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Alan Pardew


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Pards sometimes says the odd thing that grates on me, things like 'Mike has put a lot of money in' or 'We cant do anything if someone bids big for one of our players' - the odd comment. But overall, when I read his interviews, he really seems to be growing into this job and I cant help but be impressed by him. Reading his interview in the Sunday Sun this morning and talking about complacency and keeping things fresh, really gets me up for the new season.


I honestly think Pards could be here for a good few years which would be pretty remarkable considering our usual manager turnover ratio.

Keep it up Pards lad.


I was talking about this last night, feels good but a bit strange that i can't really see Newcastle without Pards lol really does feel like he's here for the long haul and long may it continue.

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Question for the forum on Pardew. I'm a bit divided on this issue myself, so interesting to hear what others think.


With Pardew, many members on here were raging about his appointment because of several reasons. One of the most annoying being the things we were told by GolfMag about two months before his appointment (around beating the mackems 5-1 if I remember correctly).


That information clearly suggests Pardew sort of back-stabbed his colleague Chris Hughton and was completley aware of what was going on before his appointment. He then clearly lied in the interviews when asked about how much he knew beforehand.


Many of us, me included, swore never to accept him because of this. It's not how football should work and it was nothing short of discgraceful with regards to Hughton.


Anyway, with last seasons results taken in to the equation and the current running of the club, what are peoples' personal feelings towards Pardew?


I somehow still struggle to accept his character because of what happened, but I'm still glad he's our manager considering the fantastic job he seems to be doing. He seems to learn from his mistakes and he's also learnt how to communicate with the fans in a more sensible way than his initial failings (the Carroll saga etc.)

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Pards sometimes says the odd thing that grates on me, things like 'Mike has put a lot of money in' or 'We cant do anything if someone bids big for one of our players' - the odd comment. But overall, when I read his interviews, he really seems to be growing into this job and I cant help but be impressed by him. Reading his interview in the Sunday Sun this morning and talking about complacency and keeping things fresh, really gets me up for the new season.


I honestly think Pards could be here for a good few years which would be pretty remarkable considering our usual manager turnover ratio.


Keep it up Pards lad.


Agree with most of that but as ever, any manager (aside from Ferguson) is only 5-10 bad results away from the sack so I think it's unlikely. Us finishing 5th and showcasing the talents at the club only increases the pressure on him to deliver. Just the way it is.

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Pards sometimes says the odd thing that grates on me, things like 'Mike has put a lot of money in' or 'We cant do anything if someone bids big for one of our players' - the odd comment. But overall, when I read his interviews, he really seems to be growing into this job and I cant help but be impressed by him. Reading his interview in the Sunday Sun this morning and talking about complacency and keeping things fresh, really gets me up for the new season.


I honestly think Pards could be here for a good few years which would be pretty remarkable considering our usual manager turnover ratio.

Keep it up Pards lad.


I was talking about this last night, feels good but a bit strange that i can't really see Newcastle without Pards lol really does feel like he's here for the long haul and long may it continue.


Feels great. Stability for the first time since SBR. We keep hearing him and Carver and a couple of the players even talking about 'a new style of play' which you must assume is keeping the ball better - which is promising. He seems to add little thins every break/pre season to help us progress. We'll have rough patches again no doubt this season, but we have to make sure we dont get on his back. There was a period last season around the Brighton game where a couple were calling for his head which I know people have since held their hands up.


If everyone at the club including the fans keep with the plan, the future is surely bright.

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Question for the forum on Pardew. I'm a bit divided on this issue myself, so interesting to hear what others think.


With Pardew, many members on here were raging about his appointment because of several reasons. One of the most annoying being the things we were told by GolfMag about two months before his appointment (around beating the mackems 5-1 if I remember correctly).


That information clearly suggests Pardew sort of back-stabbed his colleague Chris Hughton and was completley aware of what was going on before his appointment. He then clearly lied in the interviews when asked about how much he knew beforehand.


Many of us, me included, swore never to accept him because of this. It's not how football should work and it was nothing short of discgraceful with regards to Hughton.


Anyway, with last seasons results taken in to the equation and the current running of the club, what are peoples' personal feelings towards Pardew?


I somehow still struggle to accept his character because of what happened, but I'm still glad he's our manager considering the fantastic job he seems to be doing. He seems to learn from his mistakes and he's also learnt how to communicate with the fans in a more sensible way than his initial failings (the Carroll saga etc.)


I think the "backstabbing" is a common thing in football, or in all walks of life actually. Plenty of companies look for replacements for employees well before they sack the current one. It's just how it works.


I think the bad feeling towards this was built up more because everyone loved Hughton, and it seemed unnecessary at the time.


Yip, nail on the head. I was raging at the time, but its a results industry and he got them.

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You can flip it on its head (just look at Wolves last season or us for any previous appointment) when a manager is sacked and the chase for his replacement goes on in public, it looks horrible and amateurish.


