to Pardew's treatment of him either. The only aggrieved party seems to be the fans that know better than the player and coaching/management.


We'll have to agree to disagree.

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Some of the gloating in here is pathetic.  :lol:


Nobody wants us to play poor football, nobody wants Pardew to fail because if he does, we all do.


Some people think we've been playing some negative s*** while getting results and I think most who do think we've played some negative s*** thought that the current players were capable of better, today we've shown that they are.  Maybe the wrong people are the ones who are actually gloating, just a thought.


It's all about the bigger picture and getting bogged down in semantics and throwing dirt at the manager because of a few poor performances is really annoying and childish and something which we criticise others for.



A holistic approach...something we have needed for years....


I'd wager the majority of us want it, but it doesn't stop this bizarre need for absolute perfection all of the time that some seem to expect, or stop them from spitting the dummy when it doesn't happen. Think the holistic approach left football for good when the big money came in, fans want success now and aren't prepared to wait.


Completely agree, and again in regards to the introduction of 'big money' to the English game.


Surprisingly it would appear that MA's approach is, in fact, a holistic one



But shhhh...don't tell the other clubs






Also the absolute perfection bit....it's just football I guess...frustrating as hell though

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He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


I don't understand you in this thread, Jon. :lol: Who you annoyed with?  Just call them out because posts like that are getting annoying.


I do think Ben Arfa should have had more time on the pitch this season but am glad we're seeing the best of him now.  Goalscoring record's looking very decent as well.  Looks like we need to ensure Ba, Cisse and HBA are on the pitch and furthest forward and not hoof the ball and we'll cause any team problems.  If Pardew understands that then fantastic, today was immensely encouraging and I'd love to see us push on.


Cajun is like an annoying little girl "but sir, but sir", honestly man :lol:


He's got a good knack of getting the best out of pretty average players. Raylor, Guthrie and Perch have all improved under him.


Not just average players, Ben Arfa is a far more effective player too.


Not that Pardew will be given any credit mind.


We would be winning the league by now if that bottling cunt Pardew played him earlier.


Dear me.


At the end of the day Pardew has been beaten with a stick every single time he hasn't played Ben Arfa/subbed Ben Arfa/ commented on Ben Arfa so I along with some others are not expecting any real credit for how he has treated the lad. I just fully expect comments about how the lad should have been played earlier and how it was obvious (and as simple as) playing him instead of Obertan or Raylor would have better.



He doesn't deserve any credit for how he's treated him because he treated him badly, fantastic performances in the position Pardew tried to tell us Ben Arfa 'doesn't have the relish for' doesn't change that.


Sorry but I disagree and the notoriously difficult Hatem Ben Arfa doesn't seem adverse to Pardew's treatment of him either. The only aggrieved party seems to be the fans that know better than the player and coaching/management.


We'll have to agree to disagree.


Find me something from Ben Arfa to show he is unhappy with his treatment, let's be honest he isn't backwards in coming forwards, his whole signing for us was from a very public falling falling out with his club, the same thing that happened when he signed for Marseille from Lyon, then I will be very happy to say I am completely wrong.

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Not a peep from HBA about this supposed bad treatment by the way.


Which counts for nothing, he should've played more, how anyone can argue otherwise considering the alternatives is quite staggering. You do remember the many many weeks when Pardew flat out refused to play him on the wing don't you? Do you remember Gabriel Obertan?


Pardew's done a good job but he got this particular decision wrong for months imo, he deserves no credit at all for keeping Ben Arfa out of the team for so long.

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Not a peep from HBA about this supposed bad treatment by the way.


Which counts for nothing, he should've played more, how anyone can argue otherwise considering the alternatives is quite staggering. You do remember the many many weeks when Pardew flat out refused to play him on the wing don't you? Do you remember Gabriel Obertan?


Pardew's done a good job but he got this particular decision wrong for months imo, he deserves no credit at all for keeping Ben Arfa out of the team for so long.


How about Ben Arfa wasn't ready mentally. As you well know he recently admitted that he has only just returned to enjoying football...or something to that extent.


That's a damn viable alternative tbf

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Who are those wanting perfection?


I wouldn't say people want perfection but expectations are constantly changing and getting to an unreasonable point.


At the start of the season 99% would have cut their balls off to be in this position no matter what, now we are in this position quite a few aren't happy with the style of football. Seen quite a few comments about getting a replacement in, even a manager who was behind us when he was sacked despite having a multi million (well into the hundreds of millions) pound squad and spending £60m in the summer.

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Guest ToonZA

Who are those wanting perfection?


I wouldn't say people want perfection but expectations are constantly changing and getting to an unreasonable point.


At the start of the season 99% would have cut their balls off to be in this position no matter what, now we are in this position quite a few aren't happy with the style of football. Seen quite a few comments about getting a replacement in, even a manager who was behind us when he was sacked despite having a multi million (well into the hundreds of millions) pound squad and spending £60m in the summer.


I for one raised my concerns about the "style of football". Yes, it was not pleasing on the eye; but always more importantly - and what people seem to forget when reffering to "style of football" or "good football" - we were not utilising our playing resources effectively and efficiently. This is/was the crux of my issue with Pardew. It was no use having players with specific strengths on your books (and the intention of recruiting similar types in future), yet implement a style that does not play to their strengths.


Today we saw what can be acheived by developing and executing a game plan based on the strengths of our team. So I will give Pardew credit for that and hope that it continues.


But really let us all enjoy the victory. As unexpected as it seemed, we won and did so with some style.

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