Its very likely that Pards has a confidentiality clause in his contract preventing him from saying anything about the talks going on before CH was sacked, so I have no feelings either way on this.

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Guest BooBoo

"Backstabbing." :lol:


Welcome to the adult world of employment. There's no indication that Pardew and Hughton were close at anytime, why should Pards have shown any loyalty to Chris?


He was offered a job, the biggest one of his career. There's no reason why he shouldn't have took it.

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"Backstabbing." :lol:


Welcome to the adult world of employment. There's no indication that Pardew and Hughton were close at anytime, why should Pards have shown any loyalty to Chris?


He was offered a job, the biggest one of his career. There's no reason why he shouldn't have took it.



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"Backstabbing." :lol:


Welcome to the adult world of employment. There's no indication that Pardew and Hughton were close at anytime, why should Pards have shown any loyalty to Chris?


He was offered a job, the biggest one of his career. There's no reason why he shouldn't have took it.


Out of respect for his colleague who was doing a good job?


I think there is another element to it as well as he was not in a position to get a job like Newcastle judging on his previous record. The fact that he was Llambias's and Ashley's mate made things worse for me.


I'm still not arguing he shouldn't be here and I completley agree that managers being tapped up is something that clubs are right to do at times. Just saying this case was a bit different as Hughton - going up in his career - was replaced by Pardew who has just left a League One club. It was on the cards for months as well, even when Hughton was doing well.

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Guest BooBoo

All this "he only got the job because he was casino buddies with Mike and Del" is another piece of tiresome tosh that gets trotted out.

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All this "he only got the job because he was casino buddies with Mike and Del" is another piece of tiresome tosh that gets trotted out.


The one where he'd ran up debts at the casino and took the job to pay them off was class :lol: :lol:

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I must admit I do worry about this season.


I don't think we'll finish 5th or above and with increased expectation I think this could hurt Pardew if we finish say below 9th which I do think is a possibility. I think certain fans would be out to get him if this were to happen...

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Guest BooBoo

Top 8 and a decent European run and people should be satisfied.


It will be very tough to finish top 5 again with such added strains on the squad. We were relatively lucky with injuries last year which may well balance out this season.

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Oh yeah, its only a matter of time till Pardew is doubted a lot again on here. The 4-4-2 scenario is already well set up to be useable if not everything clicks, the 4-3-3 has set very high expectations & pards will get flack if we dont match it regardless.

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Guest bimpy474

"Backstabbing." :lol:


Welcome to the adult world of employment. There's no indication that Pardew and Hughton were close at anytime, why should Pards have shown any loyalty to Chris?


He was offered a job, the biggest one of his career. There's no reason why he shouldn't have took it.


Thats life itself, even families do it to each other over money/love/ambition. One of lifes real unpleasantries. Sadly.

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There's part of me that still doesn't fully trust Pardew, mostly based on his past jobs and a few things that he's said or done here. The chances of it all falling apart like it has for him previously are much less as he has a better first 11 than most teams in the league and that alone should guarantee a top 8 finish. Anything above that will earn him praise.


The biggest positive so far for him personally is whatever he has done to make SJP a very difficult place to come to, something which Hughton struggled with in the PL.

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One of the best things Pards has done since arriving is edge each member of the squad to further progress, regaining there confidence and improving them as a player in some ways. The ones that stand out notably i would say Perch, Shola, Williamson, Raylor, Guthrie. Not only them but the youngsters coming through having been improving vastly getting more and more game time the likes of Sammy, Vuckic, Abeid. Each player for me has looked like they are full of confidence and improved slightly as a footballer. And if there confidence has dipped due to poor form/injuries i can see Pardew still getting them back to their best (Marveaux, Obertan, Saylor).


All that for me is one of the most impressive things I’ve seen in Pards.

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One of the best things Pards has done since arriving is edge each member of the squad to further progress, regaining there confidence and improving them as a player in some ways. The ones that stand out notably i would say Perch, Shola, Williamson, Raylor, Guthrie. Not only them but the youngsters coming through having been improving vastly getting more and more game time the likes of Sammy, Vuckic, Abeid. Each player for me has looked like they are full of confidence and improved slightly as a footballer. And if there confidence has dipped due to poor form/injuries i can see Pardew still getting them back to their best (Marveaux, Obertan, Saylor).


All that for me is one of the most impressive things I’ve seen in Pards.


Aye. He's a great man manager, of that there is no doubt. Refreshing to be in a position whereby one keeps faith in some of the shite knowing that the manager stands a good chance of turning it around for them.

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The worry I have, is that 6-8th for us would be a good season, we have a group of 5-6 players who are way above that and could play at a higher level either here or abroad. It's a fine balancing act and will be interesting to see how Pardew deals with it.


Saying that though, he dealt with it well last year.

